

七万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2024-02-19







被引频次  671

何自然, 广东外语外贸大学语言学及应用语言学研究基地于国栋,广东外语外贸大学英文学院
摘  要   本文首先讨论语码转换的定义问题,然后总结现有文献中几个典型的语码转换类型的分类方法以及这些分类的角度。本文把现有的语码转换研究划分为四大类:语码转换的社会语言学研究、语码转换的语法研究、语码转换的心理语言学研究和语码转换的会话分析研究,并且讨论这四种研究方法的贡献和不足。文章最后提出要寻求一个更为全面的研究方法,以便能够囊括语码转换所涉及的语言、社会、文化和认知等因素,从而加深我们对于语码转换这个语言和社会现象的认识。



被引频次  632

摘  要  本研究在总结过去语码转换研究的基础上提出了语码转换研究的顺应性模式 ,并且认为语码转换是双语交际者进行顺应的具体体现 ,是一个建立在顺应原则基础上高度灵活的语言行为。我们把语码转换所顺应的具体对象或者说语境因素划分为 :语言现实、社会规约和心理动机。本研究力图对语码转换研究做出新的探讨。



被引频次  557


摘  要  本文首先对现有的关于语码转换的研究进行了总结和分类,指出这些研究方法的优点和弊端,然后提出语码转换的语用学研究,并进一步阐述了Verschueren的顺应性理论在这个方面的应用,提出了语码转换的顺应性理论。



被引频次  334

摘  要  对解放军外国语学院425名本科生和32名教师课堂上教师语码转换调查结果表明,语码转换是教师普遍使用的策略,师生对此均持肯定态度,并认为教师使用母语主要是出于教学考虑。但是本调查也发现教师比学生更高地估计了母语的教学功能,并存在过多使用母语的情况。为此,本文最后提出了4条语码转换原则,既提倡最大程度上使用目标语言,同时又肯定适时适量使用母语的辅助作用。



被引频次  279

李经纬 ,陈立平解放军外国语学院
摘  要  本文对国外近三十多年会话语码转换研究做一述评。首先探讨语码转换的定义问题 ,区分“语码转换”和“借用” ,接着从社会语言学、句法学、会话分析和心理语言学四个角度对语码转换研究的主要理论和模式进行了回顾和评析 ,指出其异同、贡献和不足。最后讨论了这些理论共同存在的方法论和适用性问题



被引频次  197


摘  要   语码转换长期以来是社会语言学研究的重要课题 ,较少受到语用学界的关注。正因为此 ,关于语码转换的理论解释不全面 ,不很令人信服。本文综观这方面的研究成果 ,提出语码转换应该同时纳入语用学的研究范围 ,以对语码转换作出尽可能充分的理论解释 ,并指出在我们的许多大众传媒、尤其是广告宣传中 ,大量的语码转换和语码混杂的现象应引起注意 ,不要弄巧成拙。



被引频次  185

摘  要  本文的理论基础是系统功能语言学 ,选取广州中文报纸中的书面语码转换语料为研究对象 ,旨在探讨书面语码转换与语篇体裁的关系及隐藏在语码转换现象之后的制约规律 ,从而验证将系统功能语言学的语域理论应用于书面语码转换的适用性及可操作性。



被引频次  181

王瑾 黄国文中山大学外国语学院
摘  要   本文回顾评介了将近三十年的语码转换结构研究。首先介绍了早期的语法限制研究,接着总结了近年的研究动向,文章还讨论了语码转换结构研究中的几个焦点问题。



被引频次  177

高军 戴炜华上海理工大学外语学院

摘  要  本文旨在通过具体实例对语码转换的语法结构以及它作为一种社会语言学现象所表现出来的特征加以分析。语码转换与双语、第一语言摩擦等语言接触现象的比较是本文的另一个阐述要点。

TOP 10


被引频次  176

摘  要  语言接触中的语码转换是一种普遍现象,由此产生的语言变化是语言变异研究的一个重要课题。《Carol Myers-Scotton著Social Motivations for Codeswitching: Evidence from Africa《语码转换的社会动机》(1993)是该领域首部阐述理论模式的专著。该书有两大特点:第一,系统总结了语码转换研究的发展历程,对许多重要文献(包括作者本人早期的论文)给予评论;第二,细致论证了多语社会里语码转换现象的社会意义可用单一的理论框架即“标记模式”(Markedness Model)加以概括。此外,该书还对东非洲国家肯尼亚和津巴布韦的语言概貌、班图语族的分布、斯瓦希里语的扩散、都市双语类型等作了描述,为分析书中引用的非洲诸语言语码转换的实例提供了详尽的社会语言背景。该书由Oxford University Press出版,全书177页。

