
梅赛德斯-奔驰爵士大师堂 | 意大利吉他手携豪华阵容带来融合之声!




意大利吉他手兼乐队领队Nicola Conte曾通过MPS厂牌发表了他的第一张专辑,参与制作的其他乐手来自Conte带领的乐团。专辑大部分录制于意大利巴里和南非约翰内斯堡,从文化交叉中汲取灵感并融入作品,最终创造出这张具有敏锐度的、跨越了骚灵音乐与非洲灵魂爵士乐的艺术专辑。


音乐家们通常讨厌人们将他们的作品进行草率的分类。然而,Nicola Conte却反其道而行:“你尽可称它为灵魂或宇宙非洲爵士。我其实也同意‘非洲骚灵’的叫法。”在他的新专辑《Let Your Light Shine On》中,这位意大利DJ、音乐制作人、吉他手、乐队领队看似随意地将骚灵音乐的律动冲动与非洲音乐的呼吸节奏交错编织起来。Conte总是善于将看起来毫无交集的元素结合在一起。

The Italian guitarist and bandleader Nicola Conte has recorded his first album for MPS. For the most part recorded in Bari, Italy and Johannesburg, South Africa, it is a sensitive work of art that crosses the border between soul and spiritual Afro-jazz.

Musicians hate to have to pigeonhole their music. Nevertheless, Nicola Conte makes the attempt: "You could call it spiritual or cosmic Afro-jazz. I could also agree with calling it Afro-soul." For his new album, "Let Your Light Shine On", this Italian DJ, producer, guitarist, and bandleader has casually interwoven soul and grooves pulsing with the beat and breath of Africa. In so doing, Conte combines elements that seemingly do not belong together.

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这位充满创意的爵士乐复兴者总是乐于接受任何流派的音乐与任何质感的音色。Conte出生于1964年,并于90s在他的故乡意大利巴里建立了一个出版爵士和现代电子面向的波萨诺瓦的唱片公司Artist Collective Fez。Conte将他对于返璞归真的兴致(“我们不该被物质享乐主义限制住,我们需要全新的视角!”)融入了第八张专辑。同时,他的音乐总是带有一定的政治倾向。


“我对于非洲中心论抱有浓厚兴趣,它由许多著名艺术家如John Coltrane、唱片公司如Strata-East,在上世纪60和70年代发扬光大,”这位狂热的唱片收集者充满激情地说道,“当时的人们曾面对过许多时代问题,有些可能在今日与人们的生活更加息息相关——许多问题甚至变得更加严重。”

This innovative jazz revivalist has always been open to sounds of every sort and color. Born in 1964, Conte formed the artist collective Fez in the early '90's in his native city of Bari, produced jazz and modern electronic-oriented Bossa Nova, and recorded film music. Conte’s eighth album conveys his interest in spiritual deceleration ("We should not be hemmed in by materialism. We need new perspectives!"). At the same time, his music has a political slant.

"I'm interested in the Afrocentric approach that such artists as John Coltrane, and such labels as Strata-East carried forward in the sixties and seventies,” this obsessed record collector enthused. “People dealt with the problems of that time. This may well have greater relevance today than ever before – many problems have only gotten worse."


《Let Your Light Shine On》

《Let Your Light Shine On》是Conte于传奇厂牌MPS的首次亮相,最近双方也在持续合作,陆续推出新的专辑。“于我来说,MPS就是欧洲厂牌的标杆,”他充满激情地说道,“爵士在MPS遇见世界——这是他们的座右铭。它从不盲目追寻潮流,它只欣赏真诚的艺术表达。”


Nicola Conte把他对于宇宙爵士乐的想象投射到了无缝音调设计中——他不再限制乐手们的自由,任由他们探索文化差异并融入音乐。“在这张专辑中,每个人都能自由地表达自己,”Conte说,“这比我上一张专辑要开放许多。所有的音乐都是现场录制,并尽可能的使用了最少的叠录技术。”


《Let Your Light Shine On》由Conte的现场乐队Spiritual Galaxy构成,Conte在其中担任吉他手。乐队的其余乐手都是世界顶尖的音乐家们,如曾被极具声望的爵士乐杂志《DownBeat》评为“最佳新兴艺术家”的长号手Gianluca Petrella、瑞典次中音萨克斯手Magnus Lindgren和芬兰鼓手Teppo Mäkynen。随后,他们与钢琴手Petro Lusso、贝斯手Luca Alemanno、歌手Bridgette Amofah相遇。乐队也有来自美国的两名新兴爵士乐年轻一代,他们对于Hip Hop、R&B、电子也毫不避讳——萨克斯手Logan Richardson和小号手Theo Croker。

"Let Your Light Shine On" is Conte's debut on the legendary MPS label, which has recently resumed releasing new recordings. "For me, when it comes to European labels, MPS has always been the yardstick," the Italian enthused. "Jazz Meets the World on MPS – that was their motto. It wasn’t about exploiting trends, it was about genuine artistic expression."

Nicola Conte has cast his vision of cosmic jazz into a seamless tonal design – without restricting his players' freedom, leaving them open to the influences of the diverse cultures. "Everyone should be able to express themselves freely," Conte says; "this album is much more open than my last one. Everything was recorded live and with a minimum of overdubs."

The foundation of "Let Your Light Shine On" is Conte's live band, Spiritual Galaxy. Conte plays guitar and is accompanied by such top international stars as trombonist Gianluca Petrella, who has been awarded "Best Emerging Artist" by the prestigious DownBeat jazz magazine, Swedish tenor saxophonist Magnus Lindgren, and Finnish drummer Teppo Mäkynen. They meet up with pianist Petro Lusso, bassist Luca Alemanno, and singer Bridgette Amofah. The band also includes two up-and-coming stars of the younger generation of jazz musicians from the USA, players who don't shy away from Hip Hop, R&B, and electronic music – alto saxophonist Logan Richardson and trumpeter Theo Croker.

