
AAEA China Section Chair 选举+候选人陈述【转】

三农学术 2022-12-31


AAEA China Section 将迎来新的女性Chair,因为今年的两位候选人都是女学者,北大的刘承方老师,Texas A&M的张宇老师。

Chengfang Liu

Associate Professor

Peking University

I am Chengfang Liu,an associate professor with tenure at the China Center for Agricultural Policy(CCAP), School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, Peking University. I obtaineda Ph.D degree in agricultural and resource economics from the University ofCalifornia (Davis) in 2008. My research has been in the field of agriculturaland rural development, with focus on the provision of rural infrastructure andpublic services. I have published more than 90 papers in peer reviewed journalsboth domestically and internationally, including Journal of DevelopmentEconomics, Journal of Labor Economics, Economics of Education Review, AmericanJournal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. I also have co-authored two books andheld one patent. Based on the empirical and action research, I have presented21 policy reports to the Central government of China. Of those, 17 reports wereadopted by the General Offices of CPC Central Committee or State Council, and14 reports were approved by national leaders in China. I am currently workingon how to carry out rigorous impact assessments in agricultural and ruraldevelopment policies/programs.

 I am also a frequent participant in theconferences of many academic societies/associations, such as Agricultural andApplied Economics Association(AAEA), International Association of AgriculturalEconomists(IAAE), China Economist Society (CES), Australasian Agricultural andResource Economics Society (AARES),and Chinese Association of AgriculturalEconomics (CAAS). Every time I attended the AAEA-China Section, I felt thecalling that I would like to have the great honor and opportunity to work withyou, my colleagues, to serve the China Section of AAEA. If I am elected, Iwould spare no efforts, together with the China section colleagues, toaccomplish the mission of AAEA-China Section and to serve the best interests ofAAEA and the China Section. In addition to organizing the China Section at theAAEA annual meetings with the support of the AAEA and China Section colleagues,we will organize exchange visits and joint meetings with Chinese universities,research institutions and academic societies. Looking forward to working withyou, my dear colleagues, hand in hand, shoulder by shoulder, to make the AAEAChina Section great. Thank you very much! 

Yu (Yvette) Zhang

Associate Professor

Texas A&M University


Dr. Yu (Yvette)Zhang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University. She received her B.S. in Biology from Peking University, Ph.D. inBiology from Duke University, and Ph.D. in Economics from Texas A&MUniversity. Her research focuses on two broad areas: 1) exploration of consumerbehavior and its implications in market mechanisms; 2) application of economicmodeling and advanced econometric methods in agricultural economics. With hermultidisciplinary background and multifaceted expertise, she has activelycollaborated with international scholars including colleagues from China on awide range of economic issues.   

The objective ofthe AAEA China Section is to provide a platform for all AAEA members with aninterest in research, teaching, outreach, and professional activities relatedto China and its link to the U.S. and the world. It is intended to stimulateresearch and collaboration, advance professional development, and createnetworking opportunities among the AAEA China section members. My goal as theAAEA China Section Chair is to facilitate communications and cooperation,promote and recognize high standards of research and service in China section,and increase our section members’ visibility in the AAEA association.






  1. AAEA 2019 主席致辞 | 作为应用经济学典型代表的农业经济学:大数据与大议题【转】

  2. AAEA主席 David Zilberman 获2019年沃尔夫农业奖

  3. AAEA 2018 年会 中国专场论文一览

  4. 美国农业经济学杂志(AJAE)百年变迁史及启示

  5. AJAE新文 | 中国退耕还林项目造林中的意外土地利用效应【转】

  6. AJAE新文:农业规模与农业生产率的关系:来自中国北方玉米生产的证据【转】

