
教育【21】E-Cigarette Sellers Offer Financial Aid to Students

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-06


E-Cigarette Sellers Offer Financial Aid to Students

June 12, 2018

FILE - A smoker exhales vapor from an e-cigarette at the Vapor Spot, in Sacramento, California, in this July 7, 2015, photo.

Many medical experts agree that using an e-cigarette – known as vaping - is safer than smoking a cigarette. Supporters have also suggested that e-cigarettes can help smokers of traditional cigarettes cut back or even stop smoking. But little is yet known about the long-term health effects of using e-cigarettes.

A woman adds flavor to a vaporizer while waiting for customers at the e-cigarette shop Henley Vaporium in New York, June 23, 2015. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Robert Pagano is owner of the review site Vapor Vanity. He told the AP his company was offering scholarships of up to $1,500 this year. He admitted the financial aid is partly used as a marketing tool. But he also said that many people in the industry are former smokers who want to help young people avoid tobacco.

“It’s a little bit of being genuine, a little bit of self-interest,” said Pagano, whose company does not sell e-cigarette products. He added that scholarships are one of the best ways of getting students to think about the issues they are asked to write about.

Most companies behind the writing contests did not react to requests from the AP for comment. But the American Vaping Association defended the scholarships. It said they provide a way for companies to publicize their name while also offering students financial help.

Gregory Conley is the head of the association. He compared the scholarships to similar programs that have long been offered by manufacturers of alcohol products, such as Anheuser-Busch. That company gives tens of thousands of dollars each year to minority students.

Some anti-tobacco groups said they did not know about the scholarships until asked about them by the AP. They are sharply critical of efforts to get students to write in favor of vaping.

In this Feb. 20, 2014 file photo, a customer exhales vapor from an e-cigarette at a store in New York. (AP Photo)

“They’re trying to use youth as their marketing surrogates,” said Gregg Haifley, who is with the American Cancer Society. He added that although some companies describe the programs as helpful to students, he believes it is all a marketing effort to get new users.

E-cigarette manufacturers often say their products are meant only for adults who are trying to stop smoking. Some of the writing contests state that they are not meant to promote vaping. But anti-tobacco groups say there is no other reason the companies would be reaching out to young people.

Robin Koval is president of the Truth Initiative, a nonprofit group opposed to the tobacco and vaping industries. She says most of the students getting involved are not smokers who are trying to stop. “What they’re saying and what they’re doing does not seem to agree here. But that’s not surprising,” Koval said.

The AP reports it is unclear how many scholarships have actually been awarded. Several websites promise to publicize winners of their contests, but none have appeared to do so. None of the 15 companies contacted by the AP would name the winners.

Harvard and California State University (CSU) at Long Beach removed e-cigarette-related scholarship listings after being asked about them by the AP. They explained that the listings should not have been posted.

“We’re not interested in being a platform for tobacco or vaping,” said spokesman Jeff Bliss, of CSU Long Beach.

I’m Bryan Lynn.

The Associated Press reported on this story. Bryan Lynn adapted the report for Learning English. George Grow was the editor.

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Words in This Story

benefit – n. a good or helpful result

review – n. report in a publication that gives an opinion about a product

contest – n. a competition

battery – n. a device for providing electric current

vapor – n. substance in the form of a gas or that consists of very small drops or particles mixed with the air

genuine – n. real, sincere or honest

surrogate – n. a person that takes the place or performs the duties of someone else

promote – v. give support to or make people aware of something

platform – n. a way of telling the public about your opinions


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