
量子材料大观园(1) | Ising专栏

2018-01-07 Ising 知社学术圈




浪淘沙 · 文心涨落









Thermal conductivity: in a loop

The thermal conductivity across stacked MoTe2 layers exhibits a hysteresis loop, as the temperature changes. Similar effects in other materials have been exploited for the implementation of thermal memories for the storage of phononic information. Now, a team from Nanjing University in China studies the thermal properties along the perpendicular axis of stacked layers of MoTe2, a 2D material that undergoes a well-known structural phase transition around 250 K. The authors report an abrupt jump in the thermal conductivity around that temperature. The conductivity measured at 255 K during warming is about 10% higher than upon cooling, a hysteretic behavior dominated by phonons. With a performance comparable to other phase-change materials, MoTe2 is a very promising candidate for the implementation of all-phononic thermal memories, working at 255 K with the thermal information being “written/erased” by adjusting the temperature.

link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41535-017-0031-x

a & b Hysteretic behaviors of c-axis thermal conductivity in the metastable phase MoTe2 sample 1 & 2. The triangular scatters represent the experimental data measured by ‘the static method’, while the solid lines represent the results continuously measured by ‘the dynamic method’. The red and blue arrows indicate the directions of warming up and cooling down routes, respectively. The inserted images show the locations of focused laser spots on the MoTe2  samples during the TDTR measurements.



最近有一些学派开始信仰向列序在铁基超导电子配对中所起的作用。问题是有些体系根本就不存在磁有序,哪里来的向列序呢?后来又有人勾画出所谓的hidden orders,看起来好像跟宇宙学的暗物质和暗能量差不多,令人莫名其妙,却也按捺不住内心的波澜激动。总之,物理学家总是希望给铁基超导配对机制找一个新的诞生地:磁涨落!


原文链接: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41535-017-0036-5

Iron-based superconductors: Hidden nematic and magnetic fluctuations in iron selenide

Ultrafast spectroscopy unveils hidden nematic fluctuations and a spin subsystem in theiron-based superconductor iron selenide. Layered iron-based materials recently emerged as a new class of high temperature superconductor. The mechanism of superconductivity in these materials, however, is a contentious issue. Nematic ordering is thought to be a key ingredient, but the apparent absence of magnetic ordering in iron selenide, which is the iron-based superconductor with the simplest structure, has caused confusion over what drives the nematicity. An international team of researchers led by Chih-Wei Luo and Jenh-Yih Juang from National Chiao Tung University use polarized ultrafast spectroscopy tounveil a hidden spin subsystem in FeSe, along with both nematic and magnetic fluctuations at relatively high temperatures, providing insights into the driving factors of nematicity in this fascinating material.

link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41535-017-0036-5

Phase diagram of FeSe by nematic ultrafast dynamics. Temperature dependence of the resistivity ρ shows clearly an anomaly at T s and indicates the high quality of FeSe together with a large residual-resistance ratio (RRR). T* denotes the temperature at which ρ(T) shows a rapid change of slope. Insets illustrate the nematic evolution of charge and spin subsystems in various phases. The thin arrows indicate sketchily the individual moment of Fe ions. The thick arrows indicate the “net” magnetic moments of FeSe in the stripe form. The simplified FS in each temperature range is depicted. The picture of FS for T < Ts follows ref. 49. The dashed green line denoted the proposed FS fluctuations at the Γ point.






Electrolyte gating: Hydrogenation mechanism in WO3

The mechanism leading to large carrier density changes and even concomitant electronic phase transitions with electrolyte gating is under debate. An international team led by Ivan Božović at USA’s Brook haven National Laboratoryand Yale University report a series of experiments based on WOfilms, which is found to exhibit an insultator-to-metal transition undergating, with both ionic liquids and polymer electrolytes. The experimental results allow to rule out some mechanisms—such as charge accumulation near the interface or oxygen vacancy formation—previously suggested in other material systems. Instead, the authors propose that the primary effect of electrolytegating in WO3 is hydrogen intercalation. Hydrogenation leads to the formation of a dense polaronic gas that explains the conductive ground state.The doping mechanism behind electrolyte gating seems to be material dependent.

link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41535-017-0039-2





Unconventional superconductivity: role of magnetic interactions in strontium ruthenate

A new framework for analysing the role of magnetic interactions on the unconventional superconductivity in strontium ruthenate. Strontium ruthenate is an unconventional superconductor that used to be touted a potentialthree-dimensional analogue of Helium-3, as it was thought to have the same type of chiral p-wave pairing. It is now widely accepted that this is not the case, but many questions remain over the exact nature of the pairing, particularly regarding the role of magnetic interactions. An international team of researchers led by Bongjae Kim and Sergii Khmelevskyi from the University of Vienna and Vienna University of Technology now present a framework that can incorporate the leading isotropic and anisotropic magnetic interactions in a different but complimentary way to the widely used Hubbard-model, providing analternative way of exploring the superconducting pairing symmetry.

link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41535-017-0041-8

Lowest energy magnetic structures (q=(1,1,0)2π/3a) of RuO2 basal plane in Sr2RuO4. The a–c structures represent different types of spiral magnetic order and d–f corresponds to the collinear up-up-down magnetic order with different moment directions.




Condensed matter: Magnetic collectivity

A signature of an exotic state of matteris identified in a magnetic material by researchers in China and Germany. There sults from Huiqiu Yuan from Zhejiang University and co-workers indicate a newclass of topological materials. In the right circumstances, the electrons in amaterial work collectively to behave like particles known as Weyl fermions.Weyl fermions have effectively no mass, making them a fascinating test-bed for novel physics. Yuan and colleagues observed a pronounced negative magnetoresistance when a magnetic field was applied in a direction parallel to an electric current passing through caesium antimonide at low temperature. This signature of a Weyl-fermion state was further supported by electronic-structure calculations. While these evasive particles have been identified in a number ofmaterials in the past, caesium antimonide is different because it is ferromagnetic.

link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41535-017-0038-3

Large positive magnetoresistance in CeSb for the magnetic field applied perpendicular to the current. a Temperature dependence of the electric alresistivity of CeSb in various applied fields with B ⊥ I. At low temperatures, the field leads to a significant enhancement of the resistivity indicating a large positive magnetoresistance. b Upper panel: Magnetoresistance as a function of applied field with B ⊥ I at various temperatures, demonstrating that the positive magnetoresistance becomes much more significant below 10 K. The arrows point to B FM, the field at which there is a transition from an AFF to the FM state with increasing field. b Lower panel: Magnetoresistance as afunction of applied field for different θ, where θ isthe angle between the applied field and the current. As θ is reduced from 90°, the magnetoresistance decreases and becomes negative at highfield near 0°

注:文中英文简介由Nature Publishing Group编辑队伍专门为npj Quantum Materials刊物论文所撰写,于每篇文章的链接里可以看到。



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