
人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit2 Lesson 9 同步辅导资料

关注→ 绿色圃五年级资源 2023-01-03

Just talk


Just talk 一起说说
Yang Ming: Mum, can I have a motorbike?
– 妈妈,我能要一辆摩托车吗?
Mum: OK. Choose one you like.
– 好。选一个你喜欢的。
Saleswoman: What can I do for you?
– 有什么需要帮助的吗?
Yang Ming: I want to buy a motorbike.
– 我想买一辆摩托车。
Saleswoman: How about this one?
– 这个怎么样?
Yang Ming: It looks nice. I like it.
– 看起来不错。我喜欢。
Mum: How much is it?
– 多少钱?
Saleswoman: It’s eighty-five yuan.
– 85元。
Mum: We’ll take it.
– 我们要了。
Saleswoman: Here you are. Thanks. Bye!
– 给你。谢谢。拜拜!
Mum and Yang Ming: Bye!
– 拜拜!


Lesson 9


. 写出下列单词和短语的中文意思。

  1. 1.     motorbike

  2. 2.     choose

  3. 3.     buy a toy

  4. 4.    look

  5. 5.  How about

. 根据上下文填空。

- ____ I have a toy ship?

- ____ one you like.

-_____ can I _____for you?

- I want____ buy a toy ship.

- ________ do you like?

-______this one?

- It ______ nice.

- ___________is it?

- It is fifty Yuan.

- I will _______ it.

- Here you are.

- Thank you.


mtoorbkei_____   coohse_____    aubot______

kool _____       mcuh_____       tkae___ 

. 将下列单词排成一句话。

  1. 1. What, I, can, for, you , do________________________________

  2. 2. One, choose, like, you. _______________________________

  3. 3. This, one , how, about. _______________________________

  4. 4. Looks, it, good. _______________________________

  5. 5. take, I, will, it. _______________________________

. 英翻汉。

1. Whatcan I do for you? __________________________

2. I wantto buy a motorbike. __________________________

3. Howabout the yellow one? __________________________

4. Itlooks so good.__________________________

. 找出下列句中的错误。

1. What Ican do for you?

2. I wantbuy a bike.

3. How isthis one?

4. Itlook nice.


. 写出下列单词和短语的中文意思。

  1. 1.     摩托车

  2. 2.     选择

  3. 3.     买一个玩具

  4. 4.    

  5. 5.  怎么样

. 根据上下文填空。

- Can I have a toy ship?

- Choose one you like.

- What can I do for you?

- I want to buy a toy ship.

- Which one do you like?

- How about this one?

- It looks nice.

- How much is it?

- It is fifty Yuan.

- I will take it.

- Here you are.

- Thank you.


motorbike    choose     about

look         much        take

. 将下列单词排成一句话。

  1. 1. What can I do for you?

  2. 2. Choose one you like.

  3. 3. How about this one?

  4. 4. It looks good.

  5. 5. I will take it.

. 英翻汉。

1. 我能为你做点什么呢?

2. 我想买一个摩托车。

3. 这个黄色的怎么样?

4. 它看起来很好。

. 找出下列句中的错误。

1. What Ican do for you?—— What can I do for you?

2. I wantbuy a bike.—— I want to buy a bike.

3. How isthis one?—— How about this one?

4. Itlook nice.—— It looks nice.






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