多模态话语分析的理论基础与研究方法被引频次 3520朱永生,复旦大学
摘 要 迄今为止的话语分析基本上局限于语言本身,即只注意语言系统和语义结构本身及其与社会文化和心理认知之间的关系,忽视了诸如图象、声音、颜色、动漫等其他意义表现形式。这就使得话语分析带有较大的局限性。20世纪90年代,西方兴起的多模态话语分析,则可以在很大程度上帮助人们克服这些局限性。本文将论述与多模态话语分析紧密相关的4个问题:(1)多模态话语的产生;(2)多模态话语的定义;(3)多模态话语分析的性质和理论基础;(4)多模态话语分析的内容、方法和意义。
多模态话语分析综合理论框架探索被引频次 3438
张德禄,中国海洋大学摘 要 本文旨在探讨如何为多模态话语分析建立一个理论框架,首先对多模态话语研究动态进行了简单述评,然后根据系统功能语言学理论尝试建立一个多模态话语分析的综合框架。这个框架主要由五个层面的系统及其次级范畴组成,分别是:(1)文化层面;(2)语境层面;(3)意义层面;(4)形式层面和(5)媒体层面,同时还探讨了各个模态之间的关系,分为互补性的和非互补性的两大类,最后探讨了非语言模态的语法结构的建立、语法结构与语篇结构之间的关系以及语法结构是如何体现概念意义、人际意义和谋篇意义的。
被引频次 2962
胡壮麟,北京大学摘 要 索绪尔对语言符号学的建立和对普通符号学的展望有其不可磨灭的贡献,但他的有些观点在符号学研究者中有不同反响。代表英美传统的皮尔斯发展了符号范畴,但他忽视了作为社会成员的人,因此仍不能摆脱形式主义的研究方法。随后的社会符号学发端于韩礼德的“语言是社会符号”的理论,关注的是特定于某一文化某一社团的符号实践。这一理论推动了多模态表达的研究,从而形成了多模态符号学。本文首先讨论多模态符号学和多媒体符号学的区别;进一步介绍具有媒体和模态双重特性的计算机符号学;对一些具体问题分别作了论述,如作为符号系统的符号资源、以屏幕代替书本的多模态符号的设计以及由话语参与者实现的连贯。最后指出,在人类进入社会符号学的多模态化的新世纪,对多模态识读能力的培养应引起重视。
被引频次 1561
摘 要 本文重点探讨用系统功能语言学理论为多模态话语分析和研究提供理论框架,并根据这个框架为现代媒体技术条件下的外语教学实践提供选择有效教学过程和实践的指导。在现代技术条件下,在多模态话语交际框架下,对模态的选择可以从三个角度进行:1)为外语教学提供教学情景和便利条件;2)为外语教学提供辅助条件;3)为多模态话语交际提供多通道话语意义表达方式,提高教学效率。对于一定的话语以什么模态和媒体表达最为有效,是需要进一步认真研究的课题。
评价理论:在话语分析中的应用和问题被引频次 1433
摘 要 评价理论是功能语言学在对人际意义的研究中发展起来的新词汇 -语法框架 ,它关注语篇中可以协商的各种态度。本文综述了评价理论在话语分析中的一些应用 ,如对商业包装话语、历史话语和自传话语的分析 ,并提出了应用中存在的问题 :即进一步认识态度的“人际性”、评价手段识别中语境因素的重要性、对评价作为人际意义和概念意义的划分以及评价与语类的关系等。
被引频次 971
摘 要 本文重点探讨在大学英语课堂教学中,各种不同模态是如何相互协同,共同完成教学目标的。文章首先对多模态话语分析理论进行简单探讨,包括多模态话语分析理论的发展和理论基础、不同模态和媒体、模态和媒体之间的关系,然后探讨不同模态之间的关系,最后对比两个教学案例,探讨在实际教学过程中,不同模态之间的相互协同,共同实现教学目标的过程。本文发现,教学的主模态是口头话语模态,其他对它起补充、强化、优化等作用,并据此总结出6点教师应该注意和改进的方面。
被引频次 754
摘 要 本文把话语分析在过去50年中的发展分为萌芽、起步和成熟三个阶段,总结了每个阶段取得的成绩和特点,指出了每个阶段存在的不足及其原因,并就话语分析今后的走向和可能取得突破的领域进行了展望。
多元读写能力研究及其对我国教学改革的启示被引频次 719
摘 要 当今世界发生了两个激烈的变化。第一个是日益增强的文化多元化趋势和各种语言变体的出现,第二个是信息技术的飞跃发展促使传统的通过文字表达意义的做法与视觉、听觉、手势等其他表意方式相结合。这两个变化都给英语教学和其他课程教学的内容和方法带来了影响,而且使西方学校的教育理念发生了很大的变化,对如何开展多元读写、如何培养学生的多元读写能力以改变长期存在的"语言中心主义"现象,给予了前所未有的关注。本文将首先讨论多元读写研究的发端和多元读写的含义,然后评介西方国家对多模态研究的重视,最后讨论西方国家多元读写研究的一个实例及其对我国教学改革的启示。
被引频次 613
摘 要 本文参照Bloom(1956)的认知发展类型理论,调查和分析了17余万词次英语课堂教学语料库中教师话语的部分语言特征:指令动词、疑问语式、‘四字语’和师生对话模式。目的是探讨国内高中、初中和小学英语课教师话语中的认知思维导向特点及其教育教学功能。
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被引频次 597
摘 要 多模态符号学指社会符号学视角下的多模态研究,本文探讨其理论基础、研究途径和发展前景。过去二十年的多模态研究主要借鉴系统功能语言学的核心理论研究非语言符号的语义生成,主要途径包括:符号语法的构建、多模态语类特征研究、社会场所的再符号化研究等。作为一门新兴的学科,多模态符号学在多种模态的系统语法构建、模态间关系研究、批评性多模态话语分析以及多模态研究的学科融合等方面均具有探索空间。
\ 作者分析 /
张德禄、黄国文、李战子、辛斌、朱永生、何伟、田海龙、魏榕、潘艳艳、赵蕊华、陈旸、辛志英、胡壮麟、钱毓芳、刘立华、张辉、纪玉华、廖美珍、丁和根、廖益清、徐赳赳等人。\ 单位分析 /
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仅选Web of Science核心合集
A solution to Plato's problem: The latent semantic analysis theory of acquisition, induction, and representation of knowledge
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Landauer TK,Telcordia TechnologiesDumais S,Telcordia Technologies
Abstract How do people know as much as they do with as little information as they get? The problem takes many forms; learning vocabulary from text is an especially dramatic and convenient case for research. A new general theory of acquired similarity and knowledge representation, latent semantic analysis (LSA), is presented and used to successfully simulate such learning and several other psycholinguistic phenomena. By inducing global knowledge indirectly from local co-occurrence data in a large body of representative text, LSA acquired knowledge about the full vocabulary of English at a comparable rate to schoolchildren. LSA uses no prior linguistic or perceptual similarity knowledge; it is based solely on a general mathematical learning method that achieves powerful inductive effects by extracting the right number of dimensions (e.g., 300) to represent objects and contexts. Relations to other theories, phenomena, and problems are sketched.
How Corporate Social Responsibility is Defined: an Analysis of 37 Definitions
