

六万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2024-02-19


The department accepts applications for the fall semester only. The deadline for the fall 2024 semester is December 15th. Applying early is strongly advised. Because the TOEFL or IELTS is required for foreign students, you may submit your application before taking those exam(s). Nonetheless we strongly advise that you ensure that your application will be complete by December 15th. Delays in receiving your scores will delay the the review of your application.Cornell University requires all applicants to complete their application materials without the use of paid agents, credentials services, or other paid professional assistance. The use of such services violates University policy, and may lead to the rejection of application materials, the revocation of an admissions offer, cancellation of admission, or involuntary withdrawal from the University.

一、Application Procedure

Students apply online using the admissions site of the Cornell Graduate School. You should not mail any application materials; this may delay your application. Any additional materials beyond those above, such as research paper manuscripts, may be uploaded to the online application system as “writing samples”.Our application asks you to identify your area(s) of research interest. This information is important to us, for the following reason. Whereas some PhD programs allow individual professors to admit their own students, at Cornell admissions decisions are made by a committee. We generally admit students only if we can identify faculty members who they might later work with. The areas you list will help us identify those faculty members and to determine the relevant capacity for new students. All of these steps ensure that the people you might love to work with will be equally enthusiastic about working with you!Most students arrive on campus with a strong interest and demonstrated talent in some area of research, but no certainty about which group they will join. Reaching out to a faculty member who is doing work you find exciting is not a problem, but you should not assume that the professor you contact will be involved in admissions. Once you have been admitted, we will make sure that you have ample opportunity to meet the faculty members who work in the area(s) of research you indicated in your application.Starting in 2020, the Cornell CS Student-Applicant Support Program aims to assist underrepresented students as they apply to Cornell’s CS PhD program. Subject to capacity limits, a graduate student volunteer may:(1) Talk to applicants (via Zoom) for 30 minutes about the application process and their experience (as well as answer any preliminary questions that the applicant may have)(2) Subsequently, provide one round of meaningful feedback on an applicant’s resume and statement of purpose (capacity limited). Participation in the Student-Applicant Support Program does not guarantee admission and our capacity for applications is limited.To participate in the Student-Applicant Support Program, here are the relevant deadlines:(1) Please fill out this form by 11:59PM EST, Oct 6 2023.(2) Your application material needs to be submitted by 11:59PM EST on November 3, 2023. (The relevant form will be shared later.)Note: Information will be aggregated and anonymized to evaluate the impact of this program, but individual responses will be deleted at the end of this application cycle. All demographics questions are optional.

二、Evaluation Process

There is no formula that guarantees admission. We will carefully evaluate all the above components of your application. We tend to look for the following:
  1. A coherent body of coursework with a high average grade in the A− to A+ range.
  2. Adequate mathematical background including freshman and sophomore calculus and at least two other courses (e.g., linear algebra, abstract algebra, analysis, statistics).
  3. Basic background in computer science including evidence of research potential.
  4. A strong statement of purpose. Our committee reads your statement of purpose carefully and it shapes our perspective on who you are and what your interests are. The most compelling statements of purpose center on the research areas that fascinate you and your experience working in or learning about those areas.
  5. Strong letters of recommendation. The most compelling letters are those written by people who know you well and who can attest to characteristics such as your intellectual potential, creativity, ability to overcome challenges, work ethic, and motivation."
It is important to stress that these are only guidelines and not a rigid policy. An applicant whose record is weaker in some respect (e.g. a low grade in some course) may still be admitted if strength is revealed in some other respect (e.g., exceptional letters of recommendation).



The department accepts applications for the fall semester only. The deadline for the fall 2024 semester is December 15th. Applying early is strongly advised. Because the TOEFL or IELTS is required for foreign students, you may submit your application before taking those exam(s). Nonetheless we strongly advise that you ensure that your application will be complete by December 15th. Delays in receiving your scores will delay the the review of your application.Cornell University requires all applicants to complete their application materials without the use of paid agents, credentials services, or other paid professional assistance. The use of such services violates University policy, and may lead to the rejection of application materials, the revocation of an admissions offer, cancellation of admission, or involuntary withdrawal from the University.












重  磅|国家语委2023年度科研项目(共计36项)




重  磅|校友会2023中国高贡献学者(语言文学)












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六万学者关注了→ 语言学心得

