
译林版英语九年级上册 Unit 6 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


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1.You can send text messages to 5471 to vote     your favourite TV programme. 
A.in    B.with    C.at    D.for
2. I am a     of TFBOYS. I like their songs very much. 
A.fan    B.art
C.newspaper    D.magazine
3.—Don’t you think it     of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars? 
—Well, I don’t think so. We were once young and had the similar experiences.
A.creative    B.silly    C.wise    D.curious
4.—How do you like the newspaper 21stCentury?
—Good indeed. It     many news stories all over the world. 
A.covers    B.talks     C.writes    D.says
5. Because of the dry weather,     trees have died in this area. 
A.the number of    B.a few of
C.a number of    D.a number
6. Our geography teacher told us to     more information about our city and share it next week. 
A.find out    B.keep away    C.turn off    D.use up
7. —Mum, I’ve signed for a big box by Future Express(快递). What’s in it?
—I’m not sure. It     be a present from your brother. 
A.might    B.must    C.should     D.will
8. I know you look up to President Xi Jinping. So you should know you can’t be a person like him     you work hard. 
A.if     B.as soon as
C.unless    D.as long as
9.We will achieve our China Dream     we work hard and never give up. 
A.and    B.so    C.if    D.but
10. —Celia, join us in the Super Summer Camp if it     this weekend. 
—I’d love to. But nobody knows if it     . 
A.is fine; rains    B.is fine; will rain
C.will be fine; will rain    D.will be fine; rains

Ⅱ. 完形填空
This story tells of two sporting heroes who made an impossible dream come true. Bob Champion was a young jockey(骑师) with a bright  11 . Then, one day, he fell off his horse. He went to the doctor  12  his injuries(伤) and was surprised when he  13  that he had cancer. The medical treatment lasted many months and made him very  14 . At times, he nearly died. 
  At the same time, there was a successful  15  called Aldaniti. Unluckily, during one race, the horse got a serious injury. The horse’s owners  16  to put the horse down though the doctor advised the horse’s trainer to do so. They  17  Aldaniti for a whole year and the horse’s injuries got better. 
  By this time, Bob Champion was out of  18 . Slowly, he got back his strength. Eight months later, he  19  to his job as a jockey. A month after that, he rode the winning horse in a race. Soon afterwards, Aldaniti  20  returned to training. 
  Early the next year,  21  Bob Champion and Aldaniti were almost back to full fitness. Now, there was a new plan. Bob decided to  22  Aldaniti in the Grand National, one of the UK’s most famous horse races. People watching the race knew all about the  23  fights against ill health and injury. Every one of them wanted the fairy tale to have a  24  ending. And it was perfect. Aldaniti and Bob Champion were real sporting  25 . 
11.A.future    B.idea    C.smile    D.voice
12.A.instead of    B.except for
C.because of    D.away from
13.A.suggested    B.discovered
C.expected    D.remembered
14.A.sad    B.scared    C.poor    D.weak
15.A.doctor    B.horse
C.owner    D.trainer
16.A.refused    B.prepared
C.regretted    D.forgot
17.A.waited for    B.looked after
C.called in    D.paid for
18.A.work    B.school    
C.sight    D.hospital
19.A.stuck    B.belonged
C.returned    D.moved
20.A.also    B.still    C.even    D.again
21.A.either    B.both    C.all    D.each
22.A.stop    B.walk    C.ride    D.feed
23.A.one’s    B.pair’s    C.group’s    D.family’s
24.A.sad    B.funny
C.happy    D.similar
25.A.heroes    B.players
C.results    D.events

