

2016-03-08 翻吧





We will encourage the introduction of e-commerce into rural areas. 


光网城市Cities linked up to fiber-optic networks

Fiber-optic networks will be developed in a number of cities and 50,000 administrative villages will be linked up to fiber-optic networks.




We will move faster to build urban car parks and install charging facilities for new-energy vehicles.


新能源汽车green car

China Tuesday released details of its green-car subsidy program designed to boost the nation's auto industry and cut vehicle emissions.




We will actively promote environmentally friendly buildings and construction materials, make a big push to develop steel understructures and prefabricated modules, and see that the standard and quality of construction projects are improved.

当前,国家正积极推进新型城镇化建设,不少地方面临拆迁重建,棚户区rundown urban areas住房改造,对于建筑建材需求巨大。而传统建材存在用量大、耗能高、污染较严重等问题,已经不能适应市场需要,此时中央提出“积极推广绿色建筑和建材”,为该行业带来巨大商机。

绿色建筑 Green construction

Green construction has been widely recognized in China as an important step toward energy efficiency amid efforts to fight pollution, but the concept does not always translate to the Chinese market.




We will work to develop the energy conservation and environmental protection industries, and turn the energy conservation and environmental protection industries into pillar industries underpinning China's development. 



green jobs

Some 24,500 green jobs have been created by the end of last year, a great relief of employment pressure.


文中的green jobs (green employment)就是指“绿色就业”,指在节能环保等"绿色"产业中开发就业机会,带动environmental industries(环保产业)的崛起。发展绿色节能环保产业,推动energy saving and emission reduction(节能减排)工程、ecological restoration(生态恢复)工程建设,加强environmental infrastructure(环境基础设施)建设,创造就业岗位,应是应对当前金融危机冲击下国内employment pressure(就业压力)剧增的一剂良方。



We will establish demonstration centers for business startups and innovation and encourage the development of a business startup service industry as well as angel investment, venture capital, industrial investment, and other investment.

创业服务业是一种相对较新的业态,通俗点说,就是为创业者提供服务,包括创业指导、创业咨询、创业帮助等。目前,大众创业、万众创新(business startup and innovation)蓬勃发展,国家正以“双创”打造发展新引擎,其背后的创业服务业也将因此受益,迎来发展良机。


Platforms for crowd innovation, crowd support, crowdsourcing, and crowdfunding 

We will help people to pool their ideas and talents through a synergy of business startups, innovation, and the Internet Plus. Platforms will be created for crowd innovation, crowd support, crowdsourcing, and crowdfunding, and mechanisms will be built to encourage new types of business startups and innovation-making through cooperation between enterprises, institutions of higher learning, research institutes, and makers.




We will adopt a full range of measures to reduce excess stockpiles of food, and provide strong support for the processing of agricultural products to increase their value and extend the agricultural production chain. 



target price

Under the new policy, the government will set up a target price for each kind of major agricultural product. Farmers will receive subsidies from the government when the market price is below the target, while low-income groups will receive subsidies when the market price soars.



【报告】完成铁路投资8000亿元以上 、公路投资1.65万亿元。

More than 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction, and investment in road construction will reach 1.65 trillion yuan.

我国基础设施和民生领域有许多短板(weak areas),有效投资仍有很大空间。今年将完成铁路投资8000亿元以上,公路投资1.65万亿元,再开工20项重大水利工程,这本身就蕴藏巨大市场机会。报告同时指出,完善政府和社会资本合作模式,民营资本将有更多机会参与重大基础设施建设。


island-looping high-speed train line

China's southernmost province of Hainan has commenced operations of the world's first island-looping high-speed train line.




We will ensure people are able to take their paid vacations, strengthen the development of tourist and transport facilities, scenic spots and tourist sites, and recreational vehicle parks, and see that the tourist market operates in line with regulations. With these efforts, we will usher in a new era of mass tourism.

今年政府工作报告再提落实带薪休假制度(paid vacations),并在此基础上明确,加强旅游交通、景区( tourist site)将点、自驾车营地(recreational vehicle park)等设施建设。这些举措的落实,都与旅游业发展密切相关,可以预见,今年旅游业及其相关产业将迎来巨大机遇。

New era of mass tourism


We will ensure people are able to take their paid vacations, strengthen the development of tourist and transport facilities, scenic spots and tourist sites, and recreational vehicle parks, and see that the tourist market operates in line with regulations. With these efforts, we will usher in a new era of mass tourism.




We will improve policy support for the development of wind, solar, and biomass energy, and increase the proportion of clean energy in total energy consumption. 

今年,中央要重拳治理大气雾霾(air pollution)和水污染(water pollution),从源头下手控制污染,提高清洁能源比重很关键。报告指出,增加天然气供应,完善风能(wind energy)、太阳能(solar energy)、生物质能(biomass energy)等发展扶持政策,清洁能源相关产业发展“钱景”光明。

清洁能源 clean energy

Bill Gates has pulled together a multinational band of investors to put billions into clean energy.




We will carry out the "Internet Plus government services" model trillion yuan. We will intensify efforts to promote the integrated development of Made in China 2025 and the Internet Plus action plan.

今年,政府在明确大力推行“互联网+政务服务”(Internet Plus government services),深入推进“中国制造+互联网”(Made in China 2025 and the Internet Plus action plan)的同时,通过落实税收优惠政策,培养创业服务业,支持分享经济(sharing ecnomy)发展等举措,大力支持互联网发展。推动互联网与传统行业结合是大势所趋,不仅对传统行业意味着转型升级,也是互联网行业自身发展的重大机遇。

互联网+政务服务Internet Plus government services

We will carry out the "Internet Plus government services" model and promote better information sharing between government departments, so that the public and businesses need to make fewer visits to government departments to get things done, find procedures simpler, and find the service satisfactory. We will cut red tape and root out illegalities to ensure that the people have more equal opportunities and greater space for creativity.


中国制造+互联网Made in China 2025 and Internet Plus

We will intensify efforts to promote the integrated development of Made in China 2025 and the Internet Plus action plan, build national platforms for innovation in manufacturing, carry out demonstration programs in smart manufacturing, and launch projects to make the foundation of industry development more solid, promote green manufacturing, and develop high-end equipment.



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