

npj 知社学术圈 2022-09-22






该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 6: 79 (2020),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。

Graph theory approach to determine configurationsof multidentate and high coverage adsorbatesfor heterogeneous catalysis 

Siddharth Deshpande, Tristan Maxson& Jeffrey Greeley

Heterogeneous catalysts constitute a crucial component of many industrial processes, and to gain an understanding of the atomicscale features of such catalysts, ab initio density functional theory is widely employed. Recently, growing computational power haspermitted the extension of such studies to complex reaction networks involving either high adsorbate coverages or multidentateadsorbates, which bind to the surface through multiple atoms. Describing all possible adsorbate configurations for such systems,however, is often not possible based on chemical intuition alone. To systematically treat such complexities, we present ageneralized Python-based graph theory approach to convert atomic scale models into undirected graph representations. Theserepresentations, when combined with workflows such as evolutionary algorithms, can systematically generate high coverageadsorbate models and classify unique minimum energy multidentate adsorbate configurations for surfaces of low symmetry,including multi-elemental alloy surfaces, steps, and kinks. Two case studies are presented which demonstrate these capabilities;first, an analysis of a coverage-dependent phase diagram of absorbate NO on the Pt3Sn(111) terrace surface, and second, aninvestigation of adsorption energies, together with identifying unique minimum energy configurations, for the reactionintermediate propyne (CHCCH3*) adsorbed on a PdIn(021) step surface. The evolutionary algorithm approach reproduces highcoverage configurations of NO on Pt3Sn(111) using only 15% of the number of simulations required for a brute force approach.Furthermore, the screening of potentially hundreds of multidentate adsorbates is shown to be possible without humanintervention. The strategy presented is quite general and can be applied to a spectrum of complex atomic systems.



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