
译林版英语七年级上册 Unit 2 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


(满分: 100分  时间: 100分钟)

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第一部分 选择题

一. 单项选择 (15分)

(    ) 21. --- Can I help you? ---- Yes. I’d like to buy __________ e-dog to play with me.

        A. a                B. an            C. the            D. /

(    ) 22. --- ____________ your brother in Class 1, Grade 7? --- No, he is in Class 2.

         A. Are            B. Is                C. Do            D. Does

(    ) 23. --- Can I have _________ juice to drink, Mum?

        --- Sorry, we don’t have ____________ juice at home.

         A. some, some        B. any, any        C. any, some        D. some, any

(    ) 24. --- ________ your name Simon?         --- Yes, _______.

          A. Is, I am             B. Are, it is        C. Is, it is            D. Is, it’s

(    ) 25. I have a cat at home, and I know how to _____________it.

        A. look at            B. look after        C. look for            D. look like

(    ) 26. Simon knows _________ about English.

       A. a lot .    B. a lot of.       C. a lots of.      D. lots of.

(    ) 27. --- __________ Tom in the English Club?

       --- Yes, but he ________ go there very often.

      A. Does, doesn’t        B. Does, isn’t            C. Is, does        D. Is, doesn’t

(    ) 28. Everyone _____________ music in my family. We also like sports.

        A. enjoys listening            B. enjoy listening to        

        C. enjoy listening to             D. enjoys listening to

(    ) 29. It’s fun _______ volleyball after class.

        A. plays            B. playing        C. play        D. to play

(    ) 30. The girl __________ glasses likes drawing pictures _____ her free time.

        A. in, on            B. with, in        C. in, at            D. with, about

(    ) 31. --- Jane, __________ the picture. --- Oh, it ________ so beautiful.

        A. look, looks    B. look at, looks at        C. look, looks at        D. look at, looks

(    ) 32. I’m good __________ football. ___________ you play football well?

        A. at playing, Are        B. at playing, Do    C. in playing, Do    D. in playing, Do

(    ) 33. --- _____ your mother often ____ TV at home? --- No, she is too busy.

        A. Is, watch        B. Do, watch        C. Does, watch        D. Does, watches

(    ) 34. They know you _______ , and like you _________too.

       A. very much ; very well.        B. very well ; very much.        

C. very much ; very much.        D. very well ; very well.

(    ) 35. --- You are beautiful in the new dress. --- ____________.

      A. No, I am not.        B. I’m fine.        C. Thank you.        D. You’re right.


  In our school, there is an English club, a music club, a football club, a tennis club and many other clubs.

The  36 club is the most popular (最受欢迎的) one. And I am in the club because tennis is my  37   sport.

There are more than 80 the tennis club. About 50% of them are boys. There are   39   teams in the club----Red Team and Yellow Team.  There is one   40    every week. Matches   41   me happy.

Zhang Yue is an old member in the club.     42   is tall and he looks very strong. He is 43  . His parents are tennis    44 , too.

Yang Le is a short boy. He is the youngest member in the club. He is 11 years old. He is also good at   45   , so he is a member of the swimming club.

I’m the tallest girl in the club. Li Na is my favourite tennis player. She is my hero. I hope I can be a player like her.

(   ) 36. A. tennis                B. football            C. basketball        D. swimming

(   ) 37. A. good              B. best                     C. favourite        D. boring

(   ) 38. A. boys              B. members               C. teachers        D. girls

(   ) 39. A. one              B. two                C. three            D. four

(   ) 40. A. meeting         B. party                   C. match            D. class

(   ) 41. A. have              B. make                   C. ask            D. hope

(   ) 42. A. She              B. He                   C. They            D. It

(   ) 43. A. come                B. comes                C. from            D. comes from

(   ) 44. A. workers        B. farmers               C. players        D. swimmers

(   ) 45. A. running          B. drawing            C. swimming        D. singing



My name is Li Li. I'm eleven. I'm from . My mum and dad work in a big factory (工厂). They go to work every day but rest (休息) two days a week . I have a sister. We look like each other very much and we like to help each other. She is a middle school student and comes home in the afternoon. Everyone in my family likes to look after me.

My sister and I are in the same school, but we are in different grades. There are forty-two students in our class, twenty boys and twenty-two girls. We have our lessons from eight o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the afternoon. My teacher of English, Miss Green is from . She is a good teacher. We have five English classes in a week. Now we can say a hundred words, and play games in English. We like English. We like our English teacher.

(    ) 46. Li Li's family has ______ people.

       A. three             B. four            C. six                  D. five

(    ) 47.Li Li's father and mother work ______ a week.

       A. seven days        B. five days        C. six days              D. four days

(    ) 48. Li Li's English teacher is ______.

       A. an American        B. a Japanese        C. an English woman    D. a Chinese

(    ) 49. Li Li's sister is ______.

       A. a good teacher      B. a nice girl        C. a bad student       D. a good worker

(    ) 50. We have _______ a day.                                  

       A. one English class                   B. three English classes  

       C. no English class                    D. five English classes



There are two pictures.

