
德国马克思普朗克智能系统(MPI-IS)研究所Dr. Hu实验组招聘全奖博士两名

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems

Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) is one of Europe's largest research institutes in the field of robotics and intelligent systems. Its goal is to investigate and understand the organizing principles of intelligent systems and the underlying perception-action-learning loop. The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems combines – within one center – theory, software, and hardware expertise in the research field of intelligent systems. The MPI-IS has two campuses. Research at the Stuttgart campus of the institute covers small-scale robotics, self-organization, haptic perception, bio-inspired systems, medical robotics, robotic materials and physical intelligence; that is, the embodiment of intelligent behavior in physical, rather than computational, systems.

Dr. Wenqi Hu's Research Group

Dr. Wenqi Hu will lead the "Bio-inspired Autonomous Miniature Robots" lab as of June 1, 2022. He and his team will be supported by Cyber Valley, Europe's largest AI research consortium in the field of robotics, machine learning, and computer vision.

The group will focus on two areas: 1) developing fabrication and integration methods of components made of various smart materials, 2)  based on these newly developed fabrication methods, investigating how to design bioinspired miniature soft machines, ranging from a few millimeters in size to a tens of centimeters. The aim is to make such small untethered robots autonomous.

Dr. Wenqi Hu received his Bachelor's degree in 2009, specializing in microelectronics. In 2014 he received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. In July 2014, Hu worked at the Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, where he joined the Physical Intelligence Department. His work has significantly advanced the understanding and application of smart materials and bioinspired soft machine designs. His research breakthroughs were published in Nature, Nature Communications, Science Advances, and Science Robotics which have been widely cited and featured in the popular press, such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Der Spiegel, and Nature News. He has received many awards for his scientific contributions, including the Best Conference Paper Award Finalist at ICRA 2012, the Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship between 2015 and 2018, Best Paper Award at Robotics Science and Systems 2019 (RSS). He is also actively engaging in the editorial work of different journals.

Preferred Qualifications

To pursue a Ph.D. degree in Germany requires a Master's degree. Additionally, here are some keywords for your qualification:

  • Microfabrication

  • Electrically-driven soft actuator

  • Mechanical engineering

  • Electrical engineering

  • Biomechanics

How to apply

Please directly send your CV to wenqi@is.mpg.de.




胡文琪博士将从2022年6月1日起领导 "生物启发的自主微型机器人 "实验室。他和他的团队将得到Cyber Valley的支持,Cyber Valley是欧洲最大的机器人、机器学习和计算机视觉领域的人工智能研究联合体。





他的研究突破发表在《Nature》、《Nature Communications》、《Science Advances》和《Science Robotics》上,这些文章被广泛引用并被大众媒体报道,如《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《明镜》和《自然新闻》。他的科学贡献获得了许多奖项,包括2012年ICRA的最佳会议论文奖入围奖、2015年至2018年的洪堡博士后研究奖学金、2019年机器人科学与系统(RSS)的最佳论文奖。他还积极从事不同期刊的编辑工作。



  • 微加工(MEMS)

  • 电驱动的软执行器

  • 机械工程

  • 电气工程

  • 生物力学


请直接将您的简历发送至 wenqi@is.mpg.de。

排版 | 麦子



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