
译林版英语九年级上册 Unit 8 同步练习卷

欢迎关注☞ 凤凰语数外 2022-06-06


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(    )1.—Do you know the boy       is playing football over there?

      —Certainly. He is a friend of mine.

       A. whom   B. which   C. who   D. what

(    )2. The kidnapping       between 9 p. m. and 1 a. m,

       A. took place          

       B. took the place

       C. took place of        

        D. was taken place

(    )3. Don't throw away pens and erasers       you haven't used up.

       A. where   B. that    C. who  D. what

(    )4. The first thing       my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.

       A. which   B. that   C. why    D. who

(    )5.The old man was guilty       theft in the past,but now he has nothing to do

              this case.

       A. from;of         B. with;from   

        C. of; with        D. with;of

(    )6. The police       searching the shops on both sides of the street       any

       possible clues.

       A. are;for         B. are;with

       C. is; for           D. is;with

(    )7. Do you know the year       the Chinese Communist Party was founded?

       A. which             B. that           

        C when       D. on which

(    )8. He never talked to       and no one knew       he did to make money.

       A. someone;how     B. anyone;what

       C. everyone;where   D. someone; what

(    )9. Tom was seen       in the street at 7:00 this morning and I told him       .

       A. playing;don't do so        

       B. playing;not to do so

       C. to play;to do so           

       D. to play; don't do so

(    )10.—Do you know the man       is standing at the door?

       —Yes,I do. He's a friend of       .

       A. when;I        B. who;mine

       C. that;me      D. which;my


   Once there was a very helpful and kind-hearted man.  He would help anyone without expecting anything in return.

   One day while walking along a dusty road,the man saw a wallet,so he  11   the wallet, But then he found it was  12    .Suddenly a woman and a policeman turned up and caught him.

   The woman kept on asking where her money was,but the man answered,"It was empty  13   I found it." The woman shouted at him, "Please give it back to me, and it's my son's tuition(学费)." The man saw that the woman really felt  14   so he handed over all his money.  He could see that the woman was a single mother. The woman left and the policeman asked the man more  15   .

   One day while the woman was going to her son's school,she noticed that someone was walking behind her. She thought that he  16   rob her, so she walked to a policeman.  He was the same policeman that she had taken along to claim her money.  The woman told him about the man following her. They ran to him,and saw that he was the same man that they had caught  17   days ago.

   He looked very weak and the woman was  18   The policeman said to the woman,"He wasn't the thief that day, but having heard about your situation,he gave you his money."

   Then the man told the woman,"Please go ahead and  18   your son's tuition. I saw you and followed you to make sure that no one would steal your money again." The woman was too moved to say  20   .

   Life may give you a strange experience: sometimes it shocks you and sometimes it may also

surprise you.  Be kind and generous.  Learn to appreciate what you are given.

(    )11.A. threw away       B. put down          

C. looked for      D. picked up

(    )12. A. empty           B. dirty             

C. heavy          D. cheap

(    )13. A. before          B. when             

C. until           D. unless

(    )14. A. poor            B. serious            

C. dangerous      D. sad

(    )15. A. questions         B. advice            

C. reasons        D. examples

(    )16. A. should          B. can't               

C. mustn't        D. might

(    )17. A. little            B. a few              

C. a little         D. few

(    )18. A. happy           B. excited            

C. surprised       D. successful

(    )19. A. pay             B. borrow            

C. spend          D. take

(    )20. A. anything         B. everything         

C. so mething      D. nothing



Tree Climbing Course

●The students in the USA started to take tree climbing courses in the 1980s.  Now over 1,000 schools offer tree climbing courses to students in the USA.

●Xiamen University was the first school in China to teach students to climb trees in 2012.  Suzhou No. 1 Junior High School also offers a tree climbing course to students.

Swimming Course

●Starting from 2017, the new students in Tsinghua University need to take a swimming test at the beginning of their university life.

●All primary and middle schools in Hainan will set up swimming courses in 2019. This year the government is busy building swimming pools for schools-at least one for each town, hoping that every student will be able to swim before they leave school from 2020 on.

(    )21 .All primary and middle schools in Hainan will start swimming courses in      .

 A. 2017    B. 2018    C. 2019   D. 2020

(    )22. According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE

 A. China started tree climbing courses earlier than the USA.
 B. Hainan will build at least one swimming pool for each town.
 C. Students in Suzhou need to take a swimming test.
 D. Suzhou No. 1 Junior High School offers a swimming course.


   Who wants to eat food that is thrown away as waste? Believe it or not,that's exactly what world leaders did at a lunch held by the United Nations in 2015.

   During the meal,the world leaders enjoyed dishes like salads and burgers made with thrown-away vegetables and fruits. Chef Dan Barber,  who helped create the meal,Hoped that the experience would make the leaders pay more attention to the issue of food waste.

   It is a huge problem. One out of nine people on Earth does not get enough food. Yet every. year over one third of the food produced worldwide goes to waste!