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仅选Web of Science核心合集




Structural priming across languages

Cited frequency  234

Loebell, HBock, Kathryn,University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Abstract  In structural priming, the structure of one sentence is echoed in the structure of a second sentence that may be otherwise unrelated to the first. It can occur without the intention to create syntactic parallelism and without specific pragmatic, thematic, and lexical support across utterances. To explore whether it can also occur without specific language support, when the source of priming is an utterance in a different language, we investigated structural priming in fluent German-English bilinguals. After producing a designated sentence in either their first (German) or second (English) language, speakers extemporaneously described an unrelated pictured event in the other language. The primed constructions were datives (prepositional and double-object datives) and transitives (actives and passives). The results showed that the production of German dative sentences primed the subsequent use of English datives, and the production of English datives primed German datives. German and English passives with different structures did not prime one another. The results offer evidence for a structural source of priming and suggest a common psycholinguistic scaffolding for the bilingual phenomena of codeswitching and transfer. More broadly, they support the argument for basic psycholinguistic continuities among language learning, normal and bilingual language use, and language change. 


Analysing student teachers' codeswitching in foreign language classrooms: Theories and decision making

Cited frequency  193

Macaro, ErnestUniversity of Oxford
Abstract  This article draws on a case study of 6 student teachers in secondary schools and their codeswitching between the first language (LI) and the second language (L2) over the course of 14 foreign language (FL) lessons, where French was the L2 and English was the Ll of the learners. It describes how the student teachers had been exposed to theoretical positions and empirical studies on this issue during their 36-week training programme. It analyses the quantity Of Ll used by these student teachers as well as the reflections and beliefs of 2 of the student teachers on the codeswitching process. The findings reveal comparatively low levels of Ll use by the Student teachers and little effect of the quantity Of Student teacher Ll use on the quantity of Ll or L2 use by the learners. They also reveal very little explicit reference by the student teachers to the research and professional literature they had read, yet their decision making did not necessarily stem from their personal beliefs. Some aspects of codeswitching appear to be a source of conflict for the student teachers while others do not. Implications for teaching are drawn.


Minority languages and sustainable translanguaging: threat or opportunity?

Cited frequency  185

Cenoz, Jasone University of Basque CountryGorter, Durk,Basque Foundation for Science

Abstract Traditionally, languages have been separated from each other in the school curriculum and there has been little consideration for resources that learners possess as emergent multilinguals. This policy is aimed at the protection of minority languages and has sought to avoid cross-linguistic influence and codeswitching. However, these ideas have been challenged by current multilingual ideologies in a society that is becoming more globalised. Within the field of multilingual education studies, there is a strong trend towards replacing the idea of isolated linguistic systems with approaches that take multilingual speakers and their linguistic repertoire as a reference.This article focuses on translanguaging, a concept that was developed in bilingual schools in Wales and refers both to pedagogically oriented strategies and to spontaneous language practices. In this article, translanguaging will be analysed as related to the protection and promotion of minority languages. Examples from multilingual education involving minority languages will be shown in order to see how translanguaging can be at the same time a threat for the survival of minority languages and an opportunity for their development. A set of principles that can contribute to sustainable translanguaging in a context of regional minority language use will be discussed.


Assessing Multilingual Competencies: Adopting Construct Valid Assessment Policies

Cited frequency  151

Shohamy, Elana Tel Aviv University
Abstract  All assessment policies and practices are based on monolingual constructs whereby test-takers are expected to demonstrate their language proficiency in one language at a time. Thus, the construct underlying these assessment approaches and/or scales (e.g., the CEFR) is of language as a closed and finite system that does not enable other languages to "smuggle in." This view is in stark contrast to the current understanding of multilingual competencies for which various languages and aspects "bleed" into one another in creative ways as manifested by a growing number of users, especially immigrants, who are born into one language and acquire additional language(s), resulting in multilingual competencies. This is manifested in codeswitching and in the simultaneous use of different language functions (e.g., reading in one and speaking in another in the process of academic functioning). Yet, this multilingual functioning receives no attention in language testing practices. Further, multilingual users who rarely reach language proficiency in each of the languages that is identical to that of their monolingual counterparts are always being compared to them and thus receive lower scores. Consequently, they are penalized for their multilingual competencies, sending a message that multilingual knowledge is a liability. Given the current policies of cultivating multilingualism in schools and societies as expressed in the articles in this special issue, I critique the current monolingual assessment approaches within a political and social context. I argue that these approaches are rooted in nation-state ideologies that are still attempting to promote national collective agendas of "wishful thinking" and ignore the reality of how languages are being used. This is followed by empirical data pointing to the cost of the continued use of monolingual tests for individual students, especially those who are bilingual, as is the case with immigrants. All of these will lead to initial proposals and examples for the adoption of different types of multilingual testing and assessment policies and practices in various contexts. These approaches, I argue, are more construct valid, as they enable the manifestation of fuller knowledge in integrated ways, thus highlighting the advantages, rather than the problems, that multilingual users possess.


