由于本案发生在美国,庭审在美国,律师也是美国的,所以最终声明只有一份英文的庭前和解文件: 上图是美国法院方面出具的和解文件,英文原文如下: “The incident between Ms. Jingyao Liu and Mr. Richard Liu in Minnesota in 2018 resulted in a misunderstanding that has consumed substantial public attention and brought profound suffering to the parties and their families. Today, the parties agreed to set aside their differences, and settle their legal dispute in order to avoid further pain and suffering caused by the lawsuit. Beyond the above, there will be no further comment from Ms. Liu, her representative or her counsel, not jointly from the parties.” 国内媒体的翻译是这样的: “刘强东先生和刘婧尧女士于2018年在美国明尼苏达的一次偶然事件所造成的误会,占用了大量的社会资源,也给彼此的家庭造成了深重的困扰。今天,为了避免进一步的诉讼伤害,双方决定消除误会,达成和解,为这次事件画上句号。除以上声明,刘婧尧女士及其代表和律师不再发表任何评论,双方也不会出具其它的联合声明。” Jingyao 方面对这份中文翻译的声明非常不满,她们身边的人通过朋友圈发了一份措辞非常强烈的说明: