npj: 砷化硼异质结—潜在的光电薄膜和衬底材料
砷化硼是近期受到广泛关注一种III-V半导体材料。研究表明,砷化硼具有可媲美金刚石的超高热导率(~1300 Wm-1K-1),同时具有本征p型导电特性,并且可以长成毫米级的单晶。目前人们对砷化硼的基本物理性质已经开展了较为广泛的研究。然而,从光电器件应用考虑,不论作为功能薄膜还是衬底,砷化硼都必须与其他半导体材料形成异质结,因此考察其异质结相关特性十分重要。
Boron arsenide heterostructures: lattice-matched heterointerfaces and strain effects on band alignments and mobility
Kyle Bushick, Sieun Chae, Zihao Deng, John T. Heron& Emmanouil Kioupakis
BAs is a III–V semiconductor with ultra-high thermal conductivity, but many of its electronic properties are unknown. This work applies predictive atomistic calculations to investigate the properties of BAs heterostructures, such as strain effects on band alignments and carrier mobility, considering BAs as both a thin film and a substrate for lattice-matched materials. The results show that isotropic biaxial in-plane strain decreases the band gap independent of sign or direction. In addition, 1% biaxial tensile strain increases the in-plane electron and hole mobilities at 300 K by >60% compared to the unstrained values due to a reduction of the electron effective mass and of hole interband scattering. Moreover, BAs is shown to be nearly lattice-matched with InGaN and ZnSnN2, two important optoelectronic semiconductors with tunable band gaps by alloying and cation disorder, respectively. The results predict type-II band alignments and determine the absolute band offsets of these two materials with BAs. The combination of the ultra-high thermal conductivity and intrinsic p-type character of BAs, with its high electron and hole mobilities that can be further increased by tensile strain, as well as the lattice-match and the type-II band alignment with intrinsically n-type InGaN and ZnSnN2 demonstrate the potential of BAs heterostructures for electronic and optoelectronic devices.