
学术会议 | 语言加工处理体系及机制亚洲国际会议

AMLaP Asia 语言学心得 2021-12-26





    We are pleased to announce that the 2nd conference of AMLaP Asia will take place at Macao, China on April 24-26th, 2020. For more information, please visit AMLaP Asia (http://ling.cuhk.edu.hk/amlap.asia/).

Symposium: Psycholinguistics of translation and interpreting

(organized by Yanping Dong)

Pre-conference workshop (April 23rd): Practical introduction to mixed effects modelling 

(organized by Dale Barr)

AMLaP Asia was created as the Asian venue for presenting and discussing research on cognitive, neuroscientific and computational mechanisms implicated in human language processing and learning. The first AMLaP Asia conference was successfully held in 2018 at Telangana, India.

We welcome submissions of empirical findings on various aspects of language.

Topics in past AMLaP or AMLaP Asia conferences have included (but are not limited to): speech recognition and production, word recognition and production, sentence comprehension and production, discourse comprehension, dialogue, language disorder, language learning, bilingualism, language and the brain, language and cognition.

Methodologies used in past presentations have included (but are not limited to): reaction times, categorical judgement, verbal responses, eye movement, computational modelling, EEG, fMRI, PET, fNIRS, tDCS, data mining and corpus studies.

For inquiries, please email amlap.asia@cuhk.edu.hk.

Invited Speakers

Dale Barr (University of Glasgow)

Holly Branigan (University of Edinburgh)

Franklin Chang (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)

Ping Li (Pennsylvania State University)

Catherine McBride (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Xiaolin Zhou (Peking University)


   Please use this link to submit your abstract:https://www.softconf.com/j/amlap-asia2020/

Key dates

Abstract submissions: Open Sept 1st - Dec 20th, 2019

Feb 1st, 2020: Invitation letters

Early registration: till Mar 30th, 2020

Late registrationfrom Mar 30th, 2020

Travel and Accommodation


  The conference is going to be held in Macao, China, with the specific venue to be announced later.

    We will announce more information on hotel booking once we have determined the specific venue.

Symposium and LME workshop

The psycholinguistics of translation and interpreting

Organized by Yanping Dong (Zhejiang University)

This symposium aims to bring together psycholinguistic endeavours to unravel the cognitive mechanisms and processes underlying translation and interpreting. Contributions to this symposium will be selected from submissions to the conference.

Workshop on linear/logit mixed effects models

Organized by Dale Barr (University of Glasgow)

This one-day workshop is intended as a practical introduction to conference attendees who wish to use linear/logit mixed effects models in their research. Attendees to the workshop should bring their own laptop and install R beforehand. Ideally, they should also have some basic knowledge of R.

Contact: Please send your inquiries to amlap.asia@cuhk.edu.hk.


●  语言学年报 • 期刊动态 | 《世界汉语教学》2019年发文情况分析●  每日一星 | 日本汉学家古川裕:汉语有资格成为下一个国际语言●  学术会议 | 第21届汉语词汇语义学研讨会●  学术会议 | “新形势下汉语国际教育人才培养与专业建设”高端研讨会●  刊讯 |《国际汉语教育(中英文)》  2019年第3期





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