
世界知识产权日 The World Intellectual Property Day

Love English 2 2022-12-23

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4月26日是世界知识产权日,由世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization, 缩写WIPO)设立,其目的是促进各界树立尊重知识、崇尚科学,保护知识产权的意识,营造鼓励知识创新和保护知识产权的法律环境。

知识产权,英文为“intellectual property”,原意为“知识(财产)所有权”或者“智慧(财产)所有权”,也称为智力成果权,是指人们就其智力劳动成果所依法享有的专有权利,通常是国家赋予创造者对其智力成果在一定时期内享有的专有权或独占权。其本质上是一种无形财产权,它的客体是智力成果或者知识产品。知识产权属于民事权利,受国家法律保护。

Intellectual property is a term that refers to unique creations of the human mind that are subsequently recognized and protected by law, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, as well as symbols, names, images and designs used in commerce. It includes musical performances, films, fashion, advances in technology or medicine, and innovations on existing design in every field and genre. Simply put, intellectual property represents our genius.

Stealing intellectual property is no less of a crime than stealing someone's wallet or damaging their sale goods. Some consequences of intellectual property theft are obvious. If a patient is treated with counterfeit medication, his or her health could suffer, or they could die. Intellectual property theft deprives artists, inventors and innovators of their just compensation, and cheats purchasers of pirated goods, because the value of the purchase is less than advertised.

Some of the lesser known forms of intellectual property theft include appropriation of trade secrets and specialized know-how, usually through cyber theft; and compulsory transfer of technology from transnational companies to the government of a country on whose territory they wish to conduct business.

Still, one of the most serious consequences of intellectual property theft is that it stifles creativity and innovation. Why dedicate effort and resources to creation or innovation if one is not likely to reap commensurate rewards?

On April 26th, we observe World Intellectual Property Day to celebrate creativity, to acknowledge the contributions of creators, inventors and innovators to the development of societies across the globe, and to raise awareness of how patents, copyright and trademarks contribute to humanity's progress. This year's theme, Women in Innovation and Creativity, is designed to celebrate women's contributions to intellectual property.

The protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights helps ensure the world will continue to benefit from the time, resources, and brainpower invested in developing new technologies and improvement of existing ones; from the works of some or our most creative citizens, and from new brands and modes of production.

On this day, as we celebrate the human capacity to create, innovate and invent, we call on all our friends and partners to stiffen intellectual property laws where needed, and enforce them strictly, for the sake of us all.









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