
刘彦随 周扬:快速城镇化背景下中国粮食安全与土地利用政策的思考【转】

三农学术 2022-12-31




粮食安全事关一个国家或地区的经济、民生和社会稳定。世界各国始终将粮食安全放在高度优先的政治议程上。作为世界上人口最多的发展中国家,中国生产了世界四分之一的粮食,养活了世界五分之一的人口。因此,中国的粮食安全问题引起了全球的关注。然而,对中国粮食安全的系统性研究仍然不足。本研究系统梳理了中国粮食(供应)安全面临的关键问题,找出影响该县粮食生产的潜在因素,并提出进一步保障粮食安全的对策。结果表明,过去40年,中国农村人口显着减少,耕地面积南减北增,粮食产量波动上升。中国粮食安全潜藏着区域性、结构性和技术性危机,进一步保障中国粮食安全面临诸多挑战。影响中国粮食安全的潜在因素包括农地快速转换、农民老龄化、水土资源和粮食生产的空间错配、气候变化的周期性和不稳定性、人口、土地和粮食(PLG) 系统的空间不平衡。要采取差异化、有针对性的应对措施,解决区域性和结构性问题,进一步保障我国粮食安全。


Food security concerns the economy, people's livelihood and social stability of a country or region. Countries around the world always put food security on their high-priority political agenda. As the most populous developing country in the world, China produces one-fourth of the world’s food and feeds one-fifth of the population. Therefore, China’s food security has attracted global attention. However, systematic research on China's food security is still insufficient. This study systematically reviewed the key issues facing China’s food (supply) security, identified the potential factors affecting the county’s grain production, and put forward countermeasures to further ensure food security. Results show that over the past four decades, China's rural population decreased significantly, and cultivated land area decreased in the south and increased in the north, and grain output risen in volatility. China's food security is latent with regional, structural and technical crises, and further ensuring China's food security is faced with many challenges. Potential factors affecting China’s food security include the rapid farmland conversion, the aging and weakening of farmers, the spatial mismatch of water-land resources and grain production, the periodicity and instability of climate change, and the unbalanced spatial coupling of population, land and grain (PLG) system. Differentiated and oriented response measures to resolve regional and structural issues should be adopted to further ensure China's food security.





  1. JRS 姜棪峰 等 | 土地整治对村级乡村振兴的影响:以中国农村为例【转】

  2. 【重点文章】刘守英等 | 体制秩序与地权结构 ——百年土地制度变迁的政治经济学解释

  3. World Development  高叙文  史新杰  方师乐 | 产权与错配:来自中国土地确权项目的证据【转】

  4. 成升魁 等:新时代中国国民营养与粮食安全研究中的关键科学问题【转】

  5. 中国农大樊胜根教授发表综述文章从经济视角谈食物系统转型【转】

  6. 龙花楼 等:中国土地利用转型研究的发展【转】



