国际组织实习 | 联合国语言类职位--笔译员简介
笔译员 Translators
• Excellent writing skills in their main language.
• Ability to translate into their main language with a high standard of accuracy and faithfulness to the spirit, style and nuances of the original text
• Knowledge of international affairs.
• Ability to master new subjects quickly.
• Political sensitivity.
• A high level of concentration and attention to detail.
• Ability to meet tight deadlines and maintain required productivity without compromising quality.
• Ability to conduct research, using a variety of open and in-house reference sources relevant to the text at hand.
• Ability to work effectively with people of different national, linguistic and cultural backgrounds, with sensitivity and respect for diversity.
• Ability to work collaboratively and willingness to learn from others.
United Nations translators must:
• Pass the United Nations competitive examination for translators.
• Hold a first-level degree from a university or institution of equivalent status, normally one at which the language of instruction is the translator’s main language.
• Have as their main language one of the six official languages of the United Nations.
• In the case of English translators, have a perfect command of English, which must be their main language, and an excellent knowledge of at least two other official languages of the United Nations.
• In the case of Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish translators, have a perfect command, respectively, of Arabic, French, Russian or Spanish, which must be their main language, as well as an excellent knowledge of both English and another official language of the United Nations.
• In the case of Chinese translators, have a perfect command of Chinese, which must be their main language and an excellent knowledge of English; knowledge of another official language of the United Nations is desirable.
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