
学术视界 | 大型企业数字创新驱动的创业:实践创新与理论挑战(附下载)

张玉利 冯潇等 数字经济与商业模式 2024-01-09









Digital innovation-driven entrepreneurship of large enterprises: Practical innovation and theoretical challenges

Zhang Yuli1,2, Feng Xiao1,2, Tian Li1,2

(1.Entrepreneurial Research Center, Naikai University, Tianjin 300071, China;

2.Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China)

Abstract:In the era of digital economy, the backbone supporting role of large enterprises in technological innovation and entrepreneurial development is increasingly prominent. As more and more large enterprises begin to identify new development opportunities and foster new competitive advantages by supporting and promoting diversified entrepreneurial activities, the old negative image of large enterprises with rigidity and overstaffing has been broken. It is not only a great event in economic and social development, but also a great research opportunity for large enterprises to actively engage in entrepreneurial practices. However, there are few studies that combine the entrepreneurial practices of large enterprises with digital innovation to discuss the innovation-driven entrepreneurial activities of large enterprises in the digital economy. As a result, the understanding of how large enterprises control entrepreneurial activities under the support of digital technological innovation is still limited. The engagement in entrepreneurial practices of large enterprises in the era of the digital economy is not simply equivalent to the entrepreneurial activities initiated by incumbent corporations, nor is it comparable to the independent start-ups. Therefore, it is urgent for academics to fully understand the current situation and dynamics of entrepreneurship research motivated by large enterprises and actively explore major scientific problems.

In this regard, this paper firstly summarizes the opportunities and advantages of large enterprises in the era of the digital economy. The analysis shows that data, scenarios and infrastructure construction are the basic elements providing direction and motivation for large enterprises to gain new development opportunities in the new era. Then, the paper reviews and summarizes the attention and exploration of entrepreneurship conducted by large enterprises in the existing research. Scholars have analyzed how large enterprises actively respond to the challenges of the times from different perspectives such as technological innovation, business model innovation, organizational renewal and corporate entrepreneurship. And specifically, corporate entrepreneurship helps large enterprises to achieve strategic goals such as breakthrough innovation, organizational learning and acquisition of important knowledge, and re-allocation of innovative resources. In general, the rapid technological change and open markets promote the self-renewal and iterative innovation of corporate entrepreneurship practices of large enterprises, and therefore corporate entrepreneurship has received more extensive attention. In the wave of the digital economy, some entrepreneurial practices led by large enterprises have changed, and emerging research that blends corporate entrepreneurship with other forms of corporate innovation is also deepening. 

Secondly, some research topics that may challenge the prevailing theories of strategy and management are proposed in this paper based on the above work, including the CxE, identification and definition of opportunities by large enterprises, and its impact on traditional management models. In fact, the connotation of traditional corporate entrepreneurial activities has undergone tremendous changes in the new era, and some theoretical terms need to be redefined. On this basis, some large enterprises more obviously show the initiative and priority to identify entrepreneurial opportunities driven by data and business scenarios in the era of the digital economy; In addition, with the active involvements related to platforms and ecosystems, the different stages between opportunity identification and opportunity development may merge. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider whether the understanding of opportunity in traditional entrepreneurship research is still applicable to explain the practice of corporate strategy in the new era. In addition, as the ideal type of hierarchical organization gradually changes, the management mode formed according to functions may face a greater shock. 

Finally, the future research direction is prospected from the aspects of research problems, research cooperation and crossover. It may be more useful to explore strategies and management models for the new era by the end of large enterprises. The research of digital innovation-driven entrepreneurship in large enterprises needs further theoretical exploration due to its pioneering and interdisciplinary nature in practice. Facing the challenges and tests of the times, large enterprises have changed from passive adaptation to active reshaping and even leading. In this case, large enterprises have a huge demand for theoretical tools, methods or means that can directly guide their innovation and entrepreneurship practice. However, there is still a wide gap between theoretical development potential and practical needs in this research area. Therefore, more relevant studies are urgently needed to help understand the important phenomenon in the era of the digital economy.

Key words:digital innovation-driven; entrepreneurship of large enterprises; practical innovation; theoretical challenge







热点研究| 数字社会治理

实践前沿 | 31省市数字政府“十四五”规划重点
实践前沿 | AI数字人未来十大展望

学术视界 | 数字经济、非农就业与社会分工
学术视界 |《中国工业经济》——论反垄断科学监管:决策理论分析及政策启示
学术视界 | 政策不确定性与创新数字化——双元创新的视角(附原文下载)

数字经济周刊 · 第66期|2022.05.02-05.08