   Why is so much food wasted? Firstly, food is often thrown away before it reaches customers because too much of it is produced,or because it is not kept properly in farms. Secondly, shops and supermarkets usually throw away unsold food. Finally,customers often buy more food than they need,so a lot of uneaten food is wasted.

   How can you waste less food? When eating out,you may ask for less food and take home what is left. Visit fast food restaurant less often, since they are usually more wasteful.  Encourage your favourite restaurants to give unsold food to food banks.

   You can also waste less food at home.  Use smaller rice bowls so that you serve less rice.

   Encourage family members to use unfinished rice to make rice puddings. Tell family members to make a shopping list and buy only what is on the list when shopping for food.

   Food waste is a growing problem and we,either farmers or food sellers or customers,must take this problem more seriously and do what we can to help.

(    )23. W hat did world leaders do at a lunch held by the United Nations in 2015

 A.They threw away food as waste during the meal.

 B. They made dishes with waste vegetables and fruits.

 C. They ate food made with waste vegetables and fruits.

 D. They helped Chef Dan Barber create the special meal.

(    )24. The underlined word "issue" in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to     .

 A. result  B. problem   C. cause  D. beginning

(    )25. The writer organizes Paragraph 4 by asking a question and      .

        A. giving examples                     

        B. using numbers

        C. listing reasons                       

        D. telling a story


   Shang Yang was a politician of the Qin state. He was very wise and forward-thinking(有远见的).He worked out several reform plans far the state,including focusing on farming and giving rewards(奖赏)to soldiers who were successful during wars.

   But at the beginning these reforms were not easily carried out. Only a few people in the state understood Shang's talent and the advantages of his plans. Most people had little trust and confidence in him.

   To solve this problem,Shang came up with an idea. He ordered some soldiers to put a thin wooden pole at the south gate of the Qin state capital. This attracted many people. Then, in front of the crowd,he said loudly," People of Qin,whoever takes this pole to the north gate will get a reward of 10 gold pieces."

   It was a simple task and the reward was big. Some time passed and no one stepped forward. They all thought that Shang was joking.  Hearing no answer,  Shang stepped forward and said,"I will increase the reward to 50 gold pieces."

   The words sounded even more unbelievable. Finally,a man from the crowd came forward to take the pole. He put the pole on his shoulders and walked to the north gate. Trust to his word, Shang paid the man 50 gold pieces.

   Soon,the people were saying that Shang was a man of his word. When he began promoting(推行)his reforms, the people followed and did not question him.

   Under the great reforms, Qin grew strong and united all the states,becoming the first empire of China. Later, people drew the Chinese idiom“立木取信”from this story.

(    )26. To let people trust him, Shang Yang       .

 A. ordered many young men to join the army

B. gave a reward to anyone who supported him

 C. showed that he could keep his promises

 D. introduced his reforms at the south gate of the capital

(    )27. What does the underlined word "unbelievable" mean in the passage?

 A.不能实现的        B.不可能的

 C.难以理解的        D.难以置信的

(    )28. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

 A. The Chinese idiom“立木取信”just came from this story.

 B. Under the reforms,Qin united all the states.

 C. The man who carried the pole to the north gate was paid o nly 10 gold pieces.

 D. At first,only a few people in the state understood the advantages of Shang

            Yang's plans.


   From Asia to America and everywhere in between,Swing-an energetic form of dance that includes six-step and eight-step rhythms (节奏)一has taken the world by storm. Making a recent comeback swing dance floors have popped up all over the world. Many clubs make fans of Swing happy by holding nights when swing music is played,and sometimes even offering classes to attract customers.

   Though Swing is now popular worldwide,it first appeared alongside the jazz movements of the 1920s and 1930s in New York City. While listening to jazz,the young black people of that time developed the movements of the Lindy Hop-a style of dance that is best known for a break away or "swing out" move and sudden improvisation(即兴表演).

   It was reportedly given this name when a reporter was interviewing a person at the dance hall who was watching other couples dance. When asked what that dance was called,the watcher looked at a newspaper next to him that had an article about Lindbergh-the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic(大西洋)一which was titled,"Lindy Hops the Atlantic". Then the watcher announced that the "Lindy Hop" was the name of the dance,and it has stuck since then.

   In 1926,the Savoy Ballroom was the first large business to offer a place for people to listen to swing music and dance. With its huge dance floor,the Savoy became a big success overnight,attracting some of the best dancers and musicians in the New York area.

   Within ten years,the Lindy Hops was sweeping through the United States and became a symbol of unity, as young people of all racial(种族的)backgrounds crowded into dance halls to swing the night away. Traditional dance teachers did not welcome it because they thought it was not even a real dance and were quite sure about its demise,but Swing has proved them wrong; it continues to be one of the world's most fun dances.

(     )29. The writing purpose of this passage is      .

         A. to introduce a popular form of dance

         B. to discover the fun secrets of a dance

         C. to tell stories about an energetic dance

         D. to describe the special moves of a dance

(    )30. Which of the following words has the closest meaning to "demise"?