A man and a boy are in one picture. Who are they ? The man is Mr. White, and the boy’s name is Bill. He’s the man’s son. Now, they are in Bill’s bedroom. We can see some English books on the desk.

Let’s look at the other picture. You can see a woman and a girl in it. The woman is Bill’s mother and she’s in her daughter Ann’s room. You can see a photo of the Whites on the wall. Between the windows is a desk. What’s that on the floor? Oh, it’s Ann’s ball.

(   ) 51. In the two pictures we can see ______.

       A. two people     B. three people     C. four people     D. five people

(   ) 52. Mr White is ______.

       A. Ann’s brother     B. Ann’s father     C. Bill’s friend     D. Bill’s teacher

(   ) 53. Bill’s English books are ______.

       A. on the bed     B. in the desk     C. on the floor     D. on the desk

(   ) 54. Who is Ann?

       A. She’s Bill’s friend                 B. She is Mr White’s daughter

C. She’s Bill’s cousin                 D She is Mrs White’s son

(   ) 55. In Ann’s bedroom we can see ______.

       A. photos     B. a ball     C. books     D. two desks

第二部分 非选择题(45分)


1. She has many ______________(爱好). One of them is reading.

2. There are two ____________ (排球) matches on CCTC-5 today.

3. Sharapova(莎拉波娃) is one of the best tennis ____________ (选手) in the world.

4. My __________ (梦想) is to study at Qinghua University one day.

5. Fathers are all _________ (英雄) of their children.

6. My friend goes ___________ (dance) every night.

7. ___________ (watch) TV too much is bad for our eyes.

8. Can you tell me how __________ (be) a good swimmer?

9. It’s _________ (real) cold today.

10. Jim, ________________ (not be) late again!


Many people think that twins are the same. But they’re not! Dylan and Cole are twin brothers. They look the same and in some ways they are the same. But in other ways they are very different. Dylan and Cole both like soccer(足球). But Dylan plays every day and Cole plays only on weekends. Cole likes watching soccer games on TV, too. Dylan only likes playing the game, but doesn’t watch it. Dylan and Cole are both naughty and funny, but Cole is a little naughtier than Dylan. Dylan is a little more careful about schoolwork. Dylan and Cole are very popular at school, and they both have lots of friends.


What are twins like?





He ___1__ every day.

He doesn’t like __2___ soccer games.

He is a little more careful about_3__ .

They look the same.

They both like ___7___ .

They are naughty and ___8___.

They are very  9  at school and both have___10_ friends .


He plays only on the___4__ .

He likes watching soccer___5___ on TV.

He is a little ___6___ than Dylan.

1.__________  2.__________ 3.__________ 4._____________ 5._____________

6.__________  7.__________ 8.__________ 9._____________ 10.____________


Bill likes fish very much. He often buys fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife(妻子) sees the fish, she says to herself (她自己),"Good! Now I can ask my friends to have lunch, we can eat the fish. They like fish very much."

So when Bill comes home in the evening, the fish is not there, and his wife always says, “Oh, your cat eats it." And she gives Bill some bread for supper. Bill gets very angry(生气的). He takes his wife and the cat to the shop near his house and weighs (称) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, "My fish weighs one kilo. This cat weighs one kilo, too. My cat is here, you see. Then where is my fish?"

1. Where does Bill often buy fish?    


2. Who gets very angry?    


3. How much does the cat weigh?  


4. Does Bill's cat eat the fish?  


5. Who eats the fish?



I am a happy and healthy girl. I study at a middle school. I like 1.s________, such as football, 2.v________ and table tennis. I can play football very 3.w________. After school, I often play football 4.w________ my friends. In the evening, I often watch football 5.m________ on TV. But I am not good at 6.p________ basketball. I just enjoy the basketball games on TV. They are exciting. Yi Jianlian is my 7.f________ basketball 8.p________. I'm his fan. On 9.w________, my father, my mother and I always play table tennis together. It's very fun.

I like sports. They can make me happy. I hope you 10.e________ them too.

1.s__________  2.v__________ 3.w__________  4.w_____________ 5.m__________

6.p__________  7.f__________ 8.p__________ 9.w_____________ 10.e___________
















第一部分 选择题


21-25 BBDCB    26-30 ADDDB     31-35 DBCBC


36-40 ACBBC    41-45 BBCCC    


46-50  BBCBA       51-55 CBDBB

第二部分 非选择题


hobbies   volleyball    players   dream     heroes

dancing   watching     to be    really      don’t be


1. plays     2. watching  3. schoolwork  4. weekend  5. games

6. naughtier  7. soccer     8. funny    9. popular   10. many


1. In the shop.

2. Bill.

3. One kilo.

4. No, it doesn't.

5. Bill's wife and her friends.


1. sports            2. volleyball       3. well        4. with        5. matches

6. playing      7. favourite        8. player          9. weekends       10. enjoy


My name is Sam. I am a student from . I am in Class 1 Grade 7. I am twelve. I like sports . I often play basketball with my classmates after school . Lin Shuhao is my favourite basketball player . He is from . He plays basketball very well in the     NBA games. I want to be a basketball player like him.



