

Soren 经济学人双语精读 2022-06-09




一、be glued to


The many men, women and children / who spend their days glued to their smartphones and social-media accounts / might learn something from Lin-Manuel Miranda, creator of the groundbreaking megahit “Hamilton.”


这篇文章在一开头就描述了人人低头玩手机的场景,men, women, children体现出这一现象之普遍,而glue又刻画出人们对手机的痴迷程度,很有画面感。

glue,幼儿园词汇,是“胶水”的意思,作动词,表示“用胶水粘”。这个单词我们已经学了十几年了,但很少有人能想到可以用 be glued to 来形容对某件事的痴迷——就像被胶水粘住一样,形象又生动。

比如,回家久了你妈可能会骂你:头发掉了一地,不学习不干活,一天到晚就知道玩手机。用英语可以说:All you did is spending your days glued to the smartphone screen.


A spurt of technological progress has given rise to a prevailing phenomenon that men and women are spending their days glued to their smartphones and social media accounts, head bowed.(head bowed作独立主格。)

除了 be glued to,我们还可以用be addicted to, bury oneself in, be obsessed with, be engrossed in等来表示“痴迷于”。



As with so much else in life, moderation in our digital world should be the hallmark of a healthy relationship with technology. Too many of us have become slaves to the devices that were supposed to free us, giving us more time to experience life and the people we love. Instead, we’re constantly bombarded by bells, buzzes and chimes that alert us to messages we feel compelled to view and respond to immediately.


bombard是“轰炸”的意思,比如,America is bombarding Syria. 美国在轰炸叙利亚。



We are now bombarded by our parents with articles on what to eat and what to avoid.

除了bombard,这段话字字珠玑,比如 "too many of us have become slaves to the devices that were supposed to free us",把人与科技的畸形关系描绘的淋漓尽致。如果我们把这一段稍作修改放在写作中,用来表达对“低头族”现象的看法和建议,一定会把阅卷老师惊艳到。

三、wean...off / from...

PC Magazine中有篇文章教大家如何摆脱手机瘾,题目是这么说的:

How to Wean Yourself Off Smartphones and Social Media

You probably can’t cut tech out of your life completely, but here are some tips to take back control of your apps and devices.


Here are some tips to wean yourself off compulsive smartphone and social media habits, and how to regain control over how you consume technology.

《华盛顿邮报》的相关报道里也出现了wean...off / from...这一用法:

There’s a paradox to using technology to wean us from technology, but Huffington has an explanation. “Going to sleep with the lights off doesn’t make us anti-electricity,” she told me. “In the same way, turning off our phones to be able to reconnect with the people and things we most value doesn’t make us anti-technology.”


wean本是“使(婴儿、幼崽)断奶”的意思,因此,wean...off / from 可以理解为“断掉,戒掉(某一习惯)”,它和 get rid of 表达同样的意思,但不同的是,wean更能从侧面体现出人们对手机的严重依赖。


比如“戒烟”,我们除了说 give up smoke, get rid of smoke,还可以说 wean yourself off / from smoke.


