1接单/活动时间: 1月26日-2月28日(活动仅剩6天) 2业务介绍: 业务覆盖计算化学(包括量子化学、第一性原理、分子模拟)、有限元模拟、半导体芯片仿真模拟等计算模拟业务,以及与之相关联的超算租赁服务等。 目前科学指南针-唯理计算也拥有VASP,MS,Gaussian专业商业版权,全心全意用计算助力科研。 (部分业务公示) 3成果展示: 1)文章发文情况(部分成果展示): 2)可计算结果图展示: 几何结构和能带文献:Chemical doping of the SnSe monolayer: a first-principle calculation 自旋密度 文献:A MnN4 moiety embedded graphene as a magnetic gas sensor for CO detection: A first principle study AIM 文献:Planar Tetracoordinated Silicon (ptSi): Room-Temperature Stable Compounds Containing Anti-van’t Hoff/Le Bel Silicon 扭曲-相互作用分析 文献:From Carbodiimides to Carbon Dioxide: Quantification of the Electrophilic Reactivities of Heteroallenes 轨道分析 文献:Planar Tetracoordinated Silicon (ptSi): Room-Temperature Stable Compounds Containing Anti-van’t Hoff/Le Bel Silicon 锂离子迁移 文献:Crystal Structure and Li-Ion Transport in Li2CoPO4F High-VoltageCathode Material for Li-Ion Batteries 能带计算 光学性质计算 能带和光学性质计算文献:Electronic structures and optoelectronic properties of ATiOPO4 (A = H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr, NH4, Ag) compounds and their applications in water splitting, CO2 reduction, and photo-degradation 力学性能研究 文献:Study on the stability of organic–inorganic perovskite solar cell materials based on first principle 机理研究 文献:Realizing Metal-Free Carbene-Catalyzed Carbonylation Reactions with CO 4活动详情: 下单即送 单个订单达到一定金额,可获得额外赠送积分(积分可用于兑换京东卡、iPhone/华为手机) 兑换地址:登录科学指南针官网()-个人中心-我的积分