
新冀教版四年级英语上册Unit4 Lesson20微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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1 May I help you?1 我能帮助你吗?
May I help you?我能帮助你吗?
Yes, please.是的。
I want to buy a dress.我想买一条连衣裙。
Where are the dresses?连衣裙在哪里?
I’ll show you.我指给你。
This way, please.这边请。
Here they are!它们在这里!
Excuse me.打扰一下。
Yes? 什么事?
May I help you?我能帮助你吗?
Where’s the ice cream?冰淇淋在哪里?
Ice cream? 冰淇淋?
I’m sorry.很抱歉。
This shop has shoes, clothes, toys, books and bikes,but no ice cream.
这个商店里有鞋,衣服,玩具,书籍和自行车, 但是没有冰淇淋。
2 Let’s act!2 我们来表演吧!
Let’s go shopping.我们去购物吧。
May I help you?我能帮帮你吗?
I want to buy…我想买……
3 Let’s do it!3 我们动手做做吧!
Pair work.两人一组。
Write and say.写一写并说一说。
What do you want to buy?你想要买什么?
I want to buy a teddy bear.我想买一只泰迪熊。


Lesson 20  At the Shop

1. May I_______you?

2. _________do you want to buy?

3. Where is the_________?

4. This shop_______ clothes, books, toys and fruits, but novegetables.

5. She wants to________a new skirt.


(   )1. What do youwant to buy?

(   )2. What is it?

(   )3. Let’s goshopping.

(   )4. Excuse me!

(   )5. Where are thedresses?


1. I, you, May, help (? ) _____________________

2. do, What, you, buy, want, to (? )____________________

3. go, Let's, shopping (. )    ____________________

4. the, are, Where, books (?)   _________________

5. shoes, clothes, and, This, shop, has (.)_______________

一、1.A C E   2. B H K   3. D G I  4. F J L

二、1.help  2. What  3. ice cream 4. has  5. buy

三、1.B  2. A 3. D  4. E  5. C

四、1.May I help you?

2.What do you want to buy?

3.Let's go shopping. 

4.Where are the books?

5.This shop has shoes and clothes. /This shop has clothes and shoes.


