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International Journal of Chinese Linguistics

Volume 11, Issue 1, June 2024

International Journal of Chinese Linguistics(《国际中国语言学报》,ESCI期刊)2024年第1期共发文7篇,其中研究性论文5篇,书评2篇。内容涉及汉语动补结构、大语言模型、多词序列加工、句子基本单位、汉语二语习得、儿童语言障碍等。欢迎转发扩散往期链接:刊讯|《国际中国语言学报》2023年第1-2期



■  Transitional probability between characters as a component of sentence processing in Chinese, by Tianlin Wang and Matthew J. Cooper Borkenhagen, Pages: 5-29

■ Are separable words words or phrases? A study of Chinese verb-complement structures, by Quansheng Xia and Ai Wang, Pages: 20-55

■ Examining the role of distributional information and structural types in multiword sequence processing by Chinese preschool children, by Lu Wang, Wenbo Yu, Yiran Peng and Dandan Liang, pages: 56–93

■ Rethinking tokenization: Crafting better tokenizers for large language models, by Jinbiao Yang, pages:  94–109

■ 汉语句子的基本单位刍议 [Notes on the basic unit of Chinese sentences], by 李金满, pages: 110–129


■ Nan Jiang (Ed.). 2014. Advances in Chinese as a second language: Acquisition and processing, by Qi Sun and Jamie Gahtan, pages:130–142

■ Dandan Liang. 2022. Interventions for children with language disorders, by Yongtao Xiao, pages:143–149


Transitional probability between characters as a component of sentence processing in Chinese

Tianlin Wang, University at Albany, SUNY 

Matthew J. Cooper BorkenhagenFlorida State University,The Florida Center for Reading Research

Abstract This study explores the role of transitional probability (TP) in sentence processing in Chinese, a writing system that presents unique challenges due to its character-based structure and lack of word boundaries. The research investigates how the statistical regularities of character meaning, as captured by TP, aid in word segmentation and impact reading comprehension. Utilizing a moving window task, the study examines the processing speed of characters in high versus low TP conditions. Findings reveal that characters in high TP bigram conditions (indicating a consistent semantic association within a bigram) are processed more quickly, underscoring the importance of this statistical property of characters in Chinese sentence reading. These findings challenge conventional notions in Chinese linguistics concerning the relationship between characters, morphemes, and semantics, and suggests an alternative perspective on (and the need for reevaluation of) character-level semantics. The study also highlights the influence of prosodic context on reading speed, indicating that anticipatory linguistic patterns shape reader processing.

Key words transitional probability, reading in Chinese, character-level semantics

Are separable words words or phrases? A study of Chinese verb-complement structures

Quansheng Xia, Nankai UniversityAi Wang, Nankai University

Abstract Both traditional linguistics and psycholinguistics have extensively explored the issue of the category that separable words belong to, yet different opinions persist. Building upon previous research, this study selects verb-complement structures as its focal point. Based on the number of internally insertable elements, these structures are categorized into verb-complement compounds, verb-complement compact structures, verb-complement loose structures, and verb-complement phrases. The study compares the processing similarities and differences between the four types of structures with and without inter-component spacing so that the “disconnected” and “connected” states of the four structures are investigated. Experimental results indicate that regardless of the insertion of spaces, the reaction times for processing verb-complement compounds, compact structures, and loose structures are shorter than those for phrases. In the comparison of presence and absence of spaces, compounds and compact structures exhibit greater consistency, whereas no significant differences are observed between loose structures and phrases. This suggests that the processing of verb-complement compact structures closely resembles that of words, while the processing of loose structures embodies characteristics of both compounds and phrases, yet differs from both words and phrases. This study demonstrates that based on the degree of internal expansion, separable words can be further classified into subcategories, existing in a transitional state between words and phrases, forming a continuous continuum with compounds and phrases.

Key words words, phrases, verb-complement structures, inter-component space, semantic judgment, processing mechanism

Examining the role of distributional information and structural types in multiword sequence processing by Chinese preschool children

Lu Wang, Nanjing Normal University

Wenbo Yu, Nanjing Normal University

Yiran Peng, Nanjing Normal University

Dandan Liang, Nanjing Normal University, University of Science and Technology of China

