


Dear all,

We are pleased to RE-announce that the 47th International Systemic Functional Congress (ISFC 47) will be held at the University of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China, from July 21–23 (Pre-Congress Institute) to July 25–29 (Congress), in 2022. However, owing to COVID-19 and in particular its mutant strain that has a strong risk of contagion, the Congress will proceed both online (international) and offline (domestic). Apart from the main congress venue at Shenzhen for Asian, Australian and New Zealand participants, there will be 3 regional sessions around the Globe: European, South American and North American, according to the time zones. A detailed brochure will follow soon.

The theme of the Congress is:

SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS AND PRAXIS: Sustaining dialogue between theory and practice


(Alex) Xuanwei Peng | University of Shenzhen               

Geoff Williams | University of Shenzhen & University of Sydney

This congress will be an opportunity to re-examine praxis in SFL as it continues to expand globally, and into new domains of activity.  Praxis has been a key concept throughout the development of SFL. Halliday, in reflecting on the Marxist origins of SFL in his contribution to The Bloomsbury Companion to M.A.K. Halliday, commented:

         … I have always thought of linguistic theory  as something to be applied, to real problems either in research or in some domain of practice; eventually I came up with the term ‘appliable’ linguistics to encapsulate this preoccupation with a theory as a mode of action that is based on understanding. It is of course not specifically Marxist, except perhaps in the notion that there are cycles of mutual reinforcement between practice and theory: theory improves the effectiveness of practice, and practice contributes to the ongoing refinement of theory.

The organizing committee continues to welcome papers which particularly address the interface between SFL theory and research/practice, oriented from either starting point, or which report advances in the ‘appliability’ of SFL using new theoretical developments.

The following are the major sub-topics, but papers with other foci will also be considered.

1. Developments in SFL Theory and Description

2. Case Studies of Individual Languages

3. Emerging Areas for SFL Transdisciplinary Research

4. Grammatical Metaphor and Discourse Strategies

5. Translation Studies

6. Ecolinguistics

7. Healthcare Communication

8. Clinical Linguistics

9. Language Education

10. Disciplinary English

11. Linguistic Studies of Literary Texts

12. Legal Registers 

13. Multimodality/Multisemiosis

14. Corpus Research

15. Comparison of Contemporary Online Texts in Different Languages

16. Advances in Digitally-Based Research Methodologies

17. Semiotics and Applied Linguistics in Theoretical Orientation

18. SFL in relation to Modern Sciences (e.g. Quantum Mechanics, Theories of Complex Systems, Cybernetics, System Theory, Information Theory)

We welcome panels focused on a sub-topic. Each panel should have about 5 presenters, with one presenter as the convenor.

Important Dates:

Submission start date: 15 November, 2021

Submission deadline:  15 January, 2022

Notification by:  15 March, 2022

For further information, please see the official conference website. Congress e-mail: isfc2022contacto@163.com.

Feel free to forward and distribute this message widely. 

We are very much looking forward to receiving your proposals!

All the best,

(Alex) Xuanwei Peng

Geoff Williams











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