
译林版英语七年级上册 Unit 6 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


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1.一Do you like swimming in winter?

 一Of course.The water________a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy.

 A.feels        B.tastes     C.smells         D.looks

2.一Do you often eat noodles_______breakfast?

 一Yes.And we often watch the early news breakfast.

 A.at;for         B.for;at     C.at;at          D.for;for

3._______can help you_______ healthy.

 A.Do exercise;stay          B.Doing exercise;stay

 C.Do exercises;to stay       D.Doing exercises;staying

4.Do not eat sweet food_______.It is bad for you.

 A.any      B.more     C.any more       D.any long

5.We need to buy some_______and two_______ for supper today.

 A.tomatoes;kilos of meats  B.tomatoes;kiloes of meat

 C.tomatoes;kilos of meat   D.tomatos;kiloes of meats

6.一How long does Millie do her homework every day? 一_______

 A.In two hours       B.Two hours  C.For 8 hour         D.At an hour

7.The student_______a lot of money _______books.

 A.costs;on         B.takes;to buy  C.spends;on        D.spends;to buy

8.一Is watching too_______ TV bad_______our eyes?

 一Yes.We should always give our eyes a rest.

 A.much;to          B.much;for  C.many;to          D.many;for

9.一I can’t stand the smell of the stinking tofu.

 一Would you like to have a try? It_______quite delicious!

 A.looks    B.sounds     C.tastes       D.smells

10.It’s important_______us_______English well.

 A.for;to learn      B.to;to learn C.for;learning      D.of;to learn

11.The old man is in good _______,because his lifestyle is very_______.

 A.health;health        B.healthy;healthy

 C.health;healthy       D.healthy;health

12.一Do you often get a_______ present from your aunt on your birthday?

 —No.only a card,but with her best wishes.

 A.small        B.important      C.special        D.difficult

13.一_______hamburgers?  一They give us energy.But 1 don’t think them healthy.

 A.What do you like    B.How do you think C.What do you think of     D.How do you think of

14.一Would you like_______?  一Thank you,but I am not thirsty.

 A.any moon cakes         B.any orange  C.some bread             D.some orange

15.Sandy_______pork or cabbages_______her mother.

   A.1ikes;like     B.doesn’t like;1ike C.1ike;likes     D.doesn’t like;likes


   Food is very important.Everyone needs to  16  well if he or she wants to have a strong body.Our minds also need a kind of food.This kind of food is  17  .We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young.Small children are   everything around them.They learn  19  while they are watching and listening.When they are getting older they begin to  20  storybooks,science books and so on.When they find something new,they love to as questions and  21  to find out the answers.

   What is the best  22  to get knowledge? If we learn  23  ourselves,we will get the most

knowledge.If we are  24  getting answers from others and do not ask why,we will never learn well.When we study in the right way.we will learn mot and understand  25  .

16.A.sleep        B.read         C.drink          D.eat

17.A.sport        B.exercise      C.knowledge     D.meat

18.A.interested    B.interesting    C.weak          D.better

19.A.everything    B.something    C.nothing       D.anything

20.A.1end         B.read         C.learn         D.write

21.A.try          B.have         C.think         D.wait

22.A.place        B.school       C.way          D.road

23.A.on          B.with         C.to            D.by

24.A.often        B.always       C.usually        D.sometimes

25.A.harder       B.much        C.better         D.well



   Mr Brown likes all kinds of delicious food,and he is often invited(被邀请)to dinner by his friends.Now Mr Brown gets fatter and fatter.He can seldom go upstairs(楼上)at home and has to sleep downstairs.He often feels tired when he walks or does some housework.He is worried about it.So he goes to see a doctor.

   “Stop eating much fat and sugar,Mr Brown,”says the doctor,“or your health will be worse!”

   It is difficult for Mr Brown to do it.He will not do as the doctor says.Of course,he finds something wrong with his heart a few months later.Now he thinks he must do as the doctor says.But it is a little late.And he has to be in hospital.

   “You must lose weight(减肥),Sir,”says the doctor,“unless(除非)you want to die soon!”

   “Oh,no,doctor! Could you tell me a way to lose weight?”

   “Sure。you must do an exercise first.”

   “Which exercise,please?”

   “To move your head from side to side when you are invited to dinner!”

26.At first _________.

 A.Mr Brown thinks the doctor is right  B.Mr Brown thinks the doctor is wrong

 C.Mr Brown doesn’t listen to the doctor  D.Mr Brown has to be in hospital

27. __________,so he gets fatter and fatter.

