
译林版英语七年级上册 Unit 4 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


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(     )1. Don’t watch       TV. It’s bad       your eyes.

            A. too much; to.             B. much too; to.       

            C. much too; for.             D. too much; for

(     )2. It’s half past six! Please wake ___________. It’s time __________ school.
            A. up him; for                     B. him up; for    

C. up him; to                       D. him up; to

(     )3. —Who’s that man ______the red coat?    —Sorry, I don’t know______.

A.on; her                      B.in; her            

C.on; he                     D.in; him

(     )4. The library ________ ten hours a day. It __________ at 10 p.m.

A. opens, closes               B. is open, is closed        

C. opens, is closed             D. is open, closes

(     )5. Students shouldn't do _____ in the classroom all the time but do more ______ on the playground.

A. exercises; exercise            B. exercises; exercises  

 C. exercise; exercise              D. exercise; exercises

(    )6. He enjoys_______ with his friends and_______ ice creams with them.

                A. chating; eating           B. chatting; eating  

                C. chatting; eating             D. chating; eatting

(    )7. Chinese and History are my_______ lessons. I like them_______.

   A. favourite, best                    B. favourites, best

   C. favourites, the best            D. the best, favourite

(    )8. They always do_______ activities_______.

   A. after-school; after school        B. after-school; after-school

   C. after school; after school        D. after school; after-school

(    ) 9. We always do some reading_______ every morning.

   A. on            B. in            C. /            D. for

(    )10.- Look, that's Mike, your classmate. -Yes: Let's go and say hello to_______.

   A. him            B. he        C. her        D. hers

(    )11.- _______ does he go to fly kites? -_______ a month.

   A. How long; One time            B. How soon; Once

   C. How often; Once time        D. How often; Once

(    )12. Amy studies very hard. She usually_______ at 10. 00 p. m. .

    A. plays volleyball  B. gets up  C. goes shopping    D. goes to bed

(    )13. Kitty goes to the Reading Club twice a week. She is very good at_______ books.

   A. read    B. reads    C. reading    D. to read

(    )14. We'll have_______ fun in English this term.

   A. a lot    B. lots of    C. a lots of    D. many

(    )15. -Your brother speaks English very well.

   -Yes, so he does. He practises _______ English every day.

   A. speaking        B. speak            C. speaks        D. to speak

(   )16、It takes Mr. Wang 20 minutes     lunch every day.

   A、cook      B、to cook      C、cooking      D、cooks

(   )17、I have three sisters. They are all    .

       A、woman teacher             B、woman teachers

       C、women teacher             D、women teachers

(   )18、I can't mend the car     your help.

        A、of        B、with       C、without     D、for

(   )19、You look     than before.

         A、health     B、healthy   C、healthiest     D、healthier

(   )20、Is watching TV too     bad    your health?

            A、much, to    B、much, for   C、many, to     D、many, for


From Monday to Friday students usually get up at seven. Then they wash their faces and have breakfast. They usually have eggs, bacon(熏肉), bread, fruit and a glass of milk. After breakfast they go to school on foot or by yellow school 1 . Some students ride bikes. They get to school at about half past eight. Then they put their their lockers(柜子) and take only one book, a notebook and a pencil to each class. In middle school students have 3 for six hours. Their classes are English, writing, maths, 4 and so on.

At noon students have lunch at school. They usually 5 meat, fruit, vegetables, bread and a drink. 6 most students like pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers better. Students don’t have a short  7 . They go back to have classes 8  lunch until three o’clock. Then they go home.

Students usually play or watch TV before 9  . They have supper at six in the evening. The supper usually has soup, meat,  10 , rice or pasta(面食). After supper they do their homework. Sometimes they play or talk with their parents.

