
国际组织实习 | 联合国人权高专办实习生招聘两则

2017-04-26 同济就业

Inter - Human Rights

the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

岗位领域:社会人道     工作性质:实习 

学历要求:本科及以上 岗位职级:其他 

工作地点:NEW YORK   截止日期:21 February , 2018


Special Notice

TO APPLY: Create and complete a personal history profile (PHP) and a cover letter in the UN e-Recruitment system (careers.un.org). Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. The cover letter should state the following: (1) PERIOD OF APPLICANT’S AVAILABILITY FOR THE INTERNSHIP BETWEEN 1 MARCH 2017 AND 31 DECEMBER 2017. PLEASE INDICATE THIS CLEARLY AT THE TOP OF COVER LETTER; (2) Title of the degree currently being pursued by the applicant and the specific subjects taken; (3) Expected graduation date from the degree programme that the applicant is enrolled in or graduation date if recently graduated and will be available to begin the internship within a year from graduation; (4) The applicant’s objectives for undertaking an internship with OHCHR, New York Office, and how the internship fits within the applicant’s education/career plan; (5) The applicant’s main areas of interest (thematic and/or geographic) within the broad framework of human rights issues that OHCHR follows (a list of issues is available at: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Pages/ListOfIssues.aspx).
Important Note: The duration of the internship is between a minimum of two months to a maximum of six months depending on particular needs. OHCHR, New York Office, is looking to recruit interns for the entire year of 2017. The internship is not paid. Travel costs, travel arrangements (including visas), and living accommodations are the responsibility of the interns or their sponsoring institution. The interns are not eligible to apply for, or be appointed to, any position in the professional or above categories, within the UN Secretariat for a period of six months following the end of their internship. Any employment with the UN at that point in time shall be subject to established recruitment and selection procedures. Internship positions are fulltime. For more information on terms and conditions of UN internship, please visit the UN internet site at:http://www.un.org/Depts/OHRM/sds/internsh/htm/documents.htm. For details on OHCHR’s mandate, please visit it internet site at: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Pages/WelcomePage.aspx.

Org. Setting and Reporting

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), New York Office, is seeking highly motivated graduate students who wish to gain professional experience within an international organization in the area of human rights to supplement their studies. This internship is a practical educational experience and will provide interns the opportunity to work in a multicultural, intergovernmental organization. Under supervision, interns are assigned projects and tasks that are relevant to their educational background and interests and provide them with the opportunity to apply and further develop their theoretical knowledge.


Within delegated authority, the human rights intern may be responsible for the following duties:-Conduct research on human rights and related issues. Analyze information, developments and trends related to human rights - Assist in preparation of reports, background materials and other relevant documents. Assist in the organization of meetings, seminars, and related events - Attend meetings and prepare summaries of the proceedings - Assist in the preparation of outreach material such as talking points, correspondence and presentations.


Applicants must demonstrate a keen interest in the work of the United Nations and have a personal commitment to the ideals of the Charter of the United Nations. Applicants must be computer literate in standard software applications. Applicants must also demonstrate the following competencies:


Applicants to the United Nations internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements: (a) Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher); (b) Be enrolled in a final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor's level or equivalent); (c) Have graduated with a university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) and, if selected, must commence the internship within one-year period of graduation. Applicants from all countries are accepted and underrepresented or unrepresented countries in the UN are encouraged to apply for an internship.

Work Experience

Applicants are not required to have professional work experience for participation in the programme. However, work experience in relevant areas is desirable.


English and French are the working languages of the United Nations. For the internship advertised, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) is an advantage.


Should there be a need for an intern that matches the applicant's profile, the applicant will be contacted directly by the OHCHR, New York Office. Please note that due to the large number of applicants, the OCHCR, New York Office is not necessarily in a position to reply to each request and only short-listed applicants will be contacted for further consideration.

岗位领域:行政人力      工作性质:实习 

学历要求:本科及以上  岗位职级:其他 

工作地点:multiple duty stations 截止日期:28 February , 2018


Special Notice

Completed online application (Cover Note and Personal History Profile) is required. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. 
The cover note must include: 
-Title of degree you are currently pursuing. 
-Graduation Date (When will you be/have graduating/graduated from the programme?)
-IT skills and programmes that you are proficient in.
-Top three areas of interest. 
-Explain why you are the best candidate for this specific internship.
-Explain your interest in the United Nations Internship Programme. 
In your Personal History Profile, be sure to include all past work experience, IT skills and three references.

Org. Setting and Reporting

The Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights internship is for a period of two to six months depending on the needs of the Section. 
The internship is unpaid and full-time. Interns are not staff members of the Organization and do not represent it in any capacity.
Interns work five days per week (35 hours).
This internship is located in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Colombia.- The selected candidate(s) will be deployed to one of the OHCHR field offices in Bogotá, Medellin, Barrancabermeja, Pasto, Cali, Villavicencio, Neiva, Barranquilla, Quibdó or newly to be opened field offices in Colombia.


Under the direct supervision of the Sub Director of Operations, the interns' duties include,but are not limited to:
•Assist in monitoring developments (human rights. socio-economic affairs politics and conflict) in Colombia
•Assist in drafting reports. background notes, talking points, summaries and other documents for the Colombia Office and OHCHR headquarters
•Assist in the documentation and preparation of submissions of cases of human rights violations in Colombia to OHCHR human rights mechanisms. including Special Procedures and Treaty Bodies
•Prepare presentations and materials on human rights law and issues
•Carry out research on international and national law. case l aw and make summaries thereof
•Attend and summarize workshops and meetings
•Assist in organizing and managing conferences, trainings and other events
•Assist in reviewing,preparing and distributing news and notes on human rights issues 
•Assist in preparing. drafting and reviewing public information materials
•Assist in implementing the Colombia Office's public information and media activities
•Translate documents
•Perform other tasks as necessary


COMMUNICATION. Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.

 TEAMWORK. Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others' ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before personal agenda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

CLIENT ORIENTATION. Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients ” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view ; establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect ; identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions ; monitors on-going developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems ; keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects ; meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client.


To qualify for the United Nations Internship Programme, the following conditions must be met: 
- Applicants to the United Nations internship programme must at the time of application meet one of the following requirements:

 (a) Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher);

 (b) Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent); 

 (c) Have graduated with a university degree, as defined above, and, if selected, must commence the internship within a one-year period of graduation; 
-Be computer-literate in standard software applications; 
-Have a demonstrated keen interest in the work of the United Nations and have a personal commitment to the ideas of the Charter; 
-Have a demonstrated ability to successfully interact with individuals of different cultural backgrounds and beliefs, which include willingness to try and understand and be tolerant of differing opinions and views.

Work Experience

No professional work experience is required for participation in the Internship Programme.


Fluency in English and Spanish (both oral and written) is required; knowledge of the other is desirable. Knowledge of another UN official language is an advantage


Not applicable




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