
译林版英语七年级上册 Unit 7 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


(满分: 100分  时间: 100分钟)

姓名:           得分:      


1.Is this room ________ the meeting?

A. large enough to have            

B. enough large to have

C. large enough having              

D. enough large having

2.The pair of trousers is very nice. Can I ________?

A. try it on            B. try on it                        

C. try them on      D. try on them

3.Sandy wants to buy the same football cards ________ his brother did.

A. like        B. as        C. to          D. so

4.Which of the underlined sound is different from others (划线部分发音与其他项不同的是)?

A. hear       B. near       C. year        D. bear

5.- How _____ do you sleep every night?  

- More than 8 hours.

A. often     B. much     C. long   D. many

6.—Millie, Happy New Year!

— ________.

A. I'm happy, too                                                  

B. I'm glad to hear that         
  C. Not at all                                                           

D. Thank you, and I wish you the same

7.— What do people usually do at the Mid-Autumn Festival?

— ________.

A. Eat rice dumplings                                           

B. Play “trick or treat”  
  C. Enjoy the full moon                                          

D. Walk together after dinner

8.Tom needs some help ________ his homework. Can you help ________?

A. to, he                     B. with, him                              

C. to, his                     D. with, his

9.— Do you often get a        present from your parents on your birthday?

— No, only a card with best wishes.

A. small      B. different    C. special     D. old

10.Look! There’s _____ sheep on the hill. How lovely!

A. a little    B. some   C. many   D. much

11.There is _____ useful book and ____ interesting novel(小说) on the desk.

A. a, a      B. an, an    C. a, an      D. an, a

12.- He is never late for school.

- ______. His teacher is angry with him.

A. Yes, he is.                 B. Yes, he isn't.                      

C. No, he isn't.               D. No, he is.

13.I want to buy a nice present _______ my mother and I must give it ______ her myself.

A. for, to    B. to, for     C. for, for    D. with, to

14.---The dress is 60 yuan.  ---Good. I'll take it. It's so ________.

A. cheap                B. expensive                               

C. white                 D. small

15.My shoes are too small. I want to buy a new________.

A. one    B. ones  C. pair    D. shoe

16.— When do you celebrate this festival?

— In early summer.

A.                B.              

C.                D. 

17.—         girl is your sister?

— The one        a red skirt.

A. Who; dress                      B. What; wear                      

C. Who's; with                      D. Which; in

18.Dad, my trousers are old. I want to buy a new ________.

A. trousers             B. one                                     

C. it                         D. pair

19.Boys and girls often play tricks        each other       April Fool's Day.

A. on; on                 B. on; in                                 

C. to; on                   D. to; of

20.I like the glasses a lot. Can I __________?

A. try it on                        B. try on it                        

C. try them on                  D. try on them


21.Now the boy like his parents ________ (not like) fast food at all.    

22.You should work hard ________ (make) our country stronger.



knock on, play a trick on, get together, make pumpkin lanterns, know about

A: What do you ________ Halloween?
B: It's on October 31.
A: Yes. But do you know what people do on that day?
B: Of course. They ________ and dress up.
A: I hear that children love Halloween best.
B: Yes. Because they can play a game called “trick or treat” then.
A: How do they do that?
B: They paint their faces, ________ their neighbours' doors and shout “trick or treat”. If people don't give them any candy, they usually ________ them.
A: That's really interesting. Do people have a party on Halloween?
B: Yes, usually in the evening. People ________ and enjoy nice food.    


24.I like these cakes very much. Can I have one ________ (many)?    



    It is not        1        for a woman like me to go shopping. Why do I say that? Firstly, I have three children to look          2       . My husband doesn't even know how to        3        them. I think it's my own fault. I always do all the things myself instead of(而不是) teaching        4       . So I feel very        5        every day though I am a homemaker(家庭主妇). Maybe I think I feel even more tired than my husband. How can I find free time to         6       ? If I do, how should I do with my three children? The oldest of them is only five years old. Secondly, I am getting much         7       . So it's hard for me to find clothes that fit me well. Lastly, and I think it's the most        8       . We don't have enough        9        for pretty clothes. We have to raise(养育) so many children with the little money that my husband gains. Oh, how I regret(后悔) that I had so many children that I am living such a        10        life.

