
忆江南 最忆是杭州 | 中南 • 紫樾府

DESIGN FOR LIFE 山水比德上海设计院 2023-09-06

An ancient capital for thousands of years,
it has been prosperous since ancient times.
One plant and one tree, one house and one rafter,
 all with the imprint of humanistic life
The most complex goes to the most simple,
the road goes to the simple
Strive to return to the essence and return to the original intention
 of the beginning
Dissolve modernity in art

▼大区鸟瞰   Aerial view of the region

从文化中来 融气质中去







Come from the culture, melt away from the temperament

Harmony with Hangzhou, enjoy the East, and delight in the modern

Modern and simple techniques show the elegant oriental space, and freehand artistic elements reflect the cultural heritage of the east

The shape of the landscape, the sentiment of the scenery, the expression of the will

The three realms combined with the shaping of space, interprets the progressive field spirit every layer courtyard space,highlight the spirit of the venue, and create a modern, simple and humane and elegant community

▼第一重 First level
阳光草坪广场 Sunshine Lawn Plaza 

Set up comprehensive and diverse venues to enhance functionality and diversity.

► 依据社区多样活动功能需求,叠加多样化功能,同一场地中根据不同需求复合不同功能。打破常规单一功能布局,体现社区多样互动景观体系。

According to the functional needs of diverse activities in the community, diversified functions are superimposed, and different functions are combined according to different needs in the same venue. Break the conventional single-function layout and reflect the diverse interactive landscape system of the community.

 ▼第二重  Second level
社区会客厅 Community hall

► 面对面的交流和融合,更亲近彼此的距离

Face-to-face communication and integration, closer to each other's distance

Create a ceremonial living room to provide a unique hall experience.

► 社区客厅作为一个公共空间,提供更多面对面的交流和融合的机会,更亲近彼此的距离。使大家共享愉悦的休闲时光。

As a public space, the community living room provides more opportunities for face-to-face communication and integration, and is closer to each other. Let everyone share a pleasant leisure time.

 ▼第三重 Third level
度假水乐园Holiday water park 

Resort hotel-style honors.

► 社区中央轴线末端设置度假酒店式的精致泳池,为社区住户提供独特且丰富的户外活动空间的同时,提升整体社区品质。

At the end of the central axis of the community, a resort hotel-style exquisite swimming pool is set up to provide community residents with a unique and abundant outdoor activity space while improving the overall community quality.

► 泳池整体融合在社区整体自然环境中,设深浅两处区域。深水为主泳池区,浅水为休闲、休憩、娱乐区,有喷泉等水娱乐设施另设娃娃池,池内有小滑梯适合幼儿玩耍,保证玩水安全。
The swimming pool is integrated into the overall natural environment of the community, with two areas of depth and shallowness. The deep water is the main swimming pool area, and the shallow water is the leisure, rest, and entertainment area. There are also water entertainment facilities such as fountains and a doll pool. There is a small slide in the pool for children to play, ensuring safe water play. At the same time as the outside activity space, the overall community quality is improved.

▼第四重  Fourth level
全龄活动乐园All-age activity park 

全龄化 互动共享 满足不同需求
Full age, interactive sharing to meet different needs.

► 设计全龄活动空间体系,整个体系按照年龄段划分儿童活动空间、青年活动区、老年活动区、宠物活动区。

Design a whole-age activity space system. The whole system is divided into children activity areas, youth activity areas, elderly activity areas, and pet activity areas according to age groups.

► 探险、创意游戏、攀爬、钻隧道、滑梯、沙坑等各种趣味游戏的综合体。

A complex of various fun games such as creative games, climbing, tunnel drilling, slides, sandpits, etc.

► 通过设计,借助趣味设施及多变的空间引导使人群产生互动与交流。

Through design, with the help of interesting facilities and changeable space guidance, people can interact and communicate.

► 设计全龄活动的儿童成长体系,整个体系按照年龄段划分儿童活动空间,使儿童有更大的探索发挥空间,从而助力其成长。

Design a children's growth system for all-age activities. The entire system divides children's activity spaces according to age groups, so that children have more space for exploration and development, thereby helping their growth.

▼林荫花园 & 静谧花园 Tree-lined garden & Tranquil garden


Bath in the sun, share a chat with relatives and neighbors, and have a new experience of outdoor life.

►阳光草坪 + 丰富植被形成天然氧吧,面对面拥抱自然。

Sunny lawn + rich vegetation to form a natural oxygen bar, embracing nature face to face.

►木质平台 + 景观座椅或躺或坐,享受自然时光。

Wooden platform + landscape seat or lie down or sit, enjoy the time in nature.

▼生活漫步道 Life Promenade


The area focuses on life attitudes such as activities, sports, and health, and conveys the community atmosphere through sports and fitness.


The whole area has a 550-meter rainbow jogging track with colorful ground lines to distinguish different distances and functional areas.


Set an incentive mileage mark every 100 meters.




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▶ 关于我们

广州山水比德设计股份有限公司(简称“山水比德”)成立于2007 年,是一家以创新设计为驱动的综合型景观设计平台。公司总部位于广州,已在全国成立16家城市公司,拥有1300+位员工,其中950+设计师,形成山水社区、山水文旅和山水城市三大业务板块,在全国100+城市落地3000+精品项目。山水比德长期服务于中国城乡发展与生态文明建构,秉承“诗意栖居·传承创新”的理念,致力于以新山水理论为基础,创新设计为驱动,以数字科技为核心,山水总体剧场为载体,打造世界级景观科技创新平台。

作为系统化景观服务专家,山水比德拥有“国家风景园林工程设计专项甲级”资质,与90%中国TOP30地产集团形成了深度合作关系,为全国各级政府提供优质的规划与设计服务,在社区环境、商业综合体、文化旅游、特色小镇、城市设计、区域规划等领域定制系统化、一体化的专业解决方案。获得“全国十佳园林设计企业”“中国建筑规划设计最佳创意品牌机构”等荣誉称号。荣获IFLA国际大奖、风景园林奖、勘察设计奖、CREDAWARD地产设计大奖、金盘奖、亚洲设计大奖、意大利A’Design Award设计奖、美国IDA国际设计大奖等多项国内外设计大奖,连续3年蝉联时代楼盘中国地产景观设计竞争力第一,2020ARCHINA建筑中国设计企业品牌新媒体影响力总榜全国第一、民营企业设计企业品牌新媒体影响力全国第一。

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