

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃三年级资源 2021-08-10





Unit 1(8个单词)



·Good(Nice,Glad)to see you again!

/ 很开心再次见到你!

Good to see you again!(很开心再次见到你!)

·Please be quiet!

/ 请安静!

Please be quiet! The meeting is going to begin.(请安静!会议马上就要开始了。)

·Welcome back!

/ˈwelkəm bæk/ / 欢迎回来!

Welcome back,she beamed.(欢迎回来,她满面笑容地说。)


/kləʊz/ / v.关

If you are cold, close the window.(要是冷就把窗户关上。)


/dɔ:(r)/ / n.门

What''s behind the door?(门后面是什么?)


/ˈəʊpən/ / v.开

He opened the window and looked out.(他打开窗户往外看。)


/ˈwɪndəʊ/ / n.窗户

I opened a shuttered window.(我打开了一扇百叶窗已合上的窗户。)

·sit down

/sit daun/ / 坐下

Sit down, kids. Put on your glasses.(坐下,孩子们。戴上你们的眼镜。)

Unit 2(6个单词)




/ˈklɑ:sru:m/ / n.教室

Maybe he is in the classroom.(他可能在教室里。)


/greɪt/ / int.好极了

I feel just great.(我感觉好极了。)


/frend/ / n.朋友

I was riding on the back of a friend''s bicycle.(我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。)

·Good afternoon.

/ 下午好。

Good afternoon to you, sir.(下午好,先生。)


/mɪs/ / n.小姐

We''ll see what we can do, miss.(我们会尽量想办法,小姐。)


/hɔ:s/ / n.马

The horse he painted is very lifelike.(他画的马很传神。)

Unit 3(9个单词)




/tə;tu;tuː/ / (动词不定式符号,无实义)

I believe that this is the road to success.(我相信这便是通往成功的康庄大道。)


/rʌn/ / v.跑

They can run very fast.(他们跑的很快。)


/dʒʌmp/ / v.跳

I can jump.(我会跳高。)


/ri:d/ / v.读

Have you read this book?(你看过这本书吗?)


/raɪt/ / v.写

There''s no time for me to write a letter to him.(我来不及写信给他了。)


/du/ / v.做,干

She can do a lot of hard work.(是的,我喜欢。)


/sli:p/ / v.睡觉

Try and get some sleep.(试着睡一会儿。)

·watch TV

/wɔtʃ ˈti:ˈvi:/ / 看电视

Do you always watch TV in the evening?(你晚上总看电视吗?)


/sɪŋ/ / v.唱,唱歌

She wanted to hear him sing in person.(她想听他现场演唱。)

Unit 4(9个单词)

·What''s your favourite food?

/ 你最喜欢的食物是什么?

Xiaoming, what''s your favourite food?(小明,你最喜欢的食物是什么?)


/raɪs/ / n.米饭;米

I want rice and vegetables.(我想要米饭和蔬菜。)


/ɔ:(r)/ / conj.或者;还是

Should I go left or right?There''s no way to decide.(我应该向左走还是向右走?没有办法决定。)


/ˈnu:dl/ / n.(常用复数形式noodles)面条

I want noodles.(我想吃面条。)


/bred/ / n.面包

I want some bread and milk.(我想要一些面包和牛奶。)


/lʌv/ / v.喜欢

I love looking after the children.(我喜欢照顾小孩。)


/ˈpɑ:tnə(r)/ / n.搭档

He is my business partner.(他是我生意上的合伙人。)

·a box(bag,piece)of

/ 一盒(袋,片)

I found a box of pencils.(我找到了一盒铅笔。)


/ˈwɔ:təmelən/ / n.西瓜

A watermelon is red inside and green outside.(西瓜内红外绿。)

Unit 5(7个单词)

·Pass me the milk,please!

/ 请把牛奶递给我!

Pass me the milk,please! Thank you.(请把牛奶递给我!谢谢您。)

·Here you are.

/hiə ju: ɑ:/ / 给你。

I see. Here you are.(我明白了。拿去吧!)

·You''re welcome.

/ 不用谢。

Thank you. You''re welcome.(谢谢。不用谢。)


/aɪs kri:m/ / n.冰淇淋

Do you like ice-cream?(你喜欢冰淇淋吗?)


/ˈwɔ:tə(r)/ / n.水

Do you want water?(你想喝水吗?)