这是一个来自斯堪的纳维亚-美国-意大利的全明星乐队,一个真正的阵容豪华的宇宙级乐团——英国著名歌手Zara McFarlane作出如此高度评价。此专辑中,带有伦敦腔的拟声和充满模仿与想象力的即兴便是在灵动深情的伦敦爵士乐厂牌“Ogun”录制的,而那些充满轻柔律动的歌曲则录制于南非。于约翰内斯堡的录制计划时间很短,过程中还加入了四位南非当地的音乐家——当然了,这充满了典型的Conte风格。


《Mystic Revelation of the Gods》和《Me Do Wo》造就了Conte独特的充满松弛感的对于非洲节奏乐(Afrobeat)的定义,其中Croker、Lindgren和Richardson献出了一流的即兴演奏。那真是如同传奇非洲节奏乐之父Fela Kuti在巴里的码头上开了一晚上派对后,转头去录制了地中海的日出一般。Nicola Conte如此评价这两张专辑:“这是我数年实验的结果,并将重心置于模拟乐器上。”


所以,这道出自他专辑名字的“光”究竟唤起了什么?“我们被一种更为高等的力量所连结。我不想听起来很嬉皮,但或许这道光从宇宙中来。同时,它也来自于我们自己。”爵士遇见世界——在与他气质最契合的厂牌MPS的推动中,在那更为高等的力量和著名音乐家们的帮助下,Nicola Conte将不同大陆的声音结合成了一种全新的独特风格。

A Scandinavian-American-Italian all-star band, a truly cosmic-cosmopolitan ensemble – complimented by a sensitive guest appearance by the celebrated British singer Zara McFarlane. The Londoner scats and improvises with mimetic imagination on the sparkling, soulful "Ogun", whereas the gently grooving title song was recorded in South Africa. Scheduled on short notice in Johannesburg, the session took place with the addition of four local musicians – naturally, replete with the typical Conte touch.

"Mystic Revelation of the Gods" and "Me Do Wo" feature Conte's unique laid-back definition of Afrobeat, with superb solos by Croker, Lindgren, and Richardson. It's as if the legendary father of Afrobeat Fela Kuti had partied the night away on the Bari docks and then recorded as the sun rose over the Mediterranean. Nicola Conte: “This album is the result of years of experimentation, with a focus on analog instruments."

So what is this "Light" that the band leader evokes in the title? "We are connected by a higher force. I don't want to sound like a hippie, but perhaps the light comes out of the universe. At the same time, it also comes out of ourselves." Jazz Meets the World – in the best MPS tradition, with the help of a higher force and famous musicians, Nicola Conte combines the sounds of different continents into a unique style.

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《Let Your Light Shine On》预告


Nicola Conte - guitar

Carolina Bubbico - vocals

Luca Alemanno - bass

Simon Moullier - vibraphone/keyboard/percussions

Teppo Mäkynen - drums

Abdissa Assefa - percussions

Timo Lassy - saxophone


入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM

B2剧场票价Ticket Price:


B1包厢价格Box Prices:

5人包厢价格/5 person:3400RMB

7人包厢价格/7 person:4760RMB

8人包厢价格/8 person:5440RMB

10人包厢价格/10 person:6800RMB





入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM

B2剧场票价Ticket Price:


B1包厢价格Box Prices:

5人包厢价格/5 person:3400RMB

7人包厢价格/7 person:4760RMB

8人包厢价格/8 person:5440RMB

10人包厢价格/10 person:6800RMB





入场时间/Door Time:9:30PM

演出时间/Show Time:10:00PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing


B2剧场票价Ticket Price:


B1包厢价格Box Prices:

5人包厢价格/5 person:3200RMB

7人包厢价格/7 person:4480RMB

8人包厢价格/8 person:5120RMB

10人包厢价格/10 person:6400RMB











“感性·纯粹”不仅是梅赛德斯-奔驰对于速度与激情的向往,更是对艺术与美的不懈追求。一直以来,梅赛德斯-奔驰始终积极推动音乐艺术的普及和发展,致力于将纯正的世界顶级音乐带进中国,如今更是联手Blue Note Beijing,带来“梅赛德斯-奔驰爵士大师堂系列”演出,开启又一经典乐章。在这里,世界顶级爵士音乐大师汇聚星徽之下,用生动的现场体验为热爱音乐的朋友们创造无与伦比的殿堂级艺术享受。音乐是心灵的回响,梅赛德斯-奔驰诚邀您沉浸在节奏与律动打造的爵士天籁之中,用音乐表达自我,唤醒内心深处的感动,共赴爵士生活的精彩旅程。


'Sensual Purity' is more than the unswerving yearning for speed and passion but also unswerving yearning for speed and passion for Mercedes-Benz, which has always actively promoted the development of art and music around the world, and committed to bringing the purest form of world-class music into China. To this end, Mercedes-Benz has teamed up with Blue Note Beijing to present the exclusive 'Mercedes-Benz Jazz Master Series'. This special performance series brings together the world's top jazz musicians to deliver unparalleled artistry to music fans and friends alike during a stimulating live show experience. Music is an echo of the soul. Mercedes-Benz invites you to immerse yourself in the rhythm and beats of jazz, awaken feelings deep inside, express yourself with music and start a journey into the extraordinary jazz life.



自五月始,Blue Note Beijing每周五、六晚,均设两场演出(部分演出当日仅售一场,实际以官网公布售票为准)。更多饮品优惠活动及“深夜食堂”超值菜单(仅限第二场)敬请期待!

