
人教版新起点四年级英语上册Revision 1 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃四年级资源 2021-08-09



Review 1 复习一

Let's Review 一起复习吧

A Look, listen and match. 看、听和匹配。

Hi, Sally. 你好,萨利。

Do you often play basketball? 你经常打篮球吗?

No. I don't like basketball. 不,我不喜欢篮球。

I often jump rope. I'm good at jumping rope. 我经常跳绳。我很擅长跳绳。

Hi, Tim. 你好,蒂姆。

What do you do on the weekend? 你周末经常做什么?

I like sports, so I often do sports on the weekend. 我喜欢运动,所以我经常周末做运动。

What sport do you do? 你做什么运动?

I often go roller skating. 我经常滑旱冰。

I'm good at it. 我很擅长它。

What do you do on the weekend, Sue? 苏,你周末做什么?

I often go to a drawing club. 我经常去绘画社团。

I am good at drawing. 我擅长画画。

How do you go to the drawing club? 你怎么去绘画社团?

I often go there on foot. It's near my home. 我通常走路去。离家很近。

Hello, Tony. 你好,托尼。

Do you often do sports? 你经常做运动吗?

Yes, I do. I like many sports. 是的,经常。我喜欢很多运动。

What's your favourite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?

Football. 足球。

Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Look, listen and circle. 看、听和画圈。

Flora is doing chores in the morning. 弗劳拉早晨在做家务。

It's boring. 很无聊。

She wants to read stories. 她想读故事。

Flora's sister is eating breakfast. 弗劳拉的妹妹在吃早餐。

Flora's father is watering the flowers. 弗劳拉的爸爸在浇花。

Flora's brother Adam is in the garden. 弗劳拉的弟弟亚当在花园里。

He is playing with a toy car. 他在玩玩具车。


B Listen and write. 听和写。









Story Time 故事时间

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

It is the winter of 1891. 1891年冬天。

It's very cold. 天气很冷。

The kids can't play outside. 孩子们不能在外面玩耍。

This noisy class needs to run and play games. 吵闹的班级需要跑步和做游戏。

Let's make a new game to play inside. 我们来做个新的室内游戏吧!

Aha! I have a good idea. 啊哈!我有好主意了。

Do you have any baskets? 你有篮子吗?

Yes, I have two peach baskets. 有,我有两个桃子篮子。

Help me put these baskets on the walls. 帮我把这些篮子挂在墙上。

We need two teams of nine players. 我们需要两队九人队员。

Throw the ball to other players. 把球传给其他队员。

Then throw the ball into the basket. 然后把球投进篮筐里。

Can we run with the ball, sir? 我们能带球跑吗,先生?

No, you can't. 不,你们不能。

This game is fun. 这个游戏很有趣。

Let's call it basketball. 让我们叫他篮球吧。


Revision1 阶段测试卷


morning  park  father  dark  story  driver  garden  water  sport

car  pork  flower  card  art  forty  clever  summer  corn

(1) 含有字母组合 or 的单词 : ____________________________________________

(2) 含有字母组合 ar的单词 : ____________________________________________

(3) 含有字母组合 er的单词 : ____________________________________________



( ) 1. A. my  B. you  C. I

( ) 2. A. two  B. nine  C. some

( ) 3. A. the USA  B. Jack  C. China

( ) 4. A. basketball  B. month  C. ping-pong

( ) 5. A. to  B. at  C. are

( ) 6. A. father  B. water  C. brother


( ) 1. I ________ basketball.

A. like  B. likes  C. like to

( ) 2. I want ________ new friends there.

A. make  B. making  C. to make

( ) 3. Aha! I have ________ good idea.

A. a  B. an  C. /

( ) 4. It ’s very cold. The kids ________ play outside.

A. can  B. can ’t C. doesn ’t

( ) 5. Then throw the ball ________ the basket.

A. to  B. into  C. in


(1) Do you like football?  A. Yes, I am.

(2) Are you good at it?  B. I often go to the cinema.

(3) What do you do on the weekend?  C. No, I don ’t.

(4) How do you go to school?  D. I usually go to school by bike.


1. any,  you,  baskets,  have,  Do  (?)


2. fun,  game,  is,  the  (.)


3. also,  I,  like,  ping-pong  (.)


七、阅读理解,判断句子正 (√)误(×)。

I ’m a Grade Four student like sports. I often play tennis. I also like roller skating. I ’m good at it. It ’s interesting. Lucy is my good friend. She likes sports, too. She often goes jogging. She also likes swimming. She is good at it.

(1) I’m a Grade Two student.

(2) I don ’t like sports.

(3) I ’m good at roller skating .

(4) Lucy often goes jogging.

(5) Lucy is good at swimming.



(1) morning story sport pork forty corn

(2) park dark garden car card art

(3) father driver water flower clever summer


1. a; i 2. aw 3. oo 4. um 5. un 6. i; o






(1)-(4) CABD


1. Do you have any baskets?

2. The game is fun.

3. I also like ping-pong.


(1)-(5) ××√√√