1. A.important 

B. easy  

C. difficult

D. interesting

2. A. at      

B. for

C. after

D. out

3. A. dress

B. watch  

C. read   

D. wear

4. A. them     

B. him 

C. myself  

D. us

5. A. happy 

B. unhappy 

C. interesting

D. tired

6. A. eat   

B. shop 

C. rest    

D. sleep

7. A. healthier

B. fatter

C. taller  

D. shorter

8. A. beautiful  

B. interesting

C. important   

D. hard

9. A. time

B. children 

C. shops

D. money

10. A. happy 

B. rich  

C. poor  

D. free 

    “Come here, boys and girls! Story time,” says Ms Lee to the class.
Great! The children love        1        very much. They all sit around Ms Lee, and she        2        the story. Then, FatherChristmas (圣诞老人) comes.
    “Excuse me, is Aaron in the        3       ?” he asks.
    Everyone looks at Aaron. He walks up to Father Christmas and says, “I'm Aaron. Do I        4        you?”
    “Get the beard (胡须) off my face, and you will know me.”
    Aaron is very curious (好奇的),        5        he gets the beard off Father Christmas' face.        6        does he see? His father!
    Aaron's father is a soldier (士兵). He        7        goes back home. This year he has a long holiday. He can        8        with his family. It's great. He dresses up        9        Father Christmas and comes to Aaron's school.
    Aaron is        10        to see his father. It's a great Christmas present for him.            

1. A. shows

B. tricks

C. films

D. stories

2. A. writes

B. starts

C. talks

D. seems

3. A. world

B. museum

C. classroom

D. building

4. A. know

B. see

C. hear

D. find

5. A. so

B. because

C. but

D. if

6. A. What

B. Who

C. When

D. Where

7. A. seldom

B. always

C. usually

D. often

8. A. get ready

B. find out

C. let off

D. get together

9. A. with

B. to

C. as

D. for

10. A. angry

B. sad

C. sorry

D. glad




      A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail (不及格)in the exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you are taking an English exam, do not only learn rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English. Speak in English whenever(无论何时)you can. A few days before the exam you should go to bed early. Do not stay up late at night studying. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question paper(试卷), try to understand the exact(确切的) meaning of each question. When you have finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct(改正) the mistakes if there are any, and be sure that you have not missed anything out.

(1)How can we do well in exams?

A. We should work hard every day in the year.

B. We should go to bed early a few days before an exam.

C. We should read over the answers before we hand in our papers.

D. We should do A, B,

(2)Learning rules of grammar _________ to pass an exam.

A. is enough                  B. is not enough                  

C. is not impossible       D. is no use

(3)Speak in English whenever you can. It is _____to your English study.

A. helpful                           B. impossible                                C. wonderful                           D. foolish

(4)Make sure that you _______ before you hand in your paper.

A. remember rules of grammar                           

B. have thought over and over again
  C. have answered all the questions                     

D. have read stories in English

(5)In the sentence “Do not stay up late at night studying”,  “stay up” means _____.

A. 逗留                                     B. 呆坐                                     

C. 熬夜                                     D. 停止


    It's the Chinese New Year today. Sam gets a red packet from his grandma. That's his favourite part of the festival. He gets four dollars and goes shopping in Chinatown.

    There are a lot of interesting things on the streets — fireworks, lion dances and delicious foods. Then Sam sees an old man. The man sleeps in the street. He doesn't wear shoes. “He doesn't have a home. What a poor man!” Sam thinks.

    At a toy shop, Sam wants to buy a toy Monkey King. But it's six dollars. Sam wants to go back home and get more money. On the way, he sees the old man again. “Why not give the four dollars to him? He can use the lucky money to buy some hot food and drinks,” Sam thinks.

    He gives the money to the old man and goes back home. His grandma knows his story and gives him a big hug (拥抱). What a good boy!

(1)What is Sam's favourite part about the Chinese New Year?            