'Smuggling the vernacular into the classroom': conflicts and tensions in classroom codeswitching in township/rural schools in South Africa

Cited frequency  135

Probyn, MargieUniversity of the Western Cape
Abstract In South Africa, as in many parts of postcolonial Africa, English dominates the political economy and as a result is the medium of instruction chosen by the majority of South African schools, despite the fact that most learners do not have the opportunity to acquire English to the levels necessary for effective engagement with the curriculum. Where teachers and learners share a common home language, there is frequently a gap between language policy and practice, and codeswitching by teachers and learners is a common strategy to achieve a range of social and pedagogical goals. However, in teachers' training the multilingual realities of the classroom have most often been framed in terms of a linguistic problem, with a deficit view of codeswitching. As a result, the potential to use two languages in the classroom in a structured and systematic way to support learning has not been generally recognised or developed. In addition, codeswitching practices are often covert with teachers 'smuggling the vernacular into the classroom' and adopting very different linguistic practices when observed, with serious implications for classroom-based research. This paper explores the conflicts and tensions in classroom codeswitching in the context of macrolevel contestations around language status and rights.


Negotiation of meaning and codeswitching in online tandems

Cited frequency  118

Koetter, MatthiasFEV Europe GmbH
Abstract  This paper analyses negotiation of meaning and codeswitching in discourse between 29 language students from classes at a German and a North American university, who teamed up with their peers to collaborate on projects whose results they had to present to the other groups in the MOO during the final weeks of the project. From October to December 1998, these learners, who formed a total of eight groups, met twice a week for 75 minutes in MOOssiggang MOO, a textbased environment that can be compared to chatrooms, but which also differs from these in several important respects.The prime objective of the study was to give those students who participated in the online exchanges a chance to meet with native speakers of their target language in real time and to investigate if the concept of tandem learning as promoted by initiatives like the International Tandem Network could be successfully transferred from e- mail- based discourse to a format in which the learners could interact with each other in real time over a computer network.An analysis of electronic transcripts from eight successive meetings between the teams suggests that online tandem does indeed work even if the learners have to respond more quickly to each other than if they had communicated with their partners via electronic mail. Yet a comparison of the data ( 184,000 running words) with findings from research on the negotiation of meaning in face- to- face discourse also revealed that there was a marked difference between conversational repair in spoken interactions and in the MOO- based exchanges. This paper discusses potential reasons for these differences, investigates the learners' exploitation of the bilingual format of their exchange, and thereby attempts to demonstrate how online tandems can contribute to successful second language acquisition ( SLA) and the development of learners' metalinguistic abilities.


Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Multicompetence: Code- and Modeswitching by Minority Ethnic Children in Complementary Schools

Cited frequency  115

Wei, LiLab Data Discovery Hlth Hong Kong Sci Pk 
Abstract  This article examines the multilingual and multimodal practices of British Chinese children in complementary school classes from a multicompetence perspective. Using classroom interaction data from a number of Chinese complementary schools in 3 different cities in England, the article argues that the multicompetence perspective enables a holistic look at codeswitching and modeswitching by multilingual children of minority ethnic background and helps to highlight creativity and criticality-2 important and closely related concepts that have hitherto been underexplored in multilingualism research.


Codeswitching and generative grammar: A critique of the MLF model and some remarks on "modified minimalism"

Cited frequency  105

MacSwan, JeffUniversity of Maryland College Park

Abstract  This article presents an empirical and theoretical critique of the Matrix Language Frame (MLF) model (Myers-Scotton, 1993: Myers-Scotton and Jake, 2001), and includes a response to Jake, Myers-Scotton and Gross's (2002) (JMSG) critique of MacSwan (1999, 2000) and reactions to their revision of the MLF model as a "modified minimalist approach". The author argues that although a new structural definition of the Matrix Language (ML) makes the MLF model falsifiable, its, empirical predictions am inconsistent with the facts of codeswitching (CS). The author also identifies significant theoretical problems associated with the MLF model, and suggests that it he rejected on empirical and theoretical grounds, and on grounds of scientific parsimony. In addition, the author contends that JMSG's critique of the Minimalist approach to CS rests on conceptually significant misreadings of published research in CS and in the theory of syntax, and that JMSG fail to motivate their central claim, namely, that a Minimalist approach to CS cannot succeed without incorporating the ML construct. It is further shown that an analysis of the CS facts which JMSG consider as their test case may he straightforwardly pursued within the Minimalist Program without appealing to the ML construct or any other aspect of the MLF model. The author concludes with the recommendation that research on CS depart from the formulation of general CS-specific constraints like the MLF Model and engage in the task of analyzing language contact phenomena in terms of independently motivated constructs of linguistic theory.