Abstract Multiword sequences (MWSs) are units between words and sentences, which can help people to achieve native-like proficiency in a language. However, the extent to which Chinese native (L1) speakers, especially preschool children in the midst of language development, comprehend and process MWSs remains uncertain. While previous research has primarily focused on the distributional properties of MWSs, whether Chinese preschool children exhibit sensitivity to the distributional information of MWSs requires further examination. In addition, the potential influence of structural types on such sensitivity has received limited attention. This study examined Chinese preschool children’s sensitivity to distributional information and structural types of MWSs when processing Mandarin MWSs. Participants performed an imitating-production task. Linear mixed-effects models revealed that children were sensitive to two types of distributional information of MWSs: MWS frequency and MWS contingency. Intriguingly, no evidence was found to suggest sensitivity to the structural types of MWSs. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated not only the continuous effects of MWS frequency and contingency but also an interaction between these two factors. This study thus indicates that during the processing of MWSs, the performance of Chinese preschool children is influenced by the distributional information of MWSs while remaining unaffected by structural types.

Key words multiword sequences, frequency, contingency, structural types, preschool children

Rethinking tokenization: Crafting better tokenizers for large language models

Jinbiao Yang, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

Abstract Multiword sequences (MWSs) are units between words and sentences, which can help people to achieve native-like proficiency in a language. However, the extent to which Chinese native (L1) speakers, especially preschool children in the midst of language development, comprehend and process MWSs remains uncertain. While previous research has primarily focused on the distributional properties of MWSs, whether Chinese preschool children exhibit sensitivity to the distributional information of MWSs requires further examination. In addition, the potential influence of structural types on such sensitivity has received limited attention. This study examined Chinese preschool children’s sensitivity to distributional information and structural types of MWSs when processing Mandarin MWSs. Participants performed an imitating-production task. Linear mixed-effects models revealed that children were sensitive to two types of distributional information of MWSs: MWS frequency and MWS contingency. Intriguingly, no evidence was found to suggest sensitivity to the structural types of MWSs. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated not only the continuous effects of MWS frequency and contingency but also an interaction between these two factors. This study thus indicates that during the processing of MWSs, the performance of Chinese preschool children is influenced by the distributional information of MWSs while remaining unaffected by structural types.

Key words multiword sequences, frequency, contingency, structural types, preschool children


[Notes on the basic unit of Chinese sentences]

李金满 , 上海财经大学

Abstract 汉语中“词”的界定一直是个棘手的话题。本文从广受国内外学者关注的汉语关系从句的加工单位说起,综合多源证据,探讨汉语句子的基本分析单位是否是“词”的问题。文章首先基于前期汉语关系从句自定速阅读加工研究中的相关实验刺激材料,对比分析同一实验、同一研究、同类研究之间采用的加工单位情况;然后综合来自眼动实验、容错现象、自然语言处理、汉英构词对比等多个研究领域中的证据,进一步审视汉语句子基本单位的问题。最后,我们从语言学视角,梳理国内外学者对汉语中“字”、“词”看法的演变,认为可以将汉语句子单位纳入类型学视野下进行考量,探索更合理普适的解决方案,促进语言相关领域的研究。

Key words 汉语句子,基本单位,字,词 


International Journay of Chinese Linguistics is a peer-reviewed journal published by John Benjamins Publishing Company. The journal aims to publish high-quality scientific studies of Chinese linguistics and languages (including their dialects). With this aim, the journal serves as a forum for scholars and students in the world who study all areas of Chinese linguistics and languages from all theoretical perspectives. Studies to be published in this journal can be theoretical or applied, qualitative or quantitative, synchronic or diachronic, or any combinations of the above, and interface studies, such as those looking into syntax-semantics interface, syntax-phonology interface, semantics-pragmatics interface, are encouraged. As such, this is a comprehensive and general Chinese linguistics journal which serves as a true international forum for all Chinese linguistics scholars and students regardless of their theoretical and topical interests. It is a bilingual journal and its official languages will be English and Chinese. This journal also upholds a double-blind peer-review policy.《国际中国语言学报》由John Benjamins Publishing Company出版,旨在发表研究中国语言(包括汉语和少数民族语言及方言)的高质量论文,每年两期,每期一百六十页。本刊为全世界从各种理论角度研究中国语言和语言学的学者、学生提供一个学术研讨平台。所刊论文将涵盖理论或应用研究、定性或定量研究、共时或历时研究,尤为重视各种视角和方法的界面研究(如句法与语义、语法与音系、语义与语用等)。因此,它是一个全方位综合性的中国语言学刊物,为业内同行提供一个名副其实的国际学术论坛,无论他们的理论价值取向为何。《国际中国语言学报》是双语刊物,主要语言为英文,也会发表一定数量的中文稿件(约四分之一)。本刊采用双向匿名评审制。



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