  China is a country with a long history. This history has left us with many cultural relics(文物). A CCTV programme called NationalTreasure about cultural relics is now popular. It may give you a new way to enjoy them.
This programme, through two years’ preparation, showed audiences(观众) 27 valuable treasures from the nine famous museums like the Palace Museum, Shanghai Museum, Nanjing Museum and so on across 27 episodes. It was shown on CCTV-3 at 7:30 every Sunday evening.
Yu Lei, chief director of the TV programme, said the aim of the programme was to make national treasures come alive. “It will present the treasures through different artistic(艺术的) methods, and completely explain the stories and history behind each piece of cultural relic, so that audiences can not only understand how to enjoy the beauty of the cultural relic, but also know the civilization(文明) it carries over the years,” Yu said.
What’s more, it also invited some famous actors to be “national treasure guardians” to tell stories of cultural relics in the episode and even play out them on the stage. Because of its funny lines and time-travel plot (情节), the programme became popular with people of all ages.
26.How many treasures were shown during the programme?
27.When was the programme shown?
28.What was the purpose of producing the programme NationalTreasure?
29.Who were national treasure guardians during the programme?
30.What column(专栏) in a magazine might the passage come from?
win a big prize; find; will be covered live; find out;  a bit boring; is full of

31.The hall        students and teachers. 
32.If you are not a film fan, you will find this film         . 
33.Millie is confident enough to         in the competition. 
34.The little boy decided to         the answer to the question. 
35.That concert         this evening.  
36.[2019·原创] The song in the2018SpringFestivalGala    (sing) by Wang Fei and Na Ying reminds me of the year of 1998.  
37.Have you prepared for the     (come) exam? 
38.Look! There are some students     (play) basketball on the playground. 
39.Now, Mr Smith is the    (wealth) man in the town. 
40.You can go swimming with your friends if your homework     (do).  
         shared bike users is         50 million this year. 
Some wild animals          , and animal-lovers           it.  
A young lady         in her bedroom. I really         it. 
This movie is       a       story. 
The        tonight will        from 8:00 to 9:00. Don’t miss it.  

Ⅰ.1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A
7.A 根据“I’m not sure”可知,此句句意为“可能是你哥哥寄的礼物”,是一种猜测,表可能。故选A。
8.C unless意为“除非”,引导条件状语从句。故选C。
10.B 第一句中的连词if意为“如果”,用来引导条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时表示将来,故用is fine;第二句中的if意为“是否”,引导宾语从句,根据句意可知从句用一般将来时。故选B。
Ⅱ.[主旨大意] 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。讲述了Bob Champion和Aldaniti这对组合与伤病斗争并参加比赛的感人故事。
11.A 阅读上下文可知,Bob Champion应该是有一个光明的未来。故选A。
12.C Bob Champion从马上摔下来,因为受伤去看医生。故选C。
13.B 14.D
15.B 阅读下文可知,Aldaniti是一匹马。故选B。
16.A 由though可知,马的主人没有按照医生要求的那么做,所以此处应该是“拒绝”。故选A。
18.D 通过上文可知,Bob Champion刚出院。故选D。
20.A 根据本段段意可知,Bob Champion和Aldaniti都回到了赛场。故选A。
22.C 根据后文可知,Bob决定骑着Aldaniti参加比赛 。故选C。
23.B 句意:观看比赛的人都知道了Bob Champion和Aldaniti这对组合与伤病斗争的故事。故选B。
24.C 句意:观看比赛的人知道了Bob Champion和Aldaniti这对组合与伤病斗争的故事后,他们都希望这对组合能有一个圆满的结局。故选C。
Ⅲ.26.Twenty-seven./There are twenty-seven./There’re twenty-seven.
27.At 7:30 every Sunday evening.
28.To make national treasures come alive.
29.Some famous actors.
30.History and culture.
Ⅳ.31.is full of 32.a bit boring
33.win a big prize 34.find out
35.will be covered live
Ⅴ.36.sung 37.coming 38.playing
39.wealthiest 40.is done
Ⅵ.41.The number of; expected to reach
42.are in danger; feel/are sad about
43.was found dead; felt sad about
44.based on/upon; science fiction
45.Chat Show; be covered live



