No pains, no gains
Ladies and gentlemen, here is a real life story.
Divorced and living on public assistance, JK Rowling wrote at a table in a café during her daughter’s naps. Twelve publishers had rejected her book before her Harry Potter series won numerous awards and become a tremendous success around the world.
We all want gains that bring us happiness, and nobody wants pains that make us suffer, but there are no gains without pains.
Do you know how much time it takes to train hard to be a top athlete, musician or chess player according to a latest study? At least 10,000 hours!
Can you imagine that I couldn’t say even one English word when I traveled to America three years ago? At that time, I was so sad with my terrible English and I began working really hard. I learned and practiced every single day: reading English books, watching English videos and listening to English audios, not mention taking English classes.
I spared no effort to improve my English. Especially last year, I went to America again. But this time it was not for fun but for an English competition. The moment when I received the trophy, I truly realized why Thomas Edison said: “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
Ladies and gentlemen, no pains, no gains! One will not achieve anything in life without effort and suffering. We hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain, because life’s greatest lessons are learned through pains, and all accomplishments and success come from sustained endeavors.
Harry Potter and his magic may not exist in the real world, but J. K. Rowling’s determination and perseverance is the real magic that can make our dreams come true! Thank you!
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