多元历史风貌:上海上生·新所 | 第五届CREDAWARD优秀照明设计
如今,这里被改造成一个多元化的开放空间。万科携手大都会事务所OMA/华东院历保所 ,景观设计WEST8.共同打造兼具办公、生活方式、展陈和公共空间的混合功能园区。命名为“上生·新所”,保留其曾经的历史,并赋予其新的生命。
Shanghai Columbia Circle is located in the historic area of XinhuaRoad, known as the First Garden Road in Shanghai. It consists of three historicbuildings, Sun Ke Villa, Colombia Country Club and Navy Club, 11 industrialrenovation buildings throughout the growth history of New China, and fourcontemporary buildings with distinctive style.
Today, it has been transformed into apluralistic open space. Vanke joined forces with OMA / East China AcademyCalendar and Landscape Design WEST8 to create a mixed functional park withoffice, casual living, exhibition and public space. Named " ColumbiaCircle ", it retains its past history and gives it new life.
Theproject is located in the downtown district of Shanghai, a living area full oflanes culture. The site is surrounded by high-rise residential buildings, andcreates a quiet light environment at night rather than noisy one. Due to the guardrail barrier of the Yan’an West Road Viaduct, near the North Entrance, view of the campuswill be mostly blocked. However, views can be visible under the highway.Therefore, the lighting design of this project should be in harmony with its surroundingenvironment, manly focuses on the design of street and pedestrian scales.
The campus is an enclosed space surrounded by high-rise residentialbuildings, with only four entrance connecting the outside. The buildings insidethe campus are not as tall as the surrounding residence. The highest one in thecampus is #19 building in the middle. Therefore, lighting design needs toenhance its four entrance and #19 building as landmark. Suitable pole lightheight is suggested based on the building height analysis in the campus.
Architect's prospect is that visitors willexpect to continuously explore and seek within the space. Lighting design willfollow this principle, let lighting enhance importance elevations, let lightingcreate visual focus, let lighting build up distinctive light atmosphere.
Architect's prospect is that visitors willexpect to continuously explore and seek within the space. Lighting design willfollow this principle, let lighting enhance importance elevations, let lightingcreate visual focus, let lighting build up distinctive light atmosphere.
主入口 Main Entrance
The main entrance ofthe park is facing the elevation of Yan‘an West Road, 100meters away from the Red Carpet Square . Designers light up the trunk of treeson both sides of the road to form an orderly array effect, use color-changing lightsto render Trees’ branches and leaves to create a unique sense of mystery.
海军俱乐部 泳池 艾利奥特·哈扎德(Elliott Hazzard)设计
The Navy Club, animportant historic building in the park, a swimming pool a hundred years ago,has become a photographic shrine now. In daily life, the main emphasis is onthe effect of lighting in the corridor to meet the needs of indoor activities.In the festival atmosphere, in order to match the lighting effect in theswimming pool, the building corridor and swimming pool become a large carrierwith theme. The lighting effect can be customized according to the theme of theactivity.
The Navy Club, animportant historic building in the park, a swimming pool a hundred years ago,has become a photographic shrine now. In daily life, the main emphasis is onthe effect of lighting in the corridor to meet the needs of indoor activities.In the festival atmosphere, in order to match the lighting effect in theswimming pool, the building corridor and swimming pool become a large carrierwith theme. The lighting effect can be customized according to the theme of theactivity.
Navy Club, an Important Historical Building in the Park.
In daily life, the main emphasis is on the effect of lighting in thecorridor and concert mode in festival atmosphere.
红毯广场-日常照明效果 Red carpet Plaza-Daily mode effect
红毯广场-活动模式效果 Red carpet Plaza-Festival mode effect
Respect for classic performanceclassic
哥伦比亚乡村俱乐部 Colombia CountryClub
Lighting ExpressionsRespect History
哥伦比亚乡村俱乐部 Colombia CountryClub
Lighting ExpressionsRespect History
Lighting fullydemonstrates the classical artistic style of historical buildings and minimizesthe damage to the carrier of historical buildings.
中心广场 Central Plaza
Starting from thepleasant and approachable scale, the daily lighting focuses on the buildingspace below the second floor. Coordinating with the surrounding environment andemphasizing the exploratory experience of people and lighting environment
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