
译林版英语七年级上册 Unit 5 知识点梳理(可下载)

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1. have a guess     猜一猜 

2. dress up as a ghost    装扮成一只鬼    

3. Chinese New Year    中国新年

4. Dragon Boat Festival    端午节 

5. Thanks-giving Day     感恩节     

6. get lots of nice presents    收到许多漂亮的礼物 

7. at Christmas    在圣诞节

    on Christmas Eve    在圣诞节前夜

8. on that day    在那天

9. get together    聚会,联欢

10.have a big dinner    吃大餐

11. enjoy the full moon    欣赏圆月

12. have lots of fun    有很多乐趣

13. wear masks    戴面具

14. paint our faces    用颜料涂我们的脸

15. make pumpkin lanterns    制作南瓜灯

16. knock on their doors    敲他们的门  

17. shout “trick or treat”    喊“不招待,就使坏”

18. give us some candy as a treat    用一些糖果招待我们

19. playa trick on sb.    捉弄某人

20. have a party    在……的晚上

21. a special day    特别的一天

22. make lanterns out of oranges= make orange lanterns    


23. on Halloween     在万圣节

24. have some vegetables for lunch    午饭吃一些蔬菜

25. rice dumplings     粽子

26. give each other presents

= give presents to each other    互相给礼物

27.What a nice cake!    多漂亮的一个蛋糕啊!

28. go out for a birthday dinner    为了生日宴外出

29. get some toys as birthday presents     


30. some other nicethings     一些其他漂亮的东西

31. lion dance     狮子舞, 舞狮表演

32. find out more on New York Radio    在纽约广播里找到更多

33. be on holiday    在度假

34. take a lot of photos    拍很多照片

35. watch the fireworks     看烟火

36. a music and dance show    一场音乐舞蹈表演

37. seem happy    看起来高兴

38. let off fireworks    放烟火

39. at this time of year    在一年中的这个时候

40. get new clothes ready for us    为我们准备好新衣服

50. get red packets from sb.    收到某人的红包


1. I want to dress up as a ghost. 我想装扮成鬼。

dress +sb.  给某人穿衣         

dress up as… 装扮成……     

be dressed in + 衣服         

对比  put on, dress, wear 和in

put on   穿上 (强调动作)

wear+衣服 (强调穿的状态)

be in +衣服/颜色  (强调穿的状态)

2. How about(dressing up as) Monkey King? 


3. Millie learns about different festivals around the world. 


4. —Why do you like Christmas? 


    —Because we always get a lot of presents at Christmas. 


5. —What do you usually do on that day? 


   —All my family get together and have a big dinner, eat moon cakes, and then enjoy the full moon.


    family  n [C] 家人(family members)  It is 12 o'clock..  His family are having lunch.

                 [C] 家庭(整体)His family is going to move to London. 

6.  Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 谢谢你告诉我关于中秋节(的情况)。

thanks for sth/doing sth =thank you for sth/doing sth  

tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事

7. When the evening comes, we visit houses and play a game with the people inside. 当傍晚来临的时候,我们去拜访邻居,和屋里的人玩游戏。

when  conj.  当……时, 引导时间状语从句

8. We knock on the door and shout "trick or treat". 我们敲开门,大喊“不招待就使坏”。

9. Usually they give us some candy as a treat. If they don't give us a treat, we play a trick on them.通常他们都会给我们一些糖果招待我们。如果他们不招待我们,我们就对他们搞恶作剧。

if  conj   如果

  If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go on a picnic. 如果明天不下雨,我们将去野餐。


10. We always have a party on the evening of October 31 and enjoy nice food and drinks. 我们总是在10月31号晚上举办一个派对,享受美酒佳肴。

11. People make lanterns out of pumpkins.人们用南瓜做成灯笼。

make A out of B  用B制作成A

区分: be made of 和be made from

be made of  由......制作而成(看的出原材料)

The bridge is made of stones.这座桥是石头造的。

be made from 由......制作而成 (看不出原材料)

Bread is made from wheat and corn.面包是由小麦和玉米做成的。

12. Children have lots of fun on that day. 孩子们在那一天玩得很高兴。

   have lots of fun/ have a good time/enjoy oneself 玩得开心

 have lots of fun/ have a good time/enjoy oneself + doing sth做某事很开心

13. Sometimes we paint our faces.有时我们用颜色涂脸。

 paint 动词,意为“给……”涂色。

We paint the door blue.我们把门涂成蓝色

I am going to paint the garden gate.我要把花园的大门油漆一下。

【拓展】paint 还可做名词,意为“油漆,颜料”

14.  Family members get together and give each other presents.家庭成员聚集在一起;相互赠送礼物。

    (1)other 用作代词,意为“另一个人或物;其余的人或物;each other彼此。

    I don’t like these rulers, Can you show me any others?


    I need only one book. You can take all the others with you .


  (2)other 用作形容词,意为“别的;其他的;另一的;其余的”。

    Come some other day.改天再来

    Do you have any other books? 你还有什么别的书吗?

    Where is the other sock ? 另一只袜子在哪儿?

例题:  Mr Zhang has two daughters.One is a teacher ,         is a doctor.

A. other    B. the other  C. another

解析  句意:张先生有两个女儿,一个是教师,另一个是医生。one...the other…


答案  B

15. What do you usually get as birthday presents?你通常得到什么作为生日礼物?

  = What do you usually get for your birthday?

16. What do you do to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijing?你们在北京做什么来庆祝春节?

   = How do you celebrate the Chinese New Yearin Beijing?

17. We have shows about different festivals around the world.


   show  v.  出示,演出

  show sb sth = show sth to sb 给某人看某物

  v. show sb around … 带某人参观某地

When my aunt comes to Beijing, I'll show her around.

  show off 炫耀

  n.   演出,表演,节目

talk show 脱口秀      fashion show 时装秀

flower show 花展      on show 在展览中,陈列着

18.You seem very happy, Millie.米莉,你似乎很高兴。

Seem 连系动词,意为“好像,似乎”。主要结构有:

(1)  seem + adj./n.好像

     He seems quite sad.他好像很悲伤。

(2)  seem + to do /be 感到好像,觉得似乎

     The baby seems to be asleep.那婴儿似乎睡着了

(3)  It seems/seemed that…看来好像…

It seems to me that there is something funny about the case.


例题: It          that it is going to rain.

  A seem   B seems  C seemed  D is seemed

解析 句意:看来好像要下雨。It seems that …是英语中一个重要句型。

答案 B

19. Out of sight,out of mind.【谚语】 眼不见,心不烦。

20. There is no smoke without fire. 【谚语】无风不起浪。

21. There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every year. 每年电视上都会有盛大的春节晚会。

22. Usually our parents get new clothes ready for us, and we get red packets from our grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles. 通常我们的父母会为我们准备好新衣服,我们从祖父母、父母、叔叔阿姨那里得到红包。

   be ready for sth / to do sth. 准备好做某事

   get ready for sth / to do sth 为做某事做准备

23. We like to let off fireworks at night at the Chinese New Year. 我们喜欢在春节的晚上放烟花。

   let/set off fireworks 放烟火  at night 在夜里  in the evening 在晚上

24. You can find out more on New York Radio.你可以通过纽约电台发现更多。

   find out 发现 查明  find   发现 找到   look for 寻找