A. Wearing new clothes.                                      

B. Getting red packets.
  C. Visiting his grandma.                                       

D. Going shopping.


A. 有趣的                                B. 无礼的                                

C. 可爱的                                D. 可怜的

(3)Sam doesn't buy the Monkey King because _____.            

A. he dislikes it                                                      

B. he has one at home
C. it doesn't look beautiful                                  

D. he has only four dollars

(4)What does Sam do on his way back home?            

A. He can't find his money.                                  

B. He gives his money to the old man.
  C. He buys some food and drinks.                     

D. He says hello to the old man.

(5)Why does Sam's grandma give Sam a hug?            

A. Because she thinks Sam is a good boy.          

B. Because she thinks Sam is cold.
  C. Because she thinks Sam is young.                  

D. Because it's a tradition (传统) of the Spring Festival


    What's your favourite festival? Why do you love it? Let's look at Wendy's favourite festival.


Wendy Roberts




Woody Middle School

Favourite festival

Thanksgiving Day


The 4th Thursday in November


⒈I have a big family. All my family members go to my grandparents' home this day. We have a good time. Every year we take a lot of family photos.

⒉I can eat my favourite food — turkey (火鸡). The turkey is too big, and we can't eat it up (吃完) at a time. So I can enjoy it in the next two days.

⒊We have a family football game. Boys in my family love it best. We watch or play football together.

⒋Christmas will come in one month after Thanksgiving Day. That is to say, my long winter holiday is coming.

(1)What does Wendy Roberts do?            

A. She is a student.        B. She is a teacher.        

C. She is a football player.        D. She is a cook.

(2)Thanksgiving Day is in ___________.            

A. April                           B. October                           

C. November                 D. December

(3)Where does Wendy celebrate Thanksgiving Day?            

A. In her house.                                                     

B. At her grandparents' home.
C. In her uncle's house.                                        

D. On her aunt's farm.

(4)The boys' favourite sport is ____________ in Wendy's family.            

A. volleyball                          B. swimming                          

C. football                          D. baseball

(5)What do we know about Wendy from the passage?            

A. She is 19 years old.                                        

B. She has a small family.
  C. She likes eating turkey a lot.                        

D. She has a long holiday for Thanksgiving Day.



Happy New Year

Lots of fun is waiting foryou on New Year's Eve!

Chinese food

Beijing Restaurant: 5:00 p.m. ~ 7:00 p.m.

Lion & dragon dance from

Guangdong and Fujian

Central Square(中心广场), 1:00p.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.


Central Square, 8:00 p.m. ~ 11:00 p.m.

The New Year parade(游行)

Tianjin Street, 2:00 p.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.

Chinese music & dance

Central Square, 5:00 p.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.

Sunday Date: Sunday, January 22nd, 2012

Place: Chinatown

More programmes(节目) are onCCTV. Let's welcome the New Year together!

(1)If you want to watch the lion and dragon dance in Chinatown, you can go to _______.

A. Guangdong                    B. Fujian                    

C. Tianjin Street                    D. Central Square

(2)The parade starts at _______.

A. 8:00 in the evening                                          

B. 2:00 in the afternoon
  C. 4:00 in the afternoon                                      

D. 8:00 in the morning

(3)Chinese music & dance will last(持续) _______.

A. three hours                       B. two hours                       

C. four hours                       D. five hours

(4)When is the Spring Festival in 2012?

A. It's on Saturday.                                               

B. It's on January 22nd.
  C. It's on January 23rd.                                         

D. Is on January 1st.

(5)Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. You can enjoy Chinese food in Beijing Restaurant.
  B. You can find more programmes on the radio.
  C. People will set off fireworks in Central Square.
  D. All the activities are in the afternoon or in the evening.



(1)I'd like 2 kilos of beef, please?(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ beef ________ you like, please?

(2)How much is the jacket?(同义句)

How much ________ the jacket ________?

How much ________ you ________ for the jacket?

How much ________ you ________ ________ the jacket?

(3)Emily is running at the moment. (用every day代替at the moment 改写句子)

Emily ________ every day.


(1)After dinner, we see the Spring Festival Gala on TV. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ you ________ after dinner?

(2)The New Year is on January 1st. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ the New Year?