(   ) 1. A. car         B. bike          C. bus           D. plane

(   ) 2. A. school bags  B. clothes        C. pencil-boxes   D. money

(   ) 3. A. meals       B. a rest         C. each class      D. classes

(   ) 4. A. music, playing football         B. Chinese, running

          C. music, art(艺术)                      D. P.E, listening to music

(   ) 5. A. buy         B. have         C. eat            D. bring

(   ) 6. A. So          B. And          C. Because       D. But

(   ) 7. A. sleep        B. talk     C. drink          D. holiday

(   ) 8. A. at           B. before        C. after          D. in

(   ) 9. A. a supper      B. supper      C. the dinner      D. a dinner

(   )10. A. vegetables    B. dumplings    C. fishes       D. potatoes



   Hi, I'm John. I study in a middle school. Every morning, I get up at half past six and I go to school at seven. Lessons begin at eight. We have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. English is my favourite lesson, because we often play games in the English class.

   I have lunch at school. I like the school lunch and I always have rice with meat and vegetables. After lunch I often talk with my classmates.

   In the afternoon, lessons start at one o'clock and finish at four o'clock. I play games with my friends after school and then go home at half past four. I work hard every day. In the evening, I do my homework and read books. At nine o'clock I go to bed. I'm really busy every day but I like it.

(    )1. What time does John go to school?

   A. At 6. . m.   B. At 7. . m.     C. At 8. . m.     D. At 8. . m.

(    )2. What lesson does he like best?

   A. English.        B. Maths.            C. Chinese.        D. Music

(    )3. What does he often do after lunch?

   A. Playing games.                    B. Chatting with his classmates.

   C. Having a rest.                    D. Playing balls,

(    )4. Where does he do his homework?

   A. In the classroom.  B. In the school.  C. At home.  D. At his classmate's home


Peter lives in a small house. He is a clerk(职员)in a bank(银行).

Peter gets up at 6:30 every morning. He has breakfast and watches TV news at 7:00. After breakfast, he goes to work by bus.

He gets to the bank at 8:25. He gets ready to work. He has too much work to do. He has lunch in a restaurant near the bank. He finishes his work at 4:30. He likes exercise, so he goes home on foot.

After supper, he sometimes reads newspapers. Sometimes he looks for things on the Internet. He goes to bed early. He is tired after a day’s work.

(     )5. What does Peter do at 6:30?

A. He goes to work.             B. He gets up.  

C. He has breakfast.             D. He watches TV news.

(     )6. What is Peter?

A. He is a driver.                B. He is a teacher.     

C. He is a clerk.                 D. He is a doctor.

(     )7. How does Peter go home?

A. He walks home.                 B. He goes home by bus.  

C. He goes home by bike.         D. He drives home.


Mr. King goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room. But people in the room don’t look at him. They don’t ask him to sit at the table.

    Mr. King goes home and puts on his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very good food to eat.

    Mr. King takes off his coat, and puts it in the food and says, “Eat, coat!”

    The other people ask, “What are you doing?”

    He answers, “I’m asking my coat to eat the food. When I wear my old clothes, you don’t look at me or ask me to sit down. But now you give me very good food. Now I see, you give the food to my clothes, not to me!”

(  ) 8. Mr. King goes to the dinner party, but people in the room don’t look at him, because_________

A. he doesn’t come for car         B. he is young

C. he is wearing his old clothes      D. he is old

(   ) 9. Mr. King goes home to _________ his __________ clothes.

A. put on…good   B. puts on…fine   C. take off…good   D. wears…good

(   ) 10. Mr. King goes back to the party. People in the room stand up and smile at him, because ___________.

A. he is wearing his old clothes      B.  he is wearing his good clothes

C. he is putting on his good clothes   D.  he comes in a very good car

(   ) 11. Mr. King takes off his good coat and ________ it _________ the good food.

A. ask… to eat    B. lets… to eat    C. asks … to eat    D. ask…eat

(   ) 12. Now Mr. King sees the good food is ____________.

A. for he     B. for his good clothes  C. for him   D. for his


1. You must take much __________(锻炼) to keep fit.

2. As a __________(舞蹈演员), she needs much __________(能量).

3. Chinese people eat ____________(月饼) at Mid-autumn Festival.

4. He doesn’t eat much, so he is ___________(健康).

5. A ____________(厨房) is a place for cooking.

6. My mother is very busy, so she ___________(很少) watches TV.

7. Though he is very tall, he ____________(讨厌) playing basketball.

8. Hobo walks to his __________(碗) many times a day.

9. He __________(从不) gets up early on Saturday morning.

10. He had to have a job or go __________(饿).

11. I want some _________(猪肉) and __________(胡萝卜).

12. We can buy some _________ (芒果). They are my grandpa’s _________(最喜欢的).

13. We need some ________ (卷心菜) for supper.

14. Would you like some more _________(牛肉)?

15. He has some _______(饼干) and ________ (牛奶) for breakfast.

16. You must have _________(足够的) __________(蔬菜) every day.

17. You are not fit, and you should change your     (the way you live).

18. Food can give us a lot of       (power to do things).

19. Eddie is very lazy and he never       (do sports activities).

20. Do you have a healthy       (the food you usually eat)?


1. 对于舞蹈演员来说,保持健康是重要的。


2. 因为我想要更健康一些,所以我改变了我的日常饮食。


3. 我不再在餐食之间吃甜点心了。


4. 人人知道她每天所吃的东西和她如何生活的。


5. 我再也不在马路上踢足球了。


6. 请你试着找出这些食物的名称。


7. 你在找什么?我在找一些有关健康的故事。但是我什么也找不到。


8. 她有时去溜冰,但她并不擅长它。


9. 每天骑自行车上学要花费我十五分钟。 (It takes)


10. 房间里没有人在唱歌。



There is always a p__ 1    ___ in every school. It is a large and open space.

Why should a school have a playground? The r__  2   __ is that there is a place for students to have sports. After s__  3   __ for a long time in the classroom, the students will be  g_   4  ___ to run and jump. During playtime, we can see many girls and boys playing h__5_     _. But they feel  s__ 6    __ when the bell rings. It’s the t__   7  __ for them to go back to their classrooms.

After school, the playground is the most exciting sight(情景) to see. Boys and girls are playing  m__  8   __ kinds of games. When there is a m_    9 __ between classes or schools, the place will be full of excited students. Teachers all think good students should  a__ 10    __ learn to play at the same time.



Dear Jack

Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you something about my life. I get up _________


Please e-mail me soon!

Wang Lin



1-5  ABCDA  6-10  BAACA  11-15  DDCBA  16-20 BDCDB


1-5 CADCB    6-10 DACBA


1-4 BABC  5-7BCA    8-12 CABCB


1. exercise          2. dancer,  energy     3. mooncakes   4. healthy      5. kitchen

6. seldom           7. hates              8. bowl        9. never       10. hungry

11. pork,  carrots    12. mangoes,  favourite       13. cabbage     14. beef  

15. biscuits,  milk    16. enough,  vegetables       17. lifestyle      18. energy

19. exercises         20. Diet


1. It is important for a dancer to be healthy.

2. I changed my diet because I want to be healthier.

3. I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more.

4. Everyone knows what she eats and how she lives every day.

5. I don’t play football on the road any more.

6. Please try to find the names of the food.

7. - What are you looking for?

- I’m looking for some stories about health. But I can’t find anything.

8. She sometimes goes skating, but she isn’t good at it.

9. It takes me fifteen minutes to go to school by bike every day.

10. There is nobody singing in the room.


1. playground   2. reason     3. studying   4.  glad          5.happily

6. sad         7.time        8.many      9.  match        10.also

七、One possible version:

   Dear Jack

   Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you about my life. I get up at 6: the morning. At 6:40, I have breakfast. Then I do morning exercises at 7:30.I have lessons from 8:25 to 11: 50 every morning. After 4: the afternoon, I often do some sports with my classmates. I play sports for about one hour, then I go home. Sometimes I watch TV before having supper. Before I go to bed, I must finish my homework. It takes me about two hours. At 9:30, I must go to bed because l will go to school the next day.

   That's my life. What about yours?

Please e-mail me soon!

Wang Lin



