中国留美经济学会 2020 中国年会征文 【转】
Chinese Economists Society 2020 China Annual Conference
June 13-14, 2020
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei Province
The Chinese Economists Society (CES) calls for paper submissions for its 2020 China Annual Conference, to be held in Wuhan, Hubei Province from June 13-14 (Saturday and Sunday), 2020. The local host for the conference is Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The theme of the conference is “Economic Development in the New Era: Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects.” The conference will include invited keynote speeches, roundtable forums, and parallel sessions. Arrival and registration of participants will start on the afternoon of June 12. All speeches and sessions will occur on June 13 and 14.
Confirmed keynote speakers include:
- Lars Peter Hansen, David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor of economics at the University of Chicago and a 2013 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. Hansen is a leading expert in economic dynamics who works at the boundaries of macroeconomics, finance, and econometrics. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and past president of the Econometrics Society.
- Vernon Henderson, School Professor of Economic Geography at the London School of Economics. Henderson is one of the world's leading urban economists; his research focuses on urbanization in developing countries, looking both within and across cities and regions.
- Eric Maskin, Adams University Professor and Professor of Economics and Mathematics at Harvard University and a 2007 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. Maskin has made contributions to game theory, contract theory, social choice theory, political economy, and other areas of economics. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
- Robert Moffitt, Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Economics at Johns Hopkins University. Moffittspecializes in the areas of labor economics and applied microeconometrics. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and past president of the Population Association of America. He has served as Chief Editor of the American Economic Review, Coeditor of the Review of Economics and Statistics, and Chief Editor of the Journal of Human Resources.
- Shouyong Shi, Liberal Arts Professor of Economics at Pennsylvania State University. Shi’s research focuses on topics in macroeconomics and labor economics. He has been a co-editor of the journal Annals of Economics and Finance since 2000.
- Guofu Tan, Professor of Economics at University of Southern California. Tan’s research focuses on auction theory, industrial organization, competition and regulatory policies, and the Chinese economy.
CES invites both members and non-members to submit papers and/or to propose organized sessions at the 2020 China Annual Conference. All fields of specialization within economics will be considered, but papers focusing on the Chinese economy will be given preference. The abstract submission deadline is February 29, 2020. Persons interested in presenting a paper at the conference are asked to submit an abstract of no more than 400 words with a title, author name(s), JEL code(s), and keywords via the CES website at on "Abstract submission" on the left panel). Notifications of paper acceptance will be sent to authors by e-mail by March 31, 2020.
If you would like to organize one or more sessions on a specific topic and have speakers/presenters lined up, please submit your proposal to Professor Junfu Zhang, CES President, for approval at by February 15, 2020. Each organized session should consist of 4 individual papers. The proposal should contain a tentative name of the session, titles of papers along with their abstracts, as well as names of session presenters and their e-mails. Please note that papers included in a session must still go through the regular paper submission process through the CES website in order to be included into the program. It is the organizer’s responsibility to ensure that all papers are submitted properly. The submission deadline of individual papers in proposed organized sessions is also February 29, 2020.
Important Dates
Date | |
February 15, 2020 | Organized session proposal submission deadline (submit proposals to |
February 29, 2020 | Abstract submission deadline for both individual presenters and presenters of proposed organized sessions |
March 31, 2020 | Notification of decision |
We will select an outstanding paper presented at the 2020 CES China Annual Conference by a junior scholar for the Gregory Chow Best Paper Award. To be eligible for consideration for this prestigious award, the primary author of the paper must be a graduate student or a junior scholar who received his/her PhD no earlier than May 2015. (According to the American Psychological Association, the primary author “assumes responsibility for the publication, making sure that the data are accurate, that all deserving authors have been credited, that all authors have given their approval to the final draft; and handles responses to inquiries after the manuscript is published.”) The award winner will receive a certificate and a US$1,000 prize. Persons interested in being considered for the Award must provide information confirming eligibility at the time of submission. Graduate students’ electronic submissions should be followed up by a letter on official university stationary from a professor certifying that the submitter is a graduate student in good standing. An electronic version of this letter should be signed by the professor and emailed to Prof. Yingyao Hu at by May 10, 2020.
The CES will select a group of high-quality papers presented at the conference for special issues of China Economic Review, Economic Modelling, and Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy. Papers submitted for consideration of the special issues still need to go through the regular review process. Details about these publication opportunities will be provided later.
All presenters and conference attendees must register for the Conference. Registration should be made online through the conference page at under “Conferences”. You may wait to register until you find out whether your paper is accepted. Please note that registration fees are non-refundable. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST REGISTER BY MAY 10, 2020 TO BE INCLUDED INTO THE FINAL PROGRAM. You can join the CES and become a member here: Regular membership is $40 per year while student membership is $15 per year.
Registration Fee Schedule
Before or on April 20, 2020 | After April 20, 2020 | |
Regular CES member | US $200 | US $250 |
Non-CES member | US $245 | US $300 |
Student CES member | US $100 | US $150 |
Student Non-CES member | US $120 | US $200 |
Inquiries should be sent to:
For academic matters: Junfu Zhang at
For general inquiries: Bo Chen at
For logistics: Jianhua Zhang at