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Dahlsrud, A,Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU)Abstract Despite numerous efforts to bring about a clear and unbiased definition of CSR, there is still some confusion as to how CSR should be defined. In this paper five dimensions of CSR are developed through a content analysis of existing CSR definitions. Frequency counts are used to analyse how often these dimensions are invoked. The analysis shows that the existing definitions are to a large degree congruent. Thus it is concluded that the confusion is not so much about how CSR is defined, as about how CSR is socially constructed in a specific context. Copyright (C) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.
Framing theory
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Chong D,Druckman JN,Northwestern UniversityAbstract We review the meaning of the concept of framing, approaches to studying framing, and the effects of framing on public opinion. After defining framing and framing effects, we articulate a method for identifying frames in communication and a psychological model for understanding how such frames affect public opinion. We also discuss the relationship between framing and printing, outline future research directions, and describe the normative implications of framing.
Identity and interaction: a sociocultural linguistic approach
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Bucholtz M,University of California System; University of California Santa BarbaraHall, K,University of Colorado System; University of Colorado Boulder
Abstract The article proposes a framework for the analysis of identity as produced in linguistic interaction, based on the following principles: (1) identity is the product rather than the source of linguistic and other semiotic practices and therefore is a social and cultural rather than primarily internal psychological phenomenon; (2) identities encompass macro-level demographic categories, temporary and interactionally specific stances and participant roles, and local, ethnographically emergent cultural positions; (3) identities may be linguistically indexed through labels, implicatures, stances, styles, or linguistic structures and systems; (4) identities are relationally constructed through several, often overlapping, aspects of the relationship between self and other, including similarity/difference, genuineness/artifice and authority/ delegitimacy; and (5) identity may be in part intentional, in part habitual and less than fully conscious, in part an outcome of interactional negotiation, in part a construct of others' perceptions and representations, and in part an outcome of larger ideological processes and structures. The principles are illustrated through examination of a variety of linguistic interactions.
Psychological aspects of natural language use: Our words, our selves
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Pennebaker, JW,University of Texas SystemMehl, MR and Niederhoffer, KG,University of Texas Austin
Abstract The words people use in their daily lives can reveal important aspects of their social and psychological worlds. With advances in computer technology, text analysis allows researchers to reliably and quickly assess features of what people say as well as subtleties in their linguistic styles. Following a brief review of several text analysis programs, we summarize some of the evidence that links natural word use to personality, social and situational fluctuations, and psychological interventions. Of particular interest are findings that point to the psychological value of studying particles-parts of speech that include pronouns, articles, prepositions, conjunctives, and auxiliary verbs. Particles, which serve as the glue that holds nouns and regular verbs together, can serve as markers of emotional state, social identity, and cognitive styles.
