
WUE·Canada|What Can A 11-year-old Girl See Amid The Pandemic?

地球er 地球公场 2022-08-09




Before any human being can move to Mars, we are all on the same planet. Regardless of nationalities, race, religion or time zone, we are citizens of the earth. At WUE-WeUnitedEarth, we are here to connect, support, and care for one another.

The Editor's Notes

Globally, more than 3.45 million cases of COVID -19 had been confirmed by May 3th.

America has more than 1.18 million confirmed cases, with 30568 new cases added over the previous day. Canada has a total of 59,474 confirmed cases, with 2760 increased new cases the day before, ranking 12th in the world.


Two neighbouring provinces, Quebec and Ontario, are worst-hit areas in Canada. In mid-April, Quebec was forced by the economic pressure to follow British announcement of a "Group Immunization Program ", hoping to restart the economy and even offer to open schools and kindergartens. The plan drew joint opposition from Canadians.


Ontario, by contrast, is the seat of the Canadian capital, Ottawa, and the "economic restart plan" here is more cautious, declaring school closures extend until at least May 29th.


Fortunately, Canada's prime minister, Justin Trudeau, made it clear on April 25th that "I don' t think we have any hope to get immunization of groups or individuals (to restart the economy)." He stressed that Canada currently focused on continuing its social isolation policy and providing more personal protective equipment.


Caitlyn Jessop is a “after 05s" child from Ontario, Canada, and also a conceptual citizen of earth. She was born in Toronto and now lives in Newmarket. Invited by WUE (WeUnitedEarth), Caitlyn shares her views with us about how Canada goes about under the COVID-19.


From her records, we can strongly feel a 11-year-old Canadian girl’s thoughts and worries about the pandemic and the childlike innocence exuding from her words.





Caitlyn Jessop with WUE in Canada

“Stay home, and stay safe”

Several days ago, WUE has shared a COVID-19 journal from Canada 【WUE·Canada| Voice from the basement of Toronto】(click the link to read). Today we will look at Canada from another perspective.

Hi, I’m Caitlyn Jessop and I am from Canada. I was born in Toronto, and moved to Newmarket with my family at the age of 7. 

The COVID-19 is so horrible that too many people are scared. I've heard that more than 50,000 people in Canada have been confirmedwith the COVID-19. Our province has had almost 20,000 confirmed cases(By May 2nd, the exact number is 17,119, ranking second among the provinces).

Being quarantined by the COVID-19 is stressful because I'm a kid, and kids don't listen to anyone. Before the COVID-19, my mom and dad would want me to go outside and I would want to stay in and play Roblox on my phone. 

Because of the pandemic, Caitlyn has to stay at home and play games by herself. Photo From:Caitlyn

But now that I have to stay inside, I miss the outside. Ontario, Canada’s largest populous province, declared a state of emergency on March 17th (local time), with more than 50 people banned from gathering and restaurants only serving takeout. To be honest,I now always want to go on a walk or for a bike ride.I also want to go to the park with my friends or just with my parents, but I can't because it's not a normal week off school and all the parks are closed.

The COVID-19 is causing the schools to close down so my mom is getting me to do work at home and it can be very annoying. The work, not my mom. I also don't get to see my friends at school or learn new things with them. What terrible virus!

Schools and playgrounds are closed and school closures are postponed at least until May 29th. Photo From: Caitlyn

Schools in Ontario will be extended until May 29th. Photo From Twitter@Education Ontario

But I bet that I'm not the only one who's scared about getting the virus. Prime Minister Trudeau's wife was tested positive for COVID-19 but it now has been declared that she has recovered. I would think that he would be scared and worried. Speaking of Prime Minister Trudeau,I know he can't save everyone's lives but he is trying to save as many lives as he can and I feel like he is trying his hardest to keep everyone inside and 6 feet apart when we are out in public.

I've also learned that in Ontario, the government waived the three-month waiting period for health insuranceand paid for patients who got COVID-19 and did not meet social security requirements. That's good news for many people who didn’t buy health insurance.

Photo From Twitter @ONThealth

As of today (on May 3rd , local time), Trudeau announced that in May, the Canada Child Benefit would provide a benefit to families with children, each of whom would receive 300 Canadian dollars to help each family tide over the difficulties.

