
JDE | 靠近边缘:地块周边的高生产率和规模-生产率的反向关系

三农学术 2022-12-31


在大多数发展中国家的数据中,较小的农场和地块每公顷的产量比大的产量更高。 使用来自乌干达的独特地块级面板数据,使用地理空间位置匹配十多年的农业地块,我们使用地块固定效应下的地块大小随时间的变化,以及在家庭期间的固定效应下的农场内地块大小的变化来估算规模 - 生产率关系 像许多其他作者一样,我们发现观察到的反向关系出现在地块而不是农场层面,并且可观察的地块特征(如土壤质量)无法解释这种关系。 然而,地块周长/面积比率解释了大部分反向地块规模 - 生产率关系,反映了农学文献中广泛认可的边缘效应,其中生产率在地块周边最高。 我们提出与支持边缘效应的行为和生物物理机制一致的暗示性证据。


Smaller farms and plots appear more productive per hectare than larger ones in most developing country data. Using unique plot-level panel data from Uganda, with agricultural plots matched over a decade using geospatial location, we estimate the size-productivity relationship using variation in plot size over time under plot fixed effects, as well as variation in plot size within a farm, under household-period fixed effects. Like many other authors, we find that the observed inverse relationship arises at the plot, not farm, level, and that observable plot characteristics such as soil quality cannot explain the relationship. However, the plot perimeter/area ratio explains most of the inverse plot size-productivity relationship, reflecting an edge effect widely acknowledged in the agronomy literature wherein productivity is highest around the periphery of plots. We present suggestive evidence consistent with behavioral and biophysical mechanisms underpinning the edge effect.


Bevis Leah E, BarrettChristopher B. Close to the edge: High productivity at plot peripheries and theinverse size-productivity relationship[J]. Journal of Development Economics,2019




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