/kʌp/ / n.杯子

She''s won several cups for skating.(她已多次荣获滑冰比赛的奖杯。)


/ˈkændɪ/ / n.糖果

I love to eat all kinds of candy.(我喜欢吃各种糖果。)

Unit 6(9个单词)




/ˈkreɪən/ / n.蜡笔

Do you have crayon?(你有蜡笔吗?)


/wʌn/ / num.一(个,只……)

One o''clock.(一点钟。)


/kʌt/ / v.剪

Cut the tomatoes in half vertically.(把西红柿纵向切成两半。)


/ˈpeɪpə(r)/ / n.纸

Do you have paper?(你有纸吗?)


/ˈsɪzəz/ / n.剪刀

Can I use your scissors?(我能用一下你的剪刀吗?)


/bɔɪ/ / n.男孩

The little boy loves to read.(这个小男孩喜欢看书。)


/təˈgeðə(r)/ / adv.一起

We went on long bicycle rides together.(我们一起骑自行车长途旅行。)


/glu:/ / n.胶水

Secure with a few spots of glue.(用几滴胶水粘住。)


/blæk/ / n.&adj.黑色(的)

A big black balloon,please.(请给我一个又大又黑的气球。)

Unit 7(10个单词)




/kɔ:l/ / v.给……打电话

I made a phone call to the United States to talk to a friend.(我打电话给美国的一个朋友。)


/hə(r)/ / pron.她的

I''ll ask her what she''s looking at.(我会问问她,她正在看什么。)


/ˈnʌmbə(r)/ / n.(电话)号码

What is this number?(这个数字是什么?)

·May I speak to…,please?

/ 我能跟……说话吗?

Hello, may I speak to Frank, please.(你好,请弗兰克接电话。)

·in the park

/ 在公园

They wandered in the park.(他们在公园里遛了遛。)


/sku:l/ / n.学校

I''m going to the school.(我要去学校。)


/hɪz/ / pron.他的

He looks really cool next to his sports car.(他站在自己的跑车旁边,看起来酷毙了!)

·at school

/æt sku:l/ / 在学校

Should our children be taught to swim at school?(我们的孩子应该在学校学习游泳吗?)

·at home

/æt həum/ / 在家

I happened to be at home.(我凑巧在家。)

·in the classroom

/ 在教室

Maybe he is in the classroom.(他可能在教室里。)

Unit 8(8个单词)




/pet/ / n.宠物

A pet needs water.(宠物需要水。)


/bɜ:d/ / n.鸟

It''s a bird.(这是一只鸟。)


/ˈænɪml/ / n.动物

Every kind of animal went on the boat.(每一种动物都上了船。)


/sneɪk/ / n.蛇

I hava a snake.It''s long.(我有一条蛇,它很长。)


/help/ / v.救命;帮忙

She helped me to walk.(她帮助我走路。)


/dʌk/ / n.鸭子

I hava a duck.(我有一只鸭子。)


/ˈræbɪt/ / n.兔子

I have a rabbit.(我有一只兔子。)


/kaʊ/ / n.奶牛

A mature cow has horns.(成年奶牛有犄角。)

Unit 9(9个单词)




/ˈelɪfənt/ / n.象

His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.(他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。)


/səʊ/ / adv.这么,那么

I hope you will pardon me for doing so.(我希望你原谅我这样做。)


/kæp/ / n.帽子

Police wear a blue cap when on duty.(警察在执勤的时候戴着蓝帽子。)


/zu:/ / n.动物园

She is at the zoo.(她在动物园里。)


/ˈtaɪgə(r)/ / n.老虎

It''s a tiger.(这是一只老虎。)

·go to the zoo

/ 去动物园

I also like to go to the zoo!(我也很喜欢去动物园!)


/wɒnt/ / v.想要

I want to find a job from the newspaper.(我想从报纸上找到一份工作。)


/si:/ / v.看,看见

See you tomorrow!(明天见。)

·go to the park

/ 去公园

We go to the park with them.(我们和她们一起去了公园。)

Short form and full form(2个单词)

·who''s=who is

/ abbr.谁是

Who''s the next speaker?(下一个该谁发言?)

·you''re=you are

/ abbr.你(你们)是

You''re kidding me, I don''t believe it.(你这是哄我,我不信。)









