
保护环境从少叫一次外卖开始 | Save The Planet! Order Less Waimai.

倡导零浪费的 THE BULK HOUSE零浪费无包装品牌



As life speeds up to a phenomenal pace whereby you forget to cancel a subscription, pay your rent or call your mother, takeaways (take out) have become one of the most popular ways to consume the nutrients to keep us alive and ensure we continue to live even busier lives as our days go on. The 2 or 3 RMB cost for a box to have your food delivered in (sometimes the app shows this cost or it is hidden in the price of dish) seems to be well worth the convenience of never having to wash our plate, chopsticks and pan ever again or take a walk outside to a local restaurant. It does look very worthwhile, however, have we ever stopped to think "Where do those plastic boxes go that I throw out into the trash day after day after day?" and "By ordering takeaways (takeout/waimai) am I contributing to the destruction of lovely little planet Earth?"


Once upon a time, people carried a basket to go shopping, but because busier lives the convenient, but highly destructive, plastic bag is presented to every single customer who enters a supermarket, clothes store or local fruit & veg seller. Sure we have convenience, but what are the hidden costs of convenience?

What is the environmental cost of a takeaway? It is not a simple calculation but it is an urgent environmental problem and social problem. It is our duty to reduce the rubbish we cause when consuming takeaways.




According to data gathered about Meituan Waimai (美团外卖), E le ma (饿了么) which translates as "Hungry", Baidu Waimai (百度外卖) and some other smaller delivery apps, it is estimated that there is a total of 7 million orders for takeaways via these apps every day in China. 

7 million orders x 0.06 square metres = 420,000 square metres.

420,000 square metres / 7,140 square metres (the average football pitch) = 59 football pitches of plastic bag trash each day from just takeways alone!

Of course, that is only the plastic bags, we haven't mentioned the plastic boxes that the majority of takeaways are delivered in. Unfortunately, so many of these boxes are made from such low quality, cheap plastic they cannot be recycled. On top of this, many plastic boxes have food left in them and the sight of these boxes piled up in bins in our community is not a nice sight.



Orders for takeaways are on the rise, which can also reveal the consumption of junk food is on the rise.



不得不说,线上的饮食叫卖不仅方便快捷而且种类繁多,火爆大街小巷的同时,也方便了大家的生活,但最终带来的却是大量的资源浪费和垃圾的产生。的确,“外卖”解决了所有懒人的懒病,也解决了所有忙碌不堪的忙病,但单方面的呼吁并不是解决之道。所以,THE BULK HOUSE 更希望大家可以减少使用一次性餐具用品和塑料袋,如果可以,请减少使用外卖订餐的次数。同时,我们一起呼吁商家们也尽可能的多使用一些可降解的材料以及能够回收利用的环保餐盒等。 所以,让我们一起拒做语言上的巨人、环保行动上的矮子,只要大家一起全力配合,相信你会爱上那个从明天开始做“零浪费者”的你,谢谢!

For sure, purchasing part of your diet online is convenient, but so is taking a little walk to one of your local restaurants and sitting down to eat using a real plate or bowl and reusable chopsticks. It is good to get out of the house, stretch your legs and get some air (in the hope that it isn't a smoggy day). Also, if you are used to sitting at your computer for lunch and ordering food to your office, try to cut down on this habit, too many people are sitting down at their desk from 9am and not moving again until 6 or 7pm (except for the odd toilet break). Humans aren't meant to do this! Don't forget, we used to chase down our food with spears and sometimes not eat for days. Not saying you have to go out and hunt a hutong weasel for your lunch, but at least do the moving part of the hunting and so take a little walk (or jog) and try somewhere new to where you live or work. Instead of using a spear to get your lunch just place your order politely with the fuwuyaun (taking a spear into a restuarant may be frowned upon). It's healthier, fresher and here is the added bonus... it is good for the environment! The environment you should most care about is the one that you live in, so please try your best to do your bit for your communirty and cut down on takeaways and disposable products. Off course, you can also cook from home!

Let's all walk the walk and not just talk the talk. I am sure you will love yourself as a "Zero Waster" from now onwards.  Thank you!


The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

- Robert Swan

This was an article we first put out to our audience 2 years ago. But since then the waimai problem has gotten bigger and bigger. We thought it was about time we reposted this. Joe and Carrie haven't ordered waimai once in over 2 years since they did the very simple thing of simply deleting the waimai apps. It was as easy that.

Will you delete your waimai apps with us today?
THE BULK HOUSE 的创始人 Joe 和 Carrie 在两年前做了一件非常简单的小事 —— 删掉了他们的外卖 app。对,就是这么简单。
今天,你愿意和我们一起删掉你的外卖 app 吗?

如 何 购 买
Online Zero Waste Store

线 上 微 店
Online Weidian Store
扫 码 进 入 微 店 选 购

线 上 淘 宝 店
Online Taobao Store
扫 码 进 入 淘 宝 选 购


 推 荐 阅 读  

THE BULK HOUSE 是中国首家致力于倡导零浪费生活的社会企业,通过组织分享零浪费的主题系列活动和内容来引导人们与自然和平共处,并提供一系列日常实用且独具美感的零浪费好物,旨在帮助人们轻松开启一站式零浪费生活之旅。THE BULK HOUSE 为了提倡环境保护,加入1% For The Planet "1%地球税” 的国际环保组织,将产品售出的1%收入捐献给这个组织。我们也将一直支持 “1%地球税”,并希望将我们企业为地球带来的负担降低到最小。

THE BULK HOUSE is the 1st social enterprise in China committed to promoting the zero waste lifestyle. We do this in 3 ways: ① Create and promote valuable content. ② Organising events revolving around the 6R's in our logo. ③ Provide environmentally friendly products to make the zero waste lifestyle more convenient for all. We are proud to be a 1% For The Planet member. This means we contribute at least 1% of our annual sales to environmental causes.

For any cooperations, interviews, re-posting, please email at:   hello@thebulkhouse.com 

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