

2017-11-01 蒋莉 慧天地



※ Aims and Scope

Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) publishes original scientific research on the physical, chemical, and biological processes that contribute to the understanding of the Earth, Sun, and solar system and all of their environments and components. JGR is currently organized into seven disciplinary sections (Atmospheres, Biogeosciences, Earth Surface, Oceans, Planets, Solid Earth, Space Physics). Sections may be added or combined in response to changes in the science.

※ Journal Information

ISSN: 0148-0227

Official website of the journal: http://www.agu.org/journals/jd/

Journal Submission URL: http://jgr-atmospheres-submit.agu.org/cgi-bin/main.plex

Impact Factor: 3.318(SCI 2 District)

※ Articles—Most Cited


Ø Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the late nineteenth century (First Published:17 July 2003 Cited 3473 time(s))

Ø Radiative transfer for inhomogeneous atmospheres: RRTM, a validated correlated‐k model for the longwave(First Published:1 July 1997 Cited 2320 time(s))

Ø A global model of natural volatile organic compound emissions(First Published:20 May 1995 Cited 1621 time(s))


Ø Improvements to the Community Land Model and their impact on the hydrological cycle(First Published:12 March 2008 Cited 305 time(s))

Ø Global patterns of land‐atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, latent heat, and sensible heat derived from eddy covariance, satellite, and meteorological observations(First Published:3 September 2011 Cited 226 time(s))

Ø Factors controlling CO2 exchange on timescales from hourly to decadal at Harvard Forest(First Published:9 May 2007 Cited 200 time (s))

Earth Surface

Ø Multisensor historical climatology of satellite‐derived global land surface moisture(First Published:18 January 2008 Cited305 time(s))

Ø Toward a complete Himalayan hydrological budget: Spatiotemporal distribution of snowmelt and rainfall and their impact on river discharge(First Published:10 August 2010 Cited 227 time(s))

Ø The fluid dynamics of river dunes: A review and some future research directions(First Published:21 December 2005 Cited 183 time(s))


Ø Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean(First Published:15 May 1992 Cited 2043 time(s))

Ø Sequential data assimilation with a nonlinear quasi‐geostrophic model using Monte Carlo methods to forecast error statistics(First Published:15 May 1994 Cited 1641 time(s))

Ø A third‐generation wave model for coastal regions: 1. Model description and validation(First Published:15 April 1999 Cited 1222 time(s))


Ø Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter: Experiment summary after the first year of global mapping of Mars(First Published:1 October 2001 Cited 610 time(s))

Ø Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer experiment: Investigation description and surface science results(First Published:1 October 2001 Cited 493 time(s))

Ø Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) ( First Published:17 May 2007Cited466 time(s))

Solid Earth

Ø Calibration of the ruby pressure gauge to 800 kbar under quasi‐hydrostatic conditions(First Published: 10 April 1986 Cited 2078 time(s))

Ø Revised calibration of the geomagnetic polarity timescale for the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic(First Published:10 April 1995 Cited 2038 time(s))

Ø Finite strain isotherm and velocities for single‐crystal and polycrystalline NaCl at high pressures and 300°K (First Published:10 March 1978 Cited 1647 time(s))

Space Physics

Ø Extension of the MSIS Thermosphere Model into the middle and lower atmosphere(First Published:1 February 1991 Cited 1296 time(s))

Ø MSIS‐86 Thermospheric Model(First Published:1 May 1987 Cited 1155 time(s))

Ø NRLMSISE‐00 empirical model of the atmosphere: Statistical comparisons and scientific issues(First Published:24 December 2002 Cited 1017 time(s))





期刊荟萃|Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

期刊荟萃 | Cartography and Geographic Information Science



期刊荟萃|International Journal of Geographical Information Science

编辑 / 印涌强    审核 / 高敬凯


