
ACM Digital Government专刊征稿:智慧城市如何以人民为中心


ACM Digital Government: Research and Practice
Special Issue on Citizen Centricity in Smart Cities

Guest Editors
Leonidas Anthopoulos, Professor, University of Thessaly, Greece
Marijn Janssen, Professor, Delft University of Technology
Vishanth Weerakkody, Professor, University of Bradford


City digital transformation is being performed across the globe and it is being supported by several initiatives and policy groups (i.e., the European Commission with the Intelligent Cities Challenge etc.). Nevertheless, this transformation is mainly technology-oriented and has delivered several outcomes like solutions for enhancing municipal efficiency and local living. People-centricity in this transformation is an emerging topic that is attracting attention and some initiatives have launched (i.e., the launch of the United for Smart and Sustainable Cities Thematic Group “Digital Transformation for People Oriented Cities”). The aim of this special issue is to focus on citizen centricity and how it can change the orientation of city digital transformation process.


We consider the invited papers from relevant conferences as well as open call submissions with the following focused topics but not limited to: 

• Human centric design, implications for the governance, control and performance evaluation 

• Inclusiveness in all its varieties to build inclusive smart cities 

• People centricity in mobility ecosystems 

• Citizens as Developers and Consumers 

• Human- centric design in digital health services 

• Crowd flow prediction and estimation in urban environments 

• Smart citizenship frameworks 

• Enhancing smart service efficiency (utility network design optimization, multi-tenancy etc.) 

• Energy transition in an urban context (e.g., the development of microgrids and their governance

03Important Dates

Submissions deadline: December 20, 2022
First-round review decisions: February 5, 2023
Deadline for revision submissions: March 15, 2023
Notification of final decisions: April 5, 2023
Tentative publication: April 30, 2023

04Submission Information 

Articles will be submitted via the journal’s submission system (https://dl.acm.org/journal/dgov) following the journal’s styling and submission rules.

For questions and further information, please contact Leonidas Anthopoulos, Professor, University of Thessaly, Greece, lanthopo@uth.gr



书籍推荐 | 李连江:《学者的术与道》

征稿函 | 中国行政管理学会2022年会征文通知

书籍推荐 | Alexander Kroll《共享的指标:协作中的集体绩效数据利用》

书籍推荐 | 纪念詹姆斯 · 马奇

学术会议 | 2022年公共管理青年学者国际发表能力提升工作坊线上论坛成功举办(附文字实录)

译介 | 李慧、张家盛:国际主流期刊的中国公共管理研究:一个系统性回顾(2002-2020年)

