
U派大事 | A Letter to the Overseas Authors from UPI · 写给海外作者的信

UPI编辑部 国际城市规划 2022-04-25

Dear Sir / Madam,
In the last few years, as authors, you have submitted your research results to the Chinese journal Urban Planning International (UPI), and provided valuable first-hand materials for Chinese readers to understand the development of your countries and related fields. We are grateful for your efforts. As COVID-19 becomes a pandemic disease and spreads globally, please accept the sincere greetings from UPI — We wish you and your family good health and well-being!
As you know, China has passed the critical period of COVID-19 outbreak, which has been basically brought under control, and people's life and work are back on track gradually. During the epidemic, we learned many lessons, such as chaos, disorder, and panic in the initial stage; we also gained a lot of experience, in which the most valuable one is that controlling the spread of COVID-19 requires the concerted efforts of everyone and the whole society. In China, with government's strong and determined leadership and the timely and active response of the general public, the epidemic control has entered into an orderly phase. As the transmission of COVID-19 was timely stopped, the treatments of patients were improved, and the personal protections were strengthened, China managed to stop the spread of COVID-19 across the country. Although at the epicenter of the epidemic, people in Wuhan have suffered greater sacrifices, more and more domestic and international supports have been extended to Wuhan, and more people's lives have been effectively protected. China's experience shows that the pandemic can be controlled in a timely and effective manner with the joint efforts of the government and the public. The end of the pandemic can not be achieved without the effort of each of us.
In the earliest Chinese medical classics Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor Medical Canon), the intelligent Chinese ancestors had already predicted the pandemic that may occur from the winter of 2019 to the spring of 2020 based on their understandings of the laws of space and time, and called this pandemic as “plague in a certain period”. This means that one of the most important factors in the current pandemic is the time and space environment, that is, the virus is not selective on gender, age, occupation, rich or poor, and ethnicity etc.! As we see now, there is almost no place on earth to be spared. At the moment, we are a community with a shared future. We believe that our supplications are the same, that is, we work together to end the pandemic as soon as possible and the losses are minimized. Once "Stay Strong, Wuhan!" is our common goal, here, we sincerely hope that you, our dear overseas authors of UPI, with the close and sincere cooperation of your government and people, you and your family will maintain healthy during the pandemic. We want to say, "Stay Strong! Everyone!"
In any case, the pandemic will eventually pass, and the human society will continue to move on. While the severe pandemic has brought huge losses, it also brings stronger reflections to us in the East and the West: What is the genuine relationship between man and nature? How should countries, regions and peoples get along with each other? How can human society develop to enhance the well-being of everyone?
When will the pandemic end? There is no clear answer, but we should have some basic consensus: if we want to livea secure and dignified life in an honest and peaceful society, then we ourselves should firstly be honest, gentle, rational, and respect others. We know that each country has its own system, and we know that there are thousands of roads to Rome. But real civilization belongs to all human. We hope that after the pandemic, we will be able to communicate with you and more western scholars, to share with readers your experience and thoughts on the pandemic.
We sincerely wish you and your family in good health!

Editorial Department of Urban Planning International
March 20, the Spring Equinox, 2020






