西南财经大学会计学院青年教师易阳以通讯作者身份与新加坡国立大学李真教授、香港城市大学黄立博士,在Nature新设的唯一人文社会科学子刊Humanities and Social Sciences Communications发表论文“Government disclosure in influencing people’s behaviors during a public health emergency ”,是第一篇会计跨学科讨论信息披露对疫情防控效果的论文。
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications是Nature旗下唯一面向人文社会科学的刊物,具有重要影响力。
We shed light on the importance of government disclosure in public emergency management. During the outbreak of COVID-19, provinces in China entered a government disclosure regime, which mandated the disclosure of the number of people infected with the virus on a daily basis. Each province also voluntarily disclosed its own virus situation. We find that various forms of province-level government disclosure generally reduced the number of trips made by the infected and sped up their diagnosis. They also raised attention paid to the virus and self-protection awareness as well as reduced mobility among the susceptible. Finally, government voluntary disclosure helped to reduce the duration of local epidemics. We conclude that government disclosure can be effective in instilling the correct human behaviors that are conducive to fighting the pandemic.