双语推荐 | 意大利建筑专家眼中“每天不一样”的武汉
In the 40 years of China’s reform and opening up, Hubei is opening its arms and mind to people from all corners of the world, attracting more and more foreigners to study and work here.
A series of reports focusing on Hubei's characteristics and development in the eyes of foreigners will be published. Let's take a closer knowledge of Francesco Maglioccola.
“武汉是一座历史文化底蕴浓厚的城市,像书本一样,值得细细品读。”意大利那不勒斯帕特勒普大学教授马方济说道。 2013年,他被武汉工商学院聘为客座教授。6年过去了,他对武汉已经非常熟悉。
“Wuhan is a city with rich historical and cultural heritages. It is like a book, worth reading carefully,” said Francesco Maglioccola, a professor at the Parthenope University of Naples in Italy. In 2013, he was invited as a visiting professor by the Wuhan Technology and Business University. And now, he is very familiar with Wuhan.
2014年9月,武汉市发布全新城市形象口号:武汉,每天不一样。马方济说,这个口号也有他的“一票之力”。 “当时,候选口号有好几个,我看到这个口号,毫不犹豫地投上了自己的一票。”马方济说,因为“每天不一样”意味着改变,城市要发展,必须不断创新,不断开拓进取。
In September 2014, Wuhan released a new city slogan: “Wuhan, Different Every Day!”. “I voted for this slogan with no hesitation,” said Francesco, “Because this slogan means change. Wuhan’s development requires constant innovation to forge ahead.”
如今,他对“武汉,每天不一样”有了深切感受。马方济刚到武汉时,只有1条地铁,“那时,到汉阳或者机场只能坐公汽,很远,有些路也不好走。” 而现在,10条地铁纵横武汉三镇,他的活动范围也大多了。
At present, Francesco has been deeply impressed with Wuhan’s progress. When he came to Wuhan six years ago, there was only one metro line. "At that time, I could only take the bus to Hanyang and the airport, which was very far away through rough and narrow roads," he said. Now, 10 metro lines linking Wuhan’s three towns have brought great convenience.
As an expert in the architectural heritage protection, Francesco pays close attention to the old building protection in Wuhan, and has a great knowledge of Wuhan’s historic buildings. He enjoys walking through streets and lanes to feel the history of this city.
“武汉的里份,与北京的胡同、上海的里弄一样,是一种独特的民居建筑,具有较高的建筑艺术和地域特色。” 他说道。“历史才是一座城市和另一座城市最大的区别;而这些建筑,和发生在建筑里的往事,就是历史的载体。”
“Wuhan’s Lifen(里份), like Beijing’s Hutong(胡同)and Shanghai’s Lilong (里弄), is a unique residence with architectural art and regional characteristics,” said Francesco, “History is the biggest difference between cities. And these buildings as well as events that took place in buildings are the carriers of history.”
In Italy, Francesco held an art exhibition on the city characteristics of Wuhan, which introduced the geographical position, tourism resources, scientific and educational strength, as well as exchanges and cooperation between Wuhan and Italy in the fields of humanities, architecture and engineering. And he also sent his own research materials on architecture in Wuhan to four Italian archives.
“I love this city. Wuhan makes me feel at home,” Francesco said.
记者:张雅薇 黄璐