Adult Attachment Representations, Parental
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VAN IJZENDOORN MH,University of ErfurtAbstract bout a decade ago, the Adult Attachment interview (AAI; C. George, N. Kaplan, & M. Main, 1985) was developed to explore parents' mental representations of attachment as manifested in language during discourse of childhood experiences. The AAI was intended to predict the quality of the infant-parent attachment relationship, as observed in the Ainsworth Strange Situation, and to predict parents' responsiveness to their infants' attachment signals. The current meta-analysis examined the available evidence with respect to these predictive validity issues. In regard to the 1st issue, the 18 available samples(N=854) showed a combined effect size of 1.06 in the expected direction for the secure vs. insecure split. For a portion of the studies, the percentage of correspondence between parents' mental representation of attachment and infants' attachment security could be computed (the resulting percentage was 75%; kappa = .49, n = 661). Concerning the 2nd issue, the 10 samples (N=389) that were retrieved showed a combined effect size of .72 in the expected direction. According to conventional criteria, the effect sizes are large. It was concluded that although the predictive validity of the AAI is a replicated fact, there is only partial knowledge of how attachment representations are transmitted (the transmission gap).
Choose your method: A comparison of phenomenology, discourse analysis, and grounded theory
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Starks, H,University of WashingtonTrinidad, SB,University of Washington Seattle
Abstract The purpose of this article is to compare three qualitative approaches that can be used in health research: phenomenology, discourse analysis, and grounded theory. The authors include a model that summarizes similarities and differences among the approaches, with attention to their historical development, goals, methods, audience, and products. They then illustrate how these approaches differ by applying them to the same data set. The goal in phenomenology is to study how people make meaning of their lived experience; discourse analysis examines how language is used to accomplish personal, social, and political projects; and grounded theory develops explanatory theories of basic social processes studied in context. The authors argue that by familiarizing themselves with the origins and details of these approaches, researchers can make better matches between their research question(s) and the goals and products of the study.
Understanding vaccine hesitancy around vaccines and vaccination from a global perspective: A systematic review of published literature, 2007-2012
Cited frequency 1157
Larson HJ, Jarrett C,Eckersberger E,Smith DMD,Paterson P,University of London;London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Abstract Vaccine hesitancy is an emerging term in the literature and discourse on vaccine decision-making and determinants of vaccine acceptance. It recognizes a continuum between the domains of vaccine acceptance and vaccine refusal and de-polarizes previous characterization of individuals and groups as either anti-vaccine or pro-vaccine. The primary aims of this systematic review are to: 1) identify research on vaccine hesitancy; 2) identify determinants of vaccine hesitancy in different settings including its context-specific causes, its expression and its impact; and 3) inform the development of a model for assessing determinants of vaccine hesitancy in different settings as proposed by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts Working Group (SAGE WG) for dealing with vaccine hesitancy. A broad search strategy, built to capture multiple dimensions of public trust, confidence and hesitancy around vaccines, was applied across multiple databases. Peer-reviewed studies were selected for inclusion if they focused on childhood vaccines [<= 7 years of age], used multivariate analyses, and were published between January 2007 and November 2012. Our results show a variety of factors as being associated with vaccine hesitancy but they do not allow for a complete classification and confirmation of their independent and relative strength of influence. Determinants of vaccine hesitancy are complex and context-specific varying across time, place and vaccines. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Developing the theory of formative assessment
Cited frequency 1151
Wiliam D,Durham University UCL Institute of Education University College London
Abstract Whilst many definitions of formative assessment have been offered, there is no clear rationale to define and delimit it within broader theories of pedagogy. This paper aims to offer such a rationale, within a framework which can also unify the diverse set of practices which have been described as formative. The analysis is used to relate formative assessment both to other pedagogic initiatives, notably cognitive acceleration and dynamic assessment, and to some of the existing literature on models of self-regulated learning and on classroom discourse. This framework should indicate potentially fruitful lines for further enquiry, whilst at the same time opening up new ways of helping teachers to implement formative practices more effectively.
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Assessing agreement on classification tasks: The kappa statistic
Cited frequency 1048
Abstract Currently, computational linguists and cognitive scientists working in the area of discourse and dialogue argue that their subjective judgments ave reliable using several different statistics, none of which are easily interpretable or comparable to each other Meanwhile, researchers in content analysis have already experienced the same difficulties and come up with a solution in the kappa statistic. We discuss what is wrong with reliability measures as they are currently used for discourse and dialogue work in computational linguistics and cognitive science, and argue that we would be better off as a field adopting techniques from content analysis.
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