

方舟子 生物100 2023-02-13



Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Nov 26;93(24):13859-63.

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Misconceptions about mitochondria and mammalian fertilization:implications for theories on human evolution.


Ankel-Simons F, Cummins JM.


Duke University Primate Center, Durham, NC 27705, USA.


In vertebrates, inheritance of mitochondria is thought to bepredominantly maternal, and mitochondrial DNA analysis has become astandard taxonomic tool. In accordance with the prevailing view ofstrict maternal inheritance, many sources assert that duringfertilization, the sperm tail, with its mitochondria, gets excludedfrom the embryo. This is incorrect. In the majority ofmammals-including humans-the midpiece mitochondria can beidentified in the embryo even though their ultimate fate isunknown. The "missing mitochondria" story seems to havesurvived--and proliferated-unchallenged in a time of contentionbetween hypotheses of human origins, because it supports the"African Eve" model of recent radiation of Homo sapiens out ofAfrica. We will discuss the infiltration of this mistake intoconcepts of mitochondrial inheritance and human evolution.


PMID: 8943026 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



Biol Reprod. 1996 Dec;55(6):1195-205.

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Fate of the sperm mitochondria, and the incorporation, conversion,and disassembly of the sperm tail structures during bovinefertilization.


Sutovsky P, Navara CS, Schatten G.


Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706,USA.


Sperm incorporation and the conversion of the sperm-derivedcomponents into zygotic structures during in vitro fertilization ofbovine oocytes was explored by combining ultrastructural studieswith observations of the fertilizing sperm tagged with amitochondrion-specific vital dye MitoTracker green FM. The zygotesfertilized by the MitoTracker-labeled sperm were fixed at varioustimes after fertilization and then processed forimmunocytochemistry to examine the distribution of DNA,microtubules, and sperm tail components, including the fibroussheath and axonemal microtubules. We show here that the completeincorporation of the sperm, but not sperm-oocyte binding and oocyteactivation, depends upon the integrity of oocyte microfilaments andis inhibited by the microfilament disrupter cytochalasin B. Aftersperm incorporation, the mitochondria are displaced from thesperm's connecting piece, and the sperm centriole is exposed to theegg cytoplasm. This event is followed by the formation of themicrotubule-based sperm aster, which is responsible for the unionof male and female pronuclei. Concomitantly, the major structure ofthe sperm principal piece, the fibrous sheath, disappears. Afterthe first mitosis, the compact mitochondrial sheath can be seen inone of the blastomeres. An aggregate of the sperm mitochondria isobserved at the entry of the second mitosis, although they remainin the vicinity of the nucleus and can later be seen at one pole ofthe metaphase spindle. The mitochondrial cluster is occasionallyfound in one of the blastomeres in the early-stage four-cellembryos, but it is no longer detected by the beginning of the thirdmitotic cycle. These data suggest that the disassembly of the spermtail during bovine fertilization occurs as a series of preciselyorchestrated events involving the destruction (fibrous sheath andmitochondrial sheath) and transformation (DNA, sperm centriole) ofparticular sperm structures into zygotic and embryoniccomponents.


Publication Types:

"    ResearchSupport, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S.

"    ResearchSupport, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.


PMID: 8949874 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]




