
人物 | 著名笛子演奏家、教育家 李增光

2017-03-16 笛箫先生 笛箫网



走进著名笛子演奏家 李增光的艺术人生






Brief Introduction of Zengguang Li:

As a National Class A performing artist, Zengguang Li is a well-known Dizi (Chinese bamboo flute) player, educator, and Chinese Mini Bamboo Flute inventor in China. Currently, he is a professor at the Chinese Music Center of the Confucius Institute of Middle Tennessee State University in the United States. He is also an adjunct professor at the Central Academy of Drama in China. Formerly he served as the leading dizi player and head of the wind music section in the China Broadcasting Traditional Instruments Orchestra. He is the Member of the Jiusan Society, Member of the Chinese Musicians Association, Executive Council Member of the China Dizi Professional Committee, and Member of the China Nationalities Orchestra Society.

   作 品 赏 析   


《敦煌印象》 李增光笛子独奏音乐会版


《南山吟》 演奏: 李增光


《江河水》 李增光笛子独奏音乐会版



















Art life:

In 1980, he first experimented on “Double Tonguing Circular Breathing” in the performance of Paganini’s Moto Perpetuo which awed the music world. Two years later, he developed a type of “Scale Mini Bamboo Flute” for which he received a National Invention Patent of China (patent no. ZL00107768.6)  in 2004.  In 1987, Taiwan’s Linfair Records invited him to record his flute pieces for their Renowned Musicians of the Northern School. In the movie “China National String Orchestra" made by the China Science Film Studio, he played variety of string instruments. In 1989, he recorded his solo album of China Dizi for China Record Company (Chengdu), which was later reproduced as Spirit of Dizi and China’s Top Ten Master Pieces. On April 15th, 1989, he premiered his “Oasis”, scoring first place in the preliminary round of CCTV‘s Mountain City Cup National Televised Competition for Dizi and won the third prize in the final round. In 1994, Singapore’s Form Music Publication PTE Ltd. invited him for the recording of Impressions of Dunhuang in their Wind Music Concerto.  In 1995, he collaborated with the China Broadcasting Traditional Instruments Orchestra in CCTV’s Weekly Concert Program by performing his newly arranged “Morning of Miaoling Mountains”, garnering major attention in the field of world music. Since then, he has frequently played his “scale mini bamboo flute” at both domestic and international concerts.  

In 1995, he received “Outstanding Award” at the “Fulitong Cup International Chinese Music Solo Competition”. In 1997, he succeeded in the invention of “Tuning Chromatic Scale Dizi” together with other researchers and earned the Technological Progress Third Place Award from the Ministry of Culture of China.

In 2004, he recorded a teaching VCD of Happy Learning of Dizi Playing for China Musicians Publishing House. In 2007 Beijing Global Audio-Visual Publishing House in China published his "Timbre of Bamboo" solo album. On November 1, 2008, he held a "Timbre of Bamboo in Changan" solo concert in the Xi'an Conservatory of Music, the live concert DVD of which was later produced by the TianTian Music Recording Company. For the past forty years, Zengguang Li has recorded a large number of music albums, acclaiming international fame in the field of word music.  

From 2013 to 2015, he toured the Chinese cities of Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Putian and Shishi performing 5 recitals. In 2016, sent by the Office of Chinese Language Council International and the Central Conservatory of Music to teach music in the United States, he performed solo in Memphis, Nashville, Cincinnati, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Chicago and San Jose.  In between, he also organized two color concerts. On February 25th, 2017, he collaborated with the Symphony Orchestra of Middle Tennessee State University, debuting his “Oasis”. The concert was well received and its live video clip was viewed by over 4,000 people within ten days and won high claim by many music professionals.


李增光也是一位杰出的教育家,他多次在各地大专院校做笛子讲座,所教的学生遍及世界各地,例如:胡亮,现供职扬州音乐学院教授,硕士生导师;魏荣,现供职深圳龙岗新亚洲学校高级教师,深圳市地方领军人才,2009年“上海之春”竹笛赛金奖;宁英杰,现供职北京歌舞剧院笛子独奏演员,主演;张莹莹,现供职武汉音乐学院青年教师,2008年第三届“政府文化艺术奖”青年专业组奖金奖;李霁帆, 现供职爱乐音专(美国加州圣何塞)青年教师。



Zengguang Li is also an outstanding educator. He has appeared as a speaker at seminars at many universities with international students. These students include: Liang Hu, Professor and Master Program Graduate Student Advisor at the Yanzhou Music Institute; Rong Wei, a local leader and senior teacher at the Shenzhen Longgang Xinyazhou School who received a gold prize in the 2009 Shanghai Flute Competition; Yingjie Ning, Solo Dizi player and a star performer at the Opera Troupe of Beijing Song and Dance Theater; Yingying Zhang, a rising teacher at the Wuhan Conservatory of Music who won a gold prize at the “Third Governmental Culture and Art Prizes" in the Young Professional category; and Jifan Li, a rising music teacher at the Aimusic School in San Jose, California.

Zenguang Li has received warm welcomes in countries and regions he has visited such as Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, India, Thailand and Hong Kong. Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao has recognized his “unique playing technique” in the article of “Li Zengguang’s Miraculous Art of Dizi Playing”. Beijing Daily, CCTV and Beijing Television have featured special reports on him. On November 11, 2016, China’s core music magazine Musical Instruments published an article introducing Zengguang Li, entitled "Adding Luster to Flute, Mini Bamboo Flute Inventor”. Zengguang Li’s musical talent has earned him an entry in the China Music Dictionary, the China Contemporary Dictionary for Literary and Art Figures, China Contemporary Art Celebrities, National Souls – Who’s Who of Cross Century Renaissance of China, Who’s Who of the 20th Century Chinese Traditional Music. He has been praised as “adding luster to traditional Chinese instruments”, just as his Chinese first name zengguang suggested (Lit. adding luster).



His representative pieces include Oasis, Song of Nanshang Mountains, River of Sorrow, Meshrep, and Impression of Dunhuang.






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