The news said that if we are going out, we must keep a distance of 6 feet between each other in public places. I get scared every time my mom or dad goes out to get food and every time my mom goes to work at the bank. My mother told me that although her bank does not recommend staff to wear masks, a new glass baffle has been set up at the counter to prevent people from spraying each other when talking.

It's not only my family that I'm worried about. One of my friends wasn't at school one the day before March break so I brought her all the stuff that she might want when we are isolated, and when I got there to give her her stuff I asked why she wasn't at school that day and she said she was sick, but she said she only had a cold, but I still got worried because she's my friend and I don't ever want my friends to get sick, especially now.

I don't know when all of this is going to be over but I do know that when it is my friends are probably going to act all cool, and I will too but on the inside.I will so want to hug them and go"are you alright? were you guys scared?" 

Because I feel like in our little group I am sort of the one who wants to make sure my friends are okay and happy.

In the mid- and late April, adults told me that the outbreak of inflection point of the pandemic in Canada had almost come. It should be a little closer to my school days and meeting my good friends.

On April 28th governor Ford said our province had to consider restarting the economy. It is possible that many stores will gradually start to resume their business on May 18th. Some local residents have also staged rallies to protest against the city's blockade, hoping to come back the right track as soon as possible.

At Queen's Park, Ontario, some residents protested against the city blockade. Photo From Twitter @CWNLIVE

Can this place where we live together come back to what it used to be ?

Governor Ford declared three phases of the restart plan at the press conference:

The first stage: Enterprises that meet public health guidelines can open business immediately. Some outdoor areas, including parks.

The second Phase: More workplaces based on risk assessment can open up, which may include some service and retail industries and some larger gatherings.

The third Phase: Further lift restrictions on public gatherings. But large-scale parties such as concerts and sporting events will still be hemmed in.

Prime Minister Trudeau also said that we can not rush to achieve success, and the plan for economic recovery should be carried out step by step considering the actual situation. He stressed that Canada currently focused on continuing its social isolation policy

The number of new confirmed cases in Ontario has declined recently, with 434 new cases added today (on May 3rd). Although I’m eager to meet with my friends, I am still very worried.

The daily new cases in Ontario. 434 new cases are added on May 3rd . Photo From:https://www.covid-19canada.com/

In the future, I think that everyone is still going to use a lot of hand sanitizer, and all those things but, hopefully, the COVID-19 will calm down, maybe even stop, so schools can open up again, we can all travel butmost importantly see our friends and family.

I am excited for all of this to be over because then I can go on a trip my family has been saving for, see my aunt and baby cousin, go back to school, I will get to see my other cousin, who got a new bunny rabbit so I'm really happy about that.

This is the forest park that Caitlyn and her friends often went to before the outbreak of COVID-19. Photo From: Caitlyn

I am also excited to go play outside in the trees and the parks. My neighbor and I used to always got to this one tree and climb into it. I would bring our phones, snacks, books because we both love to read, but our favorite time to do that is in the summer when the leaves are red and green and the sun is out so the shade in the tree feels extra nice, but mostly because when we get back we would eat a popsicle together on the front porch. These are all my thoughts about the COVID-19 and all my worries that come with it.

Be safe and wash your hands frequently. Take care!


Caitlyn Jessop, 11 years old. She was born in Toronto, Canada, and now lives in Newmarket. Her father is a business consultant; her mother works in a Canadian bank and owns a custom-make travel agency. Therefore, Caitlyn has traveled a lot since her childhood, and she is a "global citizen" with rich "travel experience".

Amid the pandemic, her biggest wish is that everybody can be okay and happy.

The article only represents the author's personal views. For more information, please refer to the previous articles of WUE2020 Campaign.

WUE Campaign 2020

WUE·Atlanta | Dog Day of Atlanta(1)

WUE·USA| Bottled Up, Still Breathing(2)【Article+Video】

WUE·Canada| Voice from the basement of Toronto

WUE·NYC|A Chinese Doctor,“We've tested over 100 COVID-19 cases”

WUE·NYC |A Coronavirus Journal of A New York Musician(1)

WUE·NYC | A Coronavirus Journal of A New York Musician(2)

WUE|We expect to hear from you amid the pandemic!



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WUE·纽约 |一位纽约音乐人的疫情日记(2)


Author:Caitlyn Jessop | Translator:Eva

Text & Video Editor:CICI

 Chief Editor:OHIA

Produced By WUE




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