Society for the Study of Emerging Markets
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI)
International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI)
International Review of Economics and Finance (SSCI)
Chartered Valuation Analyst (CVA) Institute
Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA)
信息技术革命时代的到来,为企业发展和经济增长提供了新的发展空间。智能化的信息技术的创新与应用,为企业的经营决策提供了便捷、深度的辅助信息手段,促进企业的转型发展。在经济结构转型和经济高质量发展的发展理念下,理解智能信息技术对公司财务行为的影响,对于推动企业的财务高质量发展具有深远的战略涵义。为了更好地推动智能化发展理念下的中国公司财务前沿问题研究,南京财经大学联合新兴市场研究学会(The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets,SSEM )共同举办高质量发展理念引领的中国公司财务发展研讨会。本次会议的主题是,新兴市场经济体中的智能信息技术变革与企业财务发展战略。我们诚邀会计、财务、经济、金融、管理等领域的专家与学者,向本次会议提交与会议主题相关的实证类论文。
特邀嘉宾❍Brian M. Lucey 教授爱尔兰都柏林三一商学院金融学教授。他的研究领域包括国际金融、资本结构、计量经济学、投资行为等。他分别在都柏林三一学院、美国加州大学戴维斯分校、苏格兰斯特林大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位。他在成为经济学家之前,曾在爱尔兰中央银行和爱尔兰健康部工作,具有丰富的行业研究经历。他是一位高产的经济学者,在Financial Review、Journal of Banking and Finance、Emerging Markets Review等国际学术权威杂志发表了200多篇高质量学术论文。
❍时现 教授现任南京财经大学党委常委、副校长。从事审计学专业教学工作近30年,多次被学生选为“我最喜爱的教师”,其主持的《固定资产投资审计》课程和《内部审计学》课程分别被评为江苏省高校一类优秀课程,主持的“基于国际标准的内部审计精英人才培养模式研究”项目等多项教学成果获江苏省优秀教学成果一等奖,出版专著、教材10余部,主编的 《建设项目审计》和《内部审计学》教材分别被评为江苏省精品教材。主持及参加省部级课题研究10余项,作为骨干参加国家级研究课题2项。近五年来,在《审计研究》、《会计研究》等刊物上发表论文20余篇,多项科研成果获省部级优秀科研成果奖,多篇论文被《中国人民大学报刊复印资料》等刊物全文转载,多项成果被国家审计署、财政部在制定重大方针政策时采用,参加了《国际内部审计专业实务框架》和《中国内部审计准则》的研究与制定工作。
主题沙龙本次研讨会将特邀SSCI期刊Emerging Markets Finance and Trade杂志的管理主编,面向所有参会的青年教师和研究生举办“如何在高质量学术期刊发表论文”的主题沙龙。
论文提交与截止日期本次会议仅接受以英语写作的论文。所有投稿的作者请将论文全文或扩展性摘要于2019年8月31日前发送至邮箱 icntaf@163.com。组委会将组织专家进行匿名评审,在2019年9月15日前通知论文入选结果。论文评选的基本标准是研究主题的性质、意义以及研究设计的质量。详细信息请访问会议网站: http://www.icntaf.com
发表机会论文被本次研讨会接受并做演讲的,将有机会发表在 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT, SSCI)、International Review of Financial Analysis (IRFA, SSCI)、International Review of Economics and Finance (IREF,SSCI)正常刊期上。
经过作者同意,向本次会议投稿的文章视同向Emerging Markets Finance and Trade、International Review of Financial Analysis、International Review of Economics and Finance投稿。如果作者拟将文章发表在上述杂志上,请注意提交论文的时间。论文被本次会议接受,并不意味着最终一定能够发表在该杂志上。所有被会议接受的文章,如果想发表在上述杂志上,仍然需要经历一轮快速评审的程序,以便达到该杂志的文章质量要求。
缴纳注册费的作者,可以享受新兴市场研究学会会员权利,一年内豁免Emerging Markets Finance and Trade杂志投稿费用,以及该期刊电子版的一年免费阅读权利。
【1】仙林新地酒店 (步行10分钟) 5星级酒店,设施与环境优越,毗邻南京财经大学。
预定网址: http://www.hlwhotel.com/
酒店电话: +86 400 778 6288
预定网址: http://www.ihuiyue.com/
预定电话 +86 025 86986888
【3】仙林宾馆 (步行15 分钟)位于南京师范大学校园内,毗邻南京财经大学. 设施一流,环境优美。
酒店电话: +86 025 85845888
E-mail: icntaf@163.com
大学与城市简介南京财经大学是一所以经济与管理为特色,法、理、文、工多学科协同发展的综合性财经大学,是江苏省重点建设的高校之一,是全国知名的财经大学. 学校目前拥有19个学院,拥有18000多名在校生. 学校的优势专业有会计、金融、经济学、食品科学等专业。学校坐落在钟灵毓秀、人杰地灵的江南历史文化名城——南京,一座拥有3000年历史的六朝古都。南京的著名旅游景点包括中山陵、玄武湖公园、明城墙等。
The 2nd International Conference on Accounting and Finance in Emerging Markets (ICAFEM)
Theme: Information Change and Corporate Finance Development with High Quality
October 12-13, 2019
Sponsored by:
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
Society for the Study of Emerging Markets
Sponsoring Journal:
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI)
International Review of Financial Analysis (SSCI)
International Review of Economics and Finance (SSCI)
Sponsoring Institution:
Chartered Valuation Analyst (CVA) Institute
Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA)
The new era of information technology revolution, this has provided new space for firm development and economic growth. The innovation and application of intelligent information technology, for enterprise management decision provides a convenient, depth of auxiliary information means, promote the transformation of enterprise development. In economic transformation and the development idea of high quality and economic development, understanding the implications of intelligent information technology on the company's financial behavior, and to promote the financial quality development of the enterprise has far-reaching strategic meaning. In order to better understanding development of intelligent concept of corporate financial frontier problem research in China, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics (NUFE) joint together with The Society for The Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM), International Review of Financial Analysis (IRFA) and International Review of Economics and Finance (IREF) hold high quality development idea of China's financial development academic conference. The theme of the conference is emerging market economies in the intelligent information technology change and development of enterprise financial strategy.