(3)They often have dinner together after school. (改为同义句)

They often ________ ________ ________have dinner after school.

(4)You tell me the good news. Thank you very much. (改为同义句)

Thank you very much ________ ________ me the good news.

(5)They often give us a treat of some candy. (改为同义句)

They often give us some candy ________ ________ ________.

33. 句型转换。

(1)There is a shoe shop near my home. (改为复数句子)

There ________ ________ ________ ________ near my home.

(2)Lucy seldom plays computer games.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ ________ Lucy play computer games?

(3)Amy sleeps in a room and her sister sleeps in another room.(同义句)

Amy and her sister sleep in ________ ________.

34.The boy often uses paper to make a toy car.(改为同义句)
The boy often ________ a toy car________ ________ paper.   



35.根据中文, 完成句子, 每空一词。


I like________ ________ ________ the Great Wall.


People________ ________ the fireworks to welcome the Spring Festival.


We have________ about________ ________ ________the world.


It is often cold________ ________ ________ ________year.


Children________ lots of________ ________ ________ ________.

Jim often ________ ________ ________ a prince when he is at a party.    

________ visitors like ________ ________ in tourist attractions.    

We can buy clothes, shoes and ________ ________ ________ at the trade show.    



Dear Lisa,

    I'm going to have a party on September 27. It's my 12th birthday. I would like to enjoy this day with my family members and friends together.

    I will be very happy if you can come to join us. You are always my best friend. Your sister Jenny is welcome too. She is a nice girl. I like her. Because it's a princess-theme (公主主题的) party, please wear your beautiful clothes and shoes.

    There is a lot of fun at the party. My mum wants to cook a lot of Chinese food for us. Because September 27, 2015 is also the Mid-Autumn Festival, my grandma says she can make some moon cakes. You never eat them, right? They are delicious. There are also film DVDs and fun games for us. I'm sure all of us can have great fun on that day.

    The party is in my house, and it starts at 3:00 p.m. Can you come? Tell me please.



(1)Who is Lisa?


(2)What does Emma ask Lisa to wear?


(3)What does Emma's mum want to cook for them?


(4)Why does Emma's grandma make moon cakes?






(1)Do you know this skirt is ________(昂贵的) ?

(2)We are looking forwards to ________(参观) the Great Wall.

(3)The boy is waiting for his ________(轮次) to play computer games.

(4)The car ________(花费) my cousin 10,000 yuan.

41.Don't ________(叫嚷) in the reading room.   












The Mid-Autumn Festival    



1.【答案】 A  

2.【答案】 C  

3.【答案】 B  

4.【答案】 D  

5.【答案】 C  

6.【答案】 D  

7.【答案】 C  

8.【答案】 B  

9.【答案】 C  

10.【答案】 A  

11.【答案】 C  

12.【答案】 A  

13.【答案】 A  

14.【答案】 A  

15.【答案】 C  

16.【答案】 D  

17.【答案】 D  

18.【答案】 D  

19.【答案】 A  

20.【答案】 C  


21.【答案】doesn't like  

22.【答案】 to make


23.【答案】know about;make pumpkin lanterns;knock on;play a trick on;get together  




25.【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)B;(5)D;(6)B;(7)B;(8)C;(9)D;(10)C; 



27.【答案】 (1)D

28.【答案】 (1)B

29.【答案】 (1)A

30.【答案】 (1)D


31.【答案】 (1)How;much;would



32.【答案】 (1)What;do;see





33.【答案】 (1)are;some;shoe;shops





35.【答案】 (1)taking;photos;of









39.【答案】 (1)She is Emma's best friend.
(2)She asks Lisa to wear beautiful clothes and shoes.
(3)A lot of Chinese food.
(4)Because September 27, 2015 is the Mid-Autumn Festival in China.


40.【答案】 (1)expensive







The Mid-Autumn Festival
    The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important festival in China. It always comes in September or October. On that day, most family get together and have a big dinner. At night, people can also enjoy the full moon outside.
    Children like the festival very much, because they can eat nice moon cakes. And their grandparents often tell them the story about Chang'e. They have a lot of fun on the day.  



