
土地确权是否会改善信贷准入? 来自中国农村的准实验证据

三农学术 2022-12-31

Zhang Longyao, Cheng Wenli, Cheng Enjiang, WuBi. Does land titling improve credit access? Quasi-experimental evidence fromrural China[J]. Applied Economics, 2019, 57(2):1–15.




Based on official surveys conducted in 2010 and 2015, we study how the Chinese land titling reform beginning in 2009 affected rural households’ access to credit. We find that the reform had differential credit effects across households. For households with above-average economic status (measured by the area of cultivated land, level of income, and convenience of bank visits), access to formal credit improved as a result of the reform. For households with below-average economics status, reliance on informal credit lessened. We show that the availability of land as collateral might have enhanced access to formal credit. Another channel of the credit effects was income and wealth. We find that land titling had a positive impact on average household income, which would reduce their need for informal credit. For those households with above-average area of cultivated land, land titling increased their wealth and might have expanded their operations, which would increase both their credit demand and their ability to access formal credit.




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  2. 张林秀 等:土地确权颁证对中国农村农地租赁市场的影响【转】

  3. 分税制改革真是的中国土地财政的主因吗?【转】

  4. JDE | 靠近边缘:地块周边的高生产率和规模-生产率的反向关系

  5. 盖庆恩 等:土地资源配置不当与劳动生产率【转】