We invite interested scholars, policy makers, and other parties from accounting, economics, finance, management and other related fields to submit abstract or complete papers related in the following areas, but not limited to:
Intelligent Information Technology
Information Technology Auditing
Accounting and finance in Capital Markets
Mobile Internet Network
Management Accounting under Information Technology
Financial Shared Services
Financial Wind Services
Wisdom Financial System
Financial Robot Application
Block chain Technology
Intelligent Financial Decision System
The Reform of Mixed Ownership in Emerging Markets
Corporate Social Responsibility in Emerging Markets
Organization Reform in Emerging Markets
Financial Markets and Micro-Structure of Stock Exchanges in Emerging Markets
Risk Management
Financial Stability
Asset Pricing and Portfolio Valuation
Green Finance and Climate Change
Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets
Financial Innovation and Fintech
Microfinance and Economic Development
CONFERENCE VENUE AND WEBSITEVenue: Nanjing University of Finance and Economics campus, NO.3 Wenyuan Road, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China
Website: http://www.icntaf.com
SEMINARThe Managing Editor of Emerging Markets Finance and Trade will conduct a special session on "How to publish in top journals in economics and business", targeted towards young scholars and graduate students. Questions will also be taken from the participants of the session.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS❍Professor Brian M. LuceyProfessor of Finance at Trinity College Dublin (TCD). His research interests including international finance, capital structure, econometrics, and investment. He got his BA in TCD, MA in University of California, Davis (UCD), PhD in University of Stirling. He was an economist at the Central Bank of Ireland (1987-92) and before that an Administrative Officer at the Department of Health (1985-1987).he has published over 200 papers in top journals, such as Financial Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Emerging Markets Review etc.
❍Professor Xian ShiProfessor of Accounting at NUFE. Her research fields including auditing, internal control. She has published over 20 academic research papers in top academic journals, such as Accounting Research, Auditing research. And also she has finished many high quality research projects. Her teaching courses “Fixed Assets Investment Auditing” and “Internal Auditing” had been reward as the first tier course in Jiangsu province. Professor Shi now is vice headmaster of NUFE, and is important leader in many related academic societies.
PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE AND DEADLINEThe conference only accepts English written papers. Authors are invited to submit a full paper to icntaf@163.com by August 31, 2018. Papers will be selected for presentation at the conference by the conference committee and will be notified by September 15, 2018. The criteria for selecting papers for the program include the nature of the research topic, the economic implications of the research, and the academic quality of the research design. The number of papers that can be accommodated is limited, so please be sure to submit your paper early.
PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITYSelected papers will be published as a symposium in a regular issue of the Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT), International Review of Financial Analysis (IRFA), International Review of Economics and Finance (IREF).
Please indicate at the time of submission if you would like your paper to be considered for publication in a regular issue of EMFT, IRFA, IREF. Acceptance to the conference does not imply acceptance into the EMFT, IRFA, IREF issue which aims to publish valuable research contributions on the theme. Submissions to the journal will undergo a fast-track review process that maintains the EMFT/IRFA/IREF 's normal publication standards.
The detailed information about the submission process and deadline will be provided at the conference and emailed to registered authors.
CONFERENCE REGISTRATIONRegistration fee covers conference materials, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, seminar, and a gala dinner during the conference.
The registration fee waives the submission fee for conference papers submitted to Emerging Markets Finance and Trade and includes one-year membership in the SSEM. Members receive free subscription to EMFT (online).
CONFERENCE LODGINGAlternative hotel accommodations at discounted faculty rates are available as follows:
[1] Xin Di Hotel (10 min walk from campus) is a five-star foreign-located conference hotel. http://www.hlwhotel.com/Phone: +86 400 778 6288
[2] Zhong Gong Hui Yue Hotel (15 driving from campus) is a four-star foreign-located conference hotel which locates next Nanjing University of finance and Economics.
http://www.ihuiyue.com/Phone: +86 025 86986888
[3] Xian Lin Hotel (15 min walk from campus) is a three-star foreign-located situated in the Nanjing Normal University campus. Its environment and facility is modern and comfortable.
Phone: +86 025 85845888
IMPORTANT NOTEDue to the limited number of hotel rooms available, please complete your registration and lodging reservation early. Please note that all conference participants and presenters are responsible for paying their own hotel expenses.
CONTACT INFORMATIONE-mail: Questions about the conference should be directed to: icntaf@163.com.
Telephone: +86- 25- 8671 8312.
UNIVERSITY AND CITYNanjing University of Finance and Economics (NUFE), one of the key comprehensive universities in Jiangsu Province, is oriented to the disciplines of economics and management, coupled with those of laws, humanities, science and technology. At present the university hosts 19 schools and departments. The university has a famous reputation at the major of accounting, finance, economics and food science. The University is located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Many popular tourist attractions are around the city such as Zhongshan Temple, Xuanwu Lake Garden, and Ming Dynasty City Wall etc.
Welcome To Nanjing University of Finance and Economics!