
国际组织实习 | Recruitment in the UN


Recruitment at a glance 

Three types of job openings

1. Position-specific

to fill a newly-established position; a re-classified existing position; or a position expected to become vacant for one year or longer

2. Generic

to create and maintain viable rosters of qualified candidates for immediate and anticipated job openings in entities with approval to use roster-based recruitment

3. Recruit-from-Roster (RfR)

to expedite identification of interested and available roster members in entities with approval to use roster-based recruitment

When you are the applicant  

* All applications are submitted using the inspira web-based tool.

* UN Secretariat staff members are advised to apply using their employee account in inspira. All other applicants are advised to create an account in inspira.            

> Open the Application Process At A Glance Guide          

> Open the Manual for the Applicant

> Open the Instructions to find your educational institution or degree  

* Hiring managers may start reviewing the applications during the posting period.

* Job openings on the UN Careers Portal are removed at midnight New York time on the deadline date.

When you are the Hiring Manager  

* Hiring Managers collaborate with their Executive Office (EO) and local HR Partners to initiate the process for filling a vacant position.

* Managing time—to start and complete the process efficiently—is critical.

* Please refer to the At-a-Glance  guidance materials under the manual link in your inspira account for managing each step of the process such as: how to create a job opening; formula for creating a job posting; building meaningful assessment exercises; and evaluating applicants.

* You may also refer to the Manual for Hiring Manager to review the hiring process in detail with the underpinning rationale for the process and best practice tips.  

What the Central Review Bodies do  

Central Review Bodies (CRB) and Field Central Review Bodies (FCRB) review proposals from Hiring Managers for appointing, selecting and promoting staff to fill position-specific job openings or for placing candidates on the roster from generic job openings. They ensure that candidates have been evaluated according to the approved evaluation criteria and that the procedures have been followed. CRBs work at each duty station to review the process for posts up to and including the D-1 level. FCRBs do the same at peacekeeping operations and special political missions.  

At the D-2 level the Senior Review Group performs this function.

Making the selection  

The head of department/office/mission makes the selection decision for positions up to and including the D-1 level on the basis of the recommendation by the hiring manager. Selection decisions for positions at the D-2 level are made by the Secretary-General.

What you should know about rosters  

* When an applicant is placed on the roster it means that he/she meets all evaluation criteria stated in a specific or generic  job opening, has been assessed and recommended by a hiring manager, and endorsed by a Central Review Body (CRB/FCRB) for a specific job title (job code) at a specific level, category and job family.

Open the Rosters At a Glance Guide  

* A hiring manager may advertise a job opening and recommend the selection of a qualified roster applicant. This does not require a review by the CRB/FCRB.

* If the hiring manager decides to assess rostered and non-rostered applicants, the list of recommended applicants is subject to a full evaluation process by the CRB/FCRB.

* The roster is drawn from all duty stations of the UN Secretariat for job openings in the Professional and above and the Field Service categories, and the global Secretariat uses the same roster.

* The roster for the General Service and related categories is local only, meaning that hiring managers consider only applicants that have been rostered at that particular duty station.

* A roster membership(s) for a job title may be associated to other job titles (job codes) at the same level, category and job family, which have been identified as having similar functions and requirements.  These titles are indicated as “Associated Titles” within inspira. An associated title is not membership on another roster, and associated titles may change as organization needs change.


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