Polite Chinese children revisited: creativity and the use of codeswitching in the Chinese complementary school classroom

Cited frequency  94

Wei Li Lab Data Discovery Hlth Hong Kong Sci PkWu, Chao-Jung,Krirk Univ Natl Taiwan Normal Univ
Abstract  The ideology of monolingualism prevails throughout society, including within minority ethnic communities who are bilingual and multilingual. Some minority ethnic communities in Britain believe that the response to the dominance of English language is to replace it with other languages. Complementary schools language and culture classes organised by minority ethnic communities - often impose a One Language Only (OLON) or One Language at a Time (OLAT) policy. There is still widespread fear of bilingual and multilingual practices such as codeswitching. Drawing on data from a large research project on multilingual practices in complementary schools, this paper examines the use of codeswitching by Chinese-English bilingual children as a symbolic and creative resource. A particular focus is on the tensions between the school ideologies and policies and the actual practices by the teachers and pupils, as well as the differences between the teachers and pupils' language proficiencies and preferences. Examples of codeswitching will be used to show how the pupils resist the OLON and OLAT policies; how they manipulate their language proficiency to undermine the teachers' authority and gain control of classroom interaction; and how they use codeswitching creatively and strategically to push and break the boundaries between the old and the new, the conventional and the original, and the acceptable and the challenging.

TOP 10

Exploring bilingual pedagogies in dual language preschool classrooms

Cited frequency  85

Gort, MileidisUniversity of Colorado BoulderPontier, Ryan W.,Florida International University
Abstract  In this paper, we present an analysis of the language practices of four Spanish/English dual language (DL) preschool teachers, focusing on the ways in which the teachers mediate bilingual interactions with students and distribute Spanish and English across different classroom discourse functions. Findings reveal teachers' flexible and strategic use of each language to support children's developing bilingual competencies as well as to negotiate several communicative, academic, and management functions. Findings further illuminate the utility of bilingual speech/interaction as a communicative and academic resource and suggest that a strict language separation approach, as traditionally implemented in DL programs, may be at odds with the natural social interactions of bilinguals who draw on a number of communicative strategies, including codeswitching and tandem talk, to construct meaning.

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Loebell, H; Bock, K;Macaro, E;Cenoz, Jasone; Gorter, Durk;Shohamy, Elana;Probyn, Margie;Kötter, M;Wei, Li;Macswan, J;Wu, Chao-Jung;Gort, Mileidis; Pontier, Ryan W.;Myers-Scotton, C; Bolonyai, A

Beatty-Martinez, Anne L.; Dussias, Paola E.;King, Kendall A.;Hua, Zhu;Tian, Lili; Macaro, Ernesto;Fricke, Melinda; Kroll, Judith F.; Dussias, Paola E.;Marshall, Steve; Moore, Daniele;Litcofsky, Kaitlyn A.; Van Hell, Janet G.;Albirini, Abdulkafi; Benmamoun, Elabbas; Saadah, Eman;Dewaele, Jean-Marc; Nakano, Seiji;Cashman, HR;Kim, Eun Gyong; Kweon, Soo-Ok; Kim, Jeongyeon.

\ 单位分析 /

以100篇论文的所有作者单位为数据,高引作者单位如下:Univ Oxford, Univ Munster, Univ London, Univ S Carolina, Birkbeck Univ London, Penn State Univ, Han Simon Fraser Univ,  Univ Illinois,  Univ Miami, Sch Educ & Human Dev, Univ London Birkbeck Coll, Univ Texas, Korea Mil Acad, Dept English

\ 篇名分析 /

以100篇论文的所有篇名为数据,分词后统计词频(筛选):Codeswitching,Sentential,Triggered, Instruction,Priming, Classrooms, Translanguaging,Smuggling,Bilingual,experience,vocabulary,acquisition, Multilinguals'perceptions,Attitudinal,behavioural,dimensions.

\关键词分析 /

以100篇论文的所有关键词为数据,分词后统计词频(筛选):Language,English,Acquisition,Spanish,Student,Foreign,Constraints,L1,Model,Talk,Code,Sentence,Comprehension,Identity,Word,Memory,Education,Translation,Lexical Access.

\ 期刊分析 /

以100篇论文的所有期刊为数据,分词后词频排名(筛选):International Journal Of Bilingual Education And Bilingualism, Language And Cognition, International Journal Of Bilingualism, Modern Language Journal, Journal Of Multilingual And Multicultural Development, Journal Of Pragmatics, Language And Education, Language In Society, Journal Of Memory And Language, System, Language, Language Learning.



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