 A.Mr Brown often eats m uch fat and sugar  B.Mr Brown never does any sports

 C.Mr Brown likes to sleep downstairs   D.Mr Brown dislikes to do any housework

28.Mr Brown is afraid________,so he goes to the doctor again.

 A.to die         B.to be thin     C.to stop working          D.to do housework

29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

 A.The doctor tells Mr Brown only to do some exercise to lose weight.

 B.The doctor tells Mr Brown to move his head to exercise.

 C.The doctor tells Mr Brown not to go to dinner.

 D.The doctor thinks Mr Brown will die soon.


   What can you do to keep healthy? Perhaps for children,healthy eating is one of the most important things.Here are some ideas about how to eat healthily.

Having breakfast

   A good breakfast is very important for children.It’s necessary to have it in the morning.But some children often go to school without breakfast,just because they want to sleep a little longer.Remember that a good breakfast will help you study better.

Having milk

   “My dream is that all the Chinese children can get half a kilogram(公斤)of milk a day,”the former Chinese Premier(总理)Wen Jiabao said this during his visit to a milk farm.Milk is also very important to children’s health.It makes children grow stronger.It’s better for you to have a glass of warm milk before going to bed.That will help you have a good sleep.

Having healthy food

   Having healthy food is the most important.That means eating lots of different kinds of food,especially(尤其)fruit and vegetables.Don’t eat too many sweet snacks.Some of you like eating fast food,but in fact it is not good for your health.Try to eat healthy food as much as possible.

   Have a healthy diet,and you will have a strong body.

30.According to(根据)this passage,for children,________is one of the most important things to

 keep fit.

 A.taking exercise      B.healthy eating  C.enough sleep        D.1aughing

31.Some students get up late in the morning so_________.

 A.they are always late for school  B.they often go to school without breakfast

 C.they can’t catch the first bus   D.they are afraid of going to school

32.In fact,which one of the following is bad for our health?

 A.Fast food.    B.Vegetables.    C.Fruit.     D.Meat.

33.What’s the main idea of the passage?

 A.Do have breakfast every day.          B.Fruit and vegetables are healthy food.

 C.It’s necessary to drink milk every day.  D.Eating healthily can help you keep fit.


  The Monkey Buffet Festival(猴子自助餐节)is on the last Sunday of November.It is a great day for monkeys in Thailand.People there think monkeys can bring good luck to them.So,to

thank monkeys,they have this special festival.

  Every year on that day,people put lots of fruit,vegetables,cakes and even drinks on the tables outside.They are all for monkeys.Many people come to see the monkeys on that day.During the festival,there are a lot of interesting activities about monkeys.Young people are always dressed up as monkeys and they sing,dance and play music in the street.

 Monkeys always live in groups.Most of them live in the trees.They are good at running and

jumping.They eat fruit,vegetables,flowers and birds’eggs.Monkeys are smart animals.Do you think so?

34.People have the festival because they think monkeys _______.

 A.are cute    B.can work for them   C.are smart    D.can bring good luck

35.On that day,people always_________.

 A.eat all kinds of foods    B.sing and dance  C.play with monkeys     D.run and jump

36.Of the four kinds of foods,monkeys don’t eat ________.

 A.beef    B.bananas    C.birds’eggs    D.apples

37.What does the passage mainly talk about?

 A.Monkeys are smart animals.    B.Monkeys’favourite food.

 C.A festival for monkeys          D.Monkeys in


Top dog in Peanuts

   Who is the most famous dog in the world? The answer might be Snoopy.He is a beagle(小猎犬).His owner is Charlie Brown,a round-headed(圆脑袋的)American boy.

   Snoopy,Charlie Brown and Charlie’s friends live in the world of Peanuts(《花生漫画》).It is a popular comic strip(连载漫画).American cartoonist Charles Schulz drew it from 1950 to 2000.This year,Peanuts turns 65.

   Snoopy is the liveliest(最活跃的)character in Peanuts.He plays tricks on Charlie Brown.He hates the cat next door.Snoopy says,“Yesterday I was a dog.Today I’m a dog.Tomorrow I’ll probably still be a dog.Sigh! There’s so little hope for advancement(进步).”He never speaks,but he thinks a lot.He often lies on the roof of his doghouse and thinks.In his fantasy(幻想)world,he becomes a person.He becomes a writer。a college student and a pilot(飞行员)in this world.

   People around the world love Snoopy.Over the past 65 years,this dog has been in more than 100 countries.In 2009,he became the Top Dog in American Pop Culture.

38.Where does Snoopy live?


39.Who is Charlie Brown?


40.Do you like Snoopy? Why or why not?



41.As students we shouldn’t care too much about________(分数).All we need is to do our best.

42._________(糖果)are bad for our teeth if we eat them before going to bed.

43.It is really cool to eat_________(西瓜)in hot summer.

44.The cakes________(品尝)nice.Would you like to have some?

45.My uncle likes eating uncooked__________(胡萝卜).He thinks they taste better.

46._________(汉堡)smell good but they are not healthy food.

47.Millie goes to the supermarket once a week to buy her favourite___________(零食).

48.Amy thinks hamburgers are not healthy,so she__________(很少)eats them.

49.The boy was very hungry,so he ate two________(盘子)of chicken.

50.一What will you do this weekend?

 一We_________(计划)to go shopping and watch a film.





















  2.B第一空for breakfast指早饭吃什么,第二空at breakfast指在吃早饭的时候。

  3.B此处为动名词作主语,exercise意为“锻炼”时是不可数名词;“帮助某人做某事”应为help sb.(to)do sth.。

 4.C固定搭配not…any more意为“不再……”,此句意为“不要再吃甜食了,它对你不好”。

 5.C tomato是可数名词,变复数时加一es;kilo的复数应加一s,meat是不可数名词。

 6.B B为简答,完整回答是She does her homework for two hours every day.。简答时for可省略。

 7.C人作主语,用spend,其固定搭配为sb.spend(s) some money on/doing sth.。

 8.B看的电视是不可敬名词,be bad for意为“对……不好”。


 10.A It is+adj.+for/of sb.+to do sth.是固定句式。important不属于人的品质,所以选A。

 11.c be in good health表示“健康状况良好”;第二空的is后应跟形容词。

 12.C  由回答No可知阿姨并没有送什么特殊的礼物,只是送了一张卡片而已。

 13.C What do you think of…?一How do you like…?意为“你认为……怎么样?”。





 18.A  be interested in是固定短语,意为“对……感兴趣”。


 20.B read storybooks读故事书。

 21.A try to do sth.意为“努力做某事”。

 22.C  根据句意“最好的获得知识的方法是什么? ”可知。

 23.D learn by oneself意为“自学”。


 25.C understand better和前面learn more对应,意为“学到更多,理解得更好”。





 30.B由第一段第二句Perhaps for children,healthy eating is one of the most important things.可知。

 31.B由第二段第三句But some children often go to school without breakfast,just because they want to sleep a little longer.可知。

 32.A由第四段倒数第二句Some of you like eating fast food,but in fact it is not good for your health.可知。


 34.D 根据第一段第三句“People there think monkeys can bring good luck to them.”可知,人们认为猴子可以给他们带来好运。

 35.B  根据第二段最后一句“Young people are always dressed up as monkeys and they sing,dance and play music in the street.”可知,年轻人总是打扮成猴子的样子,在大街上唱歌、跳舞和演奏音乐。

 36.A  根据最后一段的第四句“They eat fruit,vegetables,flowers and birds’eggs.”可知,猴子吃水果、蔬菜、鲜花和鸟蛋,而不吃肉类。

 37.C 结合全文对猴子自助餐节的由来、人们的庆祝活动以及猴子在节日NN"-I以吃到的东西可知,全文介绍的是一个为猴子设立的节日。

四.38.Snoopy lives in the world of Peanuts.

 39.He is Snoopy’s owner,a round-headed American boy.


五.41.points  42.Sweets  43.watermelons  44.taste  45.carrots

46.Hamburgers  47.snacks  48.seldom  49.plates  50.plan

六. 51.Doing homework is not much fun for/not very interesting for some children.

52.What would you like to dress up as celebrate Halloween?

53.I have beef and two bowls of egg soup for lunch.

54.Peter seldom eats biscuits or cakes between meals.

55.My father1ikes/enjoys taking a walk after supper.

七. My name is David.I’m a thirteen—year-old boy.I have a healthy lifestyle.I do exercise every day and I seldom watch TV.

   For breakfast,I often have two eggs and some pieces of bread.I also drink a glass of milk.This meal helps me start the day well.

   For lunch and dinner,I always have rice,vegetables,fish and meat.They give me lots of energy and make me feel strong.

   Healthy diet can help me stay healthy.