         A. Challenge.    B. Change.

         C. Development.     D. Death.

(    )31 .What can we learn about Swing?

         A. It's a lively dance with strict rules.

         B. It has a close connection to a pilot.

         C. It has a history of around 90 years.

         D. It attracts mostly young black people.

(    )32. What can we infer(推断)from the passage?

         A. The dance style will soon be accepted by traditional dance teachers.

         B. The name was changed from "Lindy Hop" to "Swing" in the 1940s.

         C. The movements of different Swing dancers always look the same.

         D. The dance might have become unpopular sometime in its history.


   There are some skills for students to listen to teacher in class,which means you're going to have to practice it.  Just as you would have to practice basketball to be a better player,you also have to practice listening. How to listen in school?   33  

   One of the things you need to do is to make sure that your mind doesn't wander(漫游).It's easy to start thinking about other things,especially when you're not interested in the subject.   34  

   Next,listen for the main ideas. If you want to catch every little piece of information, you'll feel tired and bored.   35   Not only does this show respect(尊重)to the teacher,but it also helps prevent your mind from wandering.   36   Or it could just be someone talking to their neighbors who shouldn't be, it can even be some birds outside the classroom window, or a group of kids who are talking loudly as they pass the door to your room.

   Finally, you need to take notes because you will not remember everything the teacher said. You'll have to take down the notes so that you can study it after class.  37   Listening isn't always easy,but if you follow these simple steps,you'll be much more successful in your classes.

A. Here are some suggestions.

B. You'll also need to look at the teacher.

C. It might be a friend who is trying to pass you a note.

D. Taking notes also makes you pay attention to the class.

E. So make yourself pay attention to what the teacher is saying.

F. You will obey the rules.

G. It's not necessary for you to make notes.

33.         34.         35.         36.         37.        



38. Judy is really an     (不整洁的)girl.  She never cleans up her bedroom.

39. Good chances always hide     (在某处)around us,waiting for careful people to find


40. He is a man of great     (财富),and he is very generous to the poor.

41. My brother is still     (单身的)though he is already 35 years old.

42. Any person who. does something     (违反)the law will be put into prison.

43. It was said tfiat the old man was     (指控)with murder and arrested.

44.Getting a visa is not as simple as you have     (料想).

45.一My house was     into last night.

  一Is anything gone?

46.—I saw you running down the street last night. Where were you going?

  一Oh,I was in a     to my mum's home. She fell to the floor by accident.

47.一Floods may be caused in many parts of the country when it rains     .

  一Yes, especially in the rainforests.













   When it comes to the letter grade on your test or homework, you might notice that there is no letter E. Have you ever thought about why that is so?

   In the A, B, C, D and F grading system, the first four letters are typically considered passing grades. An F in this system simply stands for "fail". The word "fail" happens to start with the letter F, which seems to leave out the letter E.

   The first college in the US to use a letter grading system like the ones we use today is Mount Holyoke College. In 1897, they began to use the following grading scale;

   A: 95-100% (excellent)         B: 85-94% (good)      C: 76-84% (fair)

   D: 75%( nearly passed)         E: below 75% (failed)

   We can see the inclusion of E instead of F.

   Gradually, the letter grading system became more popular all over the US. However, many schools decided to drop the E grade and go straight to F. There is no evidence(证据) to really support this, but one possible explanation is that teachers were worried that some students and parents might mistake E for "excellent".

   Why do we have letter grades? Well, part of the reason is that they made grading simpler during a time of great change for schools. As the 20th century began, growing cities and an increase in immigration led to larger school classrooms. Most teachers at that time thought this new letter grading system was an easy, fair and clear way to grade students.

   Today, more and more people think that letter grades don't fully show students' learning. However, as teachers try to improve grading methods, many parents continue to prefer the letter grades they got as kids,  as they are familiar and easy for parents to understand. So while they might not be perfect, the letter grades probably aren't going away any time soon.

53. When was the letter grading system first used in the US college


54. What is one possible reason for dropping the E grade


55. If you're a teacher, do you prefer the letter grades? Why or why not?














Dear Sir/Madam

   I'm writing to report a robbery to you.                                          







   I hope the information will help you catch the robbers.

                                                              Yours faithfully,

                                                                      Li Hua



1-5 CABBC  6-10 ACBBB


11-15 DABDA  16-20 DBCAA


21-22 CB

23-25 CBC

26-28 CDC

29-32 ADCA


33-37 AEBCD


38. untidy  39. somewhere  40. wealth  41. single  42. against

43. charged  44. supposed  45. broken  46. hurry  47. heavily


48. The police have confirmed that the victim was wounded with a gun and bled to death.

49. Don't worry. Detective Wang is sure to find useful clues to solve the case/crime.

50. The collected information and materials can prove him guilty of murder crime.

51. Please contact the police at once if you have any clues.

52. The suspect said that he could prove he wasn't at the scene when the crime took plave.


53. It was first used in 1897.

54. Teachers were worried that some students and parents might mistake E for "excellent'